Processor stuck in motherboard


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2005
I'm having a very weird problem. After taking apart my DFI lanparty nf4 motherboard to install and new s939 opty 185, my opty 146 is stuck in the cpu slot. The heatsink is off and the metal clip is raised up, but the processor wont come out. I thought it was supposed to gently lift out, but it isn't. I have taken a pair of channel locks (all I have right now) and tried to grip the sides and pull it out, but it hasn't came yet, but I havent been able to get a good grip. A little bit of the green coating came off the chip, I hope it doesn't hurt it. I have no clue what to do to get this thing out.
chances are there is a bent pin (or a few) that are holding the processor in place. Also make sure the lever is raised all the way up and snaps into an almost vertical position.
Does it move at all, or is it stuck in there as if to be glued in place?

I wonder if it melted in there... Never had it happen to a cpu, but my atx connector melted to my mobo before...

On to being somewhat productive.... Try jiggling the lever up and down some while trying to pull it out with the other hand or something? Quite the pita of a problem you have here.
I had the same thing happen to me on a s939 motherboard, turns out that even though the lever appears to be up, it won't go all the way up without a little bit of force.

I know it feels like the lever is up as far as it will go, but try pushing it a little further. I had to apply a fair amount of pressure before the lever gave out a little pop and opened up all the way, allowing the chip to gently lift out.

I think the cause has something to do with when the contacts in the socket bind to the gold plating on the pins.
I had the same thing happen to me on a s939 motherboard, turns out that even though the lever appears to be up, it won't go all the way up without a little bit of force.

I know it feels like the lever is up as far as it will go, but try pushing it a little further. I had to apply a fair amount of pressure before the lever gave out a little pop and opened up all the way, allowing the chip to gently lift out.

I think the cause has something to do with when the contacts in the socket bind to the gold plating on the pins.

Exactly what it was, got home from a movie tonight and just crammed it straight vertical lol. I hate it when its the little things like that, always afraid im going to break something, but its better than it being a bent pin.
Making sure the ZIF lever is all the way up, take a plastic putty knife or something similiar and twist the knife of one corner until it starts to move a little and then switch to the opposite corner. When it won't lift out, it will usually lever out. :cool: