Program Auto-Restart


Mar 23, 2005

Is there any way to modify a program (in this case Azureus) to restart automatically in the event that it decided to crash on its self? A few times now it has done this to me (I don't know the cause, or I'd address it), and I don't like that I come back to my computer to see no progress on my files has been made.

Thank you.
My apologies, it hadn't occurred to me that the program is for about 3 different OS's. I'm currently using Windows XP with SP2.
1) Get the source code
2) Fix the crashing bug.

Seriously, it's a fool's errand to just keep restarting. Say you restart and the crash just happens again. Then, you're just sitting around restarting and restarting. Was there data corruption? Spew? A problem with other resources? And so on?

The naieve approach is the wrong one, in this case. The right thing to do is to fix the bugs.
Several MS programs (Office, VS, etc) do exactly what the OP is asking. It's not even funny to have that happen when the last save point doesn't include my last changes. :mad: The source code doesn't seem to be available. At least that feature is improved in Office 2007 to be less annoying.

Azureus is a Java app. I'd just recommend he use a different bittorrent client instead if Azureus is crashing all the time.
Several MS programs (Office, VS, etc) do exactly what the OP is asking.
They restart, but they don't do exactly what he's asking. What he's asked for is a way to have another program blindly restart one that's crashed. What the Office programs do is restart themselves, optionally, if they understand why they crashed. The program restarting itself can detect its own hopeless loops, offer the user a way to short-circuit out of them, log the crash, report it to the vendor, and so on.

An outside program that forces a restart does so blindly. It could analyse the crash, but that's not been brought up in this thread so far.