program to tell me song name and artist


Jul 27, 2005
when i rip cd's to my computer. it doesnt tell me what the artist name and title.

is there any program that can get me that info?

What are you currently using to rip your songs? Just about ever app out there that makes quality copies will add the song info.

Get LAME and then use either EAC or CDex. If you haven't been using one of those two, you might want to redo your collection.
You just need to configure whatever program you are using to rip the audio to communicate with CDDB or one of the other sites that provides this information.
Both of these men speak of the truth. My setup has EAC as the front end ripper, I have it contact cddb to grab the track data for the CD, and I set up EAC to use LAME (or FLAC) as the encoder to encode the ripped music with, and I tell it to tag all my files with ID3 tags and what fields to tag (basically sending command line arguments to the encoders).

The final result - good rips, good encodes, identifiable tracks. :D
ive been using itunes to rip my music. is that bad :eek:

i guess ill try LAME and either EAC or CDex
I believe by default that iTunes just rips the track number and song name to the file you're ripping but it'll include everything else it pulls from the interent.