Programs to view a video capture card


Aug 18, 2001
Ok what I have is an old K-World Xpert DVD maker card (VS-L883D). I found the drivers for windows 7, its installed and according to windows up and running. Now my problem: I have no software to view it! I tried the PVR Plus that it came with, no dice, TVR does not want to run in windows 7. I tried windows media center, but it says it does not find the tv tuner (well duh, its not a tuner). I tried Myth tv back in the day and didn't like it. All I need is a way to capture video from my capture card. Any idea's or a way to make WMC see this card?

Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit
K-world/V-Stream Xpert DVD Maker (VS-L883D)
VLC will work just fine for this.

You can view your capture card and record it's video/audio.
Dscaler used to be the primary way for watching live video capture many years ago, but i dont know if it would work with your hardware and os.


Have you tried windows movie maker / whatever they call the windows "live" version? Its not installed by default, you need to go through windows update -> optional -> windows live essentials 2011.
I havent used it, but i would think it should support capturing video.
Well VLC lets me view it, but it looks like crap due to my resolution being so high (running at 1680 x 1050). When I try to increase the size it gets blurred pretty badly. Windows Movie Maker doesn't see my vid cap card, neither does windows media center. So far I think my best option is the avermedia hdmi vid capture card, the only down side is anything that is HDCP protected won't show. That or I'm going to have to get a new tuner card that has a/v inputs.

The biggest reason for all this is I just got Cox's whole home dvr and one of the clients went into my computer room. Since I'm running two computers, modem, router, monitor and various charging devices for my work I really do not want to put a tv in here as well, especially since its just me watching it. Oh well, I'll see if I can tweak the settings around a bit


Well fuck it, I'm done. Nothing I could do would make it worth watching. I've tried VLC, and though it plays the video/audio it looks like total arse. Windows Movie Maker has no capture option and Media Center only works with tv tuners, not video capture cards. I've tried getting PVR-Plus to work and it was more buggy than WinME (yes, it was that bad). I tried other PVR software but nothing would read from my old capture card. Guess its time to retire this card to the garbage can and invest in a new one.

Anybody have any luck with capture cards in Win7? I don't need HD, don't want to mess with the whole HDCP crap. Just need something that will accept the old A/V yellow, red and white connection that is either supported by WMC or has a decent program with it.
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