Project BBS - 8'x4' Simulator (56k maybe)


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
Hello! Long time lurker first time poster (too many forums to sign up for them all!). I like [H] so much that I thought I'd post here first, a world exclusive :) .

So I decided to build a flight/racing simulator codenamed Project BBS (Black Box Simulator) after the flight recorders in aircraft (and that it's was going to be black and it's a box!). I’ve had this idea for years and finally got a house and time to do it!

I started with a seat from a Honda Civic (I believe!) that I acquired from a collision repair center for $25 a piece:


I bolted it to a frame and built up walls. It had the original sliders so it actually moves and adjusts back and forth just like it did when it was in the vehicle!



I built a desk and finished the walls:




I put in 5.1 surround sound speakers, pointed at the seat:


Here it was 4 am on night 7 and caring about having everything really nice went out the window. I only had a freehand circular saw and no sawhorses. So cutting the sheets for the outside was guesswork and not straight at all. So I gave up on making the outside look good. Function over style. Still plays the same!

I also couldn’t find black board so it turned into Project Brown Box Simulator. In between both sets of hinges are the doors that open and close.


Inside view. Notice the Logitech MOMO force feedback racing wheel with pedals. Saitek X45 joystick and throttle. Wireless keyboard and wireless mouse (MX700).


A view back. Notice the rack of CD’s mounted to the post and the dome light above.


Another view of the inside:


In the dark. Notice the blue glow from underneath. This is set to a dimmer switch so you can adjust the intensity:


Behind/overhead view:


In the dark:


Rear where the computer sits (Athlon XP 2200 / ATI Radeon 9700 Pro)


Front left dash. From left to right: Cup holder, dimmer switch for underneath lights, and surround sound speaker controls.


The joystick and throttle are on Velcro so that you can pick them up and put them wherever on the board that you want and they still stay firm. You can also remove them all together and put on a mouse surface and Belkin Nostromo N50 keyboard pad (not shown).


Another view of the pedals. Notice that I used an actual rubber car mat. It grips the pedals much better. Have to clean! A lot of the dust and wood got inside!


Now what fun is it to be enclosed but your friends can’t watch? So I put an external LCD that shows you playing:


Now what fun is it to play by yourself? So I’m building another! It’s ¼ done and will sit to the right of the existing one. There will be a 2’ walkway in between. With the doors open you can look over and see your friend playing. Almost like you are drag racing! I’ll post pics when that is done (later this week).

Future plans include touching up, cleaning, putting an in-dash CDROM so you don’t have to twist around to change CDs, instruments from airplanes in the dash, and redoing the outside panels when I get better tools!

I appreciate any comments or questions you may have! Thanks for listening!
I think it would be cooler if you had like 3 monitors in there to make it seem more realistic or at least have a really big monitor.
I was going to have 3 monitors but the only option for gaming was the matrox Parhelia. That doesn't give the perfomance I want for the money so I'm hoping in the future that Nvidia and ATI come out with something (Maybe Nvidia's SLI with the Horizontal Spanning?)
I really have to ask...what was the point of that with that really crapass monitor? Two 2001FP's next to each other, at eye level, with a 5.1 surround sound system, would be fantastic...just a thought. seems like that was a whole lot of work and money for, well, nothing
I don't see a Viewsonic 19" as "craptastic". As stated, it's a gaming machine. Not a lot of games support dual monitors. I'm hoping for a larger monitor and looking toward the future with the hope of multiple monitors that can play games.
I love it. And you even included the oh-so-important cupholder. :D I wish I had the tools and the money to build something like that. Mmmm thats gawdly. :cool:

Only thing I can think of is to change the computer into a desktop case and mount that in the dash. And about the brown, a nice coat of paint can fix that.
Thanks. It really didn't cost a whole lot. I had some of the wood around from starting to finish the basement and all computer parts (minus the controllers) I had previously. In my line of work I get extras once in a while (like the cheap LCDs for the backs). I had the 5.1 surround sound for each system, etc. If I am to purchase anything else for it, I will definitley go for a larger monitor. The 19" looks so small there in that space! Maybe when I get the money a 30" LCD TV would be good!
that is pretty cool man. good work with it. if you goto the htpc forums, and see the people there with the 50" hdtvs, man, that would be awesome in that space!

you laid the foundation, good work.
Nice! Don't listen to these guys about your monitor. Some great ideas that I might "borrow" when I get around to making something similar ;) .
Thanks. If you have any questions when you get going, feel free to PM me, FiZ. The first one took me the longest because I was designing and trying out everything. Desk height, how to mount the wheel, etc. Hopefully people can take my ideas and experience and improve upon them.
Not to bash on the monitor, but it does look a bit small in that big area - I would look into a 36" TV or something nice and big to at least fill the shelf
Chameleoki said:
I don't see a Viewsonic 19" as "craptastic". As stated, it's a gaming machine. Not a lot of games support dual monitors. I'm hoping for a larger monitor and looking toward the future with the hope of multiple monitors that can play games.

Nearly all flight sims I know of (my dad is big into them) have dual monitor support. I dont know about racing games. In any case, even a single 21 inch LCD at eye level would be fantastic for that. Having a curved CRT cant be good for your eyes or the gaming experiance. Thats just my two cents from dealing with gaming and flight sims.
Grizzy said:
Not to bash on the monitor, but it does look a bit small in that big area - I would look into a 36" TV or something nice and big to at least fill the shelf

exactly. I'm surprised its a 19 inch because it looks tiny in that space.
Yup, all in good time. This is phase one. Once I get some more money, I'd like to upgrade the monitor. I wanted this to be versatile so that I can improve it in the future. Hence the large desk with only a 19".
Nearly all flight sims I know of (my dad is big into them) have dual monitor support. I dont know about racing games. In any case, even a single 21 inch LCD at eye level would be fantastic for that. Having a curved CRT cant be good for your eyes or the gaming experiance. Thats just my two cents from dealing with gaming and flight sims.

Now that you mention it, I recall seeing something about a guy rigging up like 3 monitors to his computer for flight sim games. Each monitor was dedicated to one of the windows of the planes. If you look left, that would be looking out the left window. I'll try and find it again, but it was a while ago so I cant guarantee that I'll find it.
Yeah, MS Flight Simulator + utility will let you have multiple monitors/computers running different views. That would be cool. Might have to do that.
can anyone say bondage chamber?

interesting setup. but why couldnt you have just turned off all the lights in your room?
maybe im missing something. /not in the loop
Well, if people are watching in the room/playing on other computers, they might want the lights on. The other reason was so that each surround sound was somewhat self-contained (since there will be two of them). Plus, I liked the full darkness of the box.
That is soo cool! :)
I used to have a walk in closet where I used to play games.
That's really cool, albeit a little excessive. I'll echo the comments of everyone else, you need a bigger/better monitor(s). I don't know where you found the space for that inside your house. :)
i would say empty that whole room invest in a projector and use the whole wall as ur screen or use half of it so u can have 2 projectors
Really cool. How are the accoustics of the 5.1 speakers?

Have you ever considered modding your computer case? Maybe make like a wood enclosure or something.

Also wondering, what line of work are you in? Videogame industry or wood working? :p
imagine all the porn you can look at in there and no one will know you are doing it....errrrr wait you have that external monitor :D scratch that idea
just out of curiosity where is this?

I thought -due to the size of it and now having two- it was a basement but it looks like there is a window in there..

cool idea though kind of like a battlemech simulator thing I played when I was in NYC a few years ago.
The acoustics are great. Since they are right around you they don't even have to be turned up very loud to get a good effect.

Yes, I have thought about modding my case, but you have to have priorities! :) I'll probably build it into the dash. There's so much I want to add or change that this is definitely stage one.

It's in my basement (my basement has window wells and the ground is pretty low at that point). The room right now was supposed to be two separate rooms but I made them into one by not putting the center wall.

Oh, and I work as a network admin / hardware guy. You can obviously tell by my crappy outside work that I am nowhere near a woodworker!
Another idea to supplement getting a bigger monitor: make a shelf for holding the mouse and keyboard so that they are off the desk. Then, get a monitor that will basically fill up the entire desk.
That is cool, though. Nice, small, easy build for someone that wants to just do driving games.
I really think thats a cool project. Seems to function great. I will add though.. make it look pretty. People will be in awe if it were sharp looking.

On the outside ... either recut or cover the brown wood. Use some Diamondplating on the edges.. and maybe some neons or blacklights. On the inside.. cover all the wood with some cloth material, dark in color would be nice.Maybe carpet it or something.

After that you got a kick ass simulator... good job!
Great project!

Though as the above poster mentioned I would highly recommend making it look better. How it is now, well it doesn't look all that nice. Also, once you have more then one setup you're going to have conflicting sounds coming from the two sets of speakers. While that's not a huge concern, it'd still be distracting, most definitely for the people outside watching. It'd be rad if you could some how sound deaden the chambers. Use acoustical foam on the inside, drywall or some other heavy material on the outside, et cetera. The drywall would also help make it look better once you get it all cleaned up.

I'd also work on cleaning up the inside, and not only the saw dust ;) Wiring, presentation, everything.

Please don't take any of my comments as insults however, I think your project looks fuckin' RAD! I wish I could do the same! It has so much potential to be something GREAT. Ya know?

Again, good job :)
Points taken. I will definitely clean it up. I'm not sold on the brown board so that's another reason I don't care to make it look 100%. Good idea on the inside, too. Drywall for the outside is not a bad idea.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions.
If you really wanted to go for looks, I suppose you could add analog dials into the dash. Have them set to display the temps and such for the computer.
The more I think about your project, and the more I think about my comments... Man I wish I could do this, I even have the space!

I think it'd be so very awesome to have acoustical foam on the inside. Even if it doesn't do much for sound, it'd LOOK rad :)

Shoot if you ever intend to carpet or tile or do something to your basement floor, the drywall and a bit more work could make them look like permanent fixtures in there :)

Man... I'm getting visions already.
