Project: Beast III

i never had 110/120 grab ahold of me, and i cant say anything about 220/240 (will never be that lazy working around mains again after the first time replacing a switch that i thought the breaker was off)

it's not a good feeling either way!
I have been to all most all forums, and i have been around the world. I would like to say and honestly this is the best mod i have seen period.

OP you are &^%&^&^ Genius, i wish you good luck, and i will be watching this also from time to time.

I am challanging any one to show me a better MOD in any forum around the world.

Period !
I have been to all most all forums, and i have been around the world. I would like to say and honestly this is the best mod i have seen period.

OP you are &^%&^&^ Genius, i wish you good luck, and i will be watching this also from time to time.

I am challanging any one to show me a better MOD in any forum around the world.

Period !

In all deference to Stevennoland, there is only one mod that even comes close, although I am not sure anyone here has seen it. You've thrown the gauntlet, so check it out:

Dark Blade by G69T.

Both are awesome mods by machinists and I love em both. I was just showing a friend both of these the other day!

Great work, keep it up! I love it so far and it really has been great to watch.:cool:
There are more than 6 billion on the planet, and good GOD there are people like OP who are full of talent
Oh my God, Dark Blade is the MOD of the Century. Just pure perfection of ART and TALENT. :D
Dark Blade is cool, but way overdone IMO. I think this one is going to be much better.
I feel the same way, and I think Stevennoland is going in the right direction with this one. Very industrial looking and stout, and he's doing a lot by hand, which makes it all the more [H]ard. I remember him posting early on about having some spare titanium to make wheels with and it was just comical to me:

"Oh jeez, gotta clean the toolbox of all this titanium, aluminum, and sundries. Where's the dumpster? Wait, I'll mod a case instead! Everyone knows just how hawt titanium dubz are!" ;)

And yes, they are! Steven, where you at? More mod pics for my withdrawal symptoms!
Yes, I am still alive. Much to popular belief. Rest assured, I have been very busy on the 'Beast'. Here for your viewing and reading pleasure is my latest endeavor. I was going to call it a Reserator, but that one is taken. So I came up with the name of 'RADIVOR'! Shor for radiator reservior. This little project is not completely finished, there are few things still left to complete. I did feel there was enought to whet your appetite. On with the post:

Here is the plexi I started with

I then squared up these blocks

Next, I drilled and tapped for some Danger Den G1/4 fittings

I then milled a pocket, and added some holes (what they are for should become self explanitory)

Close-ups (there will be groove between the pocket and the screw holes where an o-ring gasket will seal the plexi and aluminum covers)






In this shot I added the counter bores


These plexi tubs will have these as covers. Aluminum

Holes, LOTS of holes (oh, and counter sinks for the flat head screws)


This is the plexi and aluminum joined up



To mate these two halves, I created some tubes that will look like miniature varsions of the ones on the back of the power supply shroud (these are yet to be finned, there is one to give you an idea)

There is going to be a 5/16-24 thread in there and a face groove

Here is the finned version (the fins are going to take a bit of time)


Here is that thread and face groove

The o-ring

To hold these tubes, I made these cinches


The two smaller holes are for the custom wrench to cinch these babies up (tool is yet to be made)

To hold some 80mm fans to this beast, I had to make some adapters. Here is some 3/4 inch stk turned to .570" diameter

I then added a c-sink for a 6-32 flat head screw and two 8-32 threaded holes for the fans

I then cut them off to .200" length


This is where the adapters will seat. The two half slofts are for the 8-32 screw clearance


The adapter seated


Here is how all this is going together. Remember, a lot of this is still unsanded and not completely de-burred











Here is the aluminum tops added

Here is a shot of how the hose barbs will look



Here is how the 80mm fans will attach



My built in plenum

This assembly will be located in the bottom three slots of the 5.25 bay slots.

I hope this will hold you for now.

Stay tuned!!
Holy thread update Batman! Those are some sexy pics. You should rename this worklog as NSFW as it has some much [H]ardware porn. :p

Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see the finished project (and I bet you can't either). How much does the machine weight now?
Excessive is not the word :D

Effing godly. there are SO many radiators in this, you could put HW labs out of business lmfao :D

/wait for more
Wow thats the best work ive seen so far. This case will probibly worth $10,000 - $20,000 or even more because of the labor work of it and the design! Can't wait till it is completed! I bet you will Win lots of case mods awards with this thing! Give us updates!! :) Oh yea and mind telling us roughly how much money and hours have you put into this case mod?
*This guy has too much money on hands! :D*
You could start your own water cooling radiator company :)

You have 1337 L33t Uber skillz!
Hey all, thanks for the kudos. I have no idea on some of the questions you have posted.

Cost? I have spent over a grand but less than two. (Getting close though)

Weight? Don't know yet. There are still itmes in my mind that have yet to see light. I'm going to guess over 100 but less than 150 pounds.

Time spent. Another guess, hundreds of hours. I started this thing over 14 months ago. I wish I could spend more time, but life intrudes.

Thanks for your patience.

Again, stay tuned!!
Do you think you could give us a time on when there will be an update of your progress?! I can't wait! :D
14 months?!

after about 2 - 3 months, i feel the itch to mod a new case. I definitely wouldn't want to be looking at or working on the same case for that long.

i guess i commend your persistence
14 months?!

after about 2 - 3 months, i feel the itch to mod a new case. I definitely wouldn't want to be looking at or working on the same case for that long.

i guess i commend your persistence

Well you should look at what hes doing now, Its plain awesome. He just probibly decided that he wants to see how good he can do at modding cases(Probibly hes the best right now at modding, the best I've known of so far)

Maybe you saw the work of his already and just jealous that you couldn't do something as good as him? and then posted that.
Well you should look at what hes doing now, Its plain awesome. He just probibly decided that he wants to see how good he can do at modding cases(Probibly hes the best right now at modding, the best I've known of so far)

Maybe you saw the work of his already and just jealous that you couldn't do something as good as him? and then posted that.

Modding my ass. :D. This went far beyond a case mod way the hell back in the work log.

Anyway, how do you get jealousy out the post you quoted. It was admiration if I ever saw it. The guy was impressed with how Steven has stuck with it as long as he has because he (the quoted) would not have had the patience to do so.. Oh well, end of discussion on that I guess. More pics :D
The shot with the tubes all in reminds me somewhat of the alien oxygen creating machine in that old Arnold Schwarzenegger film Total Recall for some reason! Hawt as usual! :eek:
my mind just blew up all over my keyboard and monitor!

err wait, wrong head!

very very nice work man
Well you should look at what hes doing now, Its plain awesome. He just probibly decided that he wants to see how good he can do at modding cases(Probibly hes the best right now at modding, the best I've known of so far)

Maybe you saw the work of his already and just jealous that you couldn't do something as good as him? and then posted that.
lol @ you.
I swear to god this guy has to have alien technology in his brain, no mortal human being could come up with so much stuff on his own... SIMPLY AMAZING... No Wait, F that, Complicatedly Amazing!!! :eek:
I swear to god this guy has to have alien technology in his brain, no mortal human being could come up with so much stuff on his own... SIMPLY AMAZING... No Wait, F that, Complicatedly Amazing!!! :eek:

second that! maybe he is an alien :eek: :confused: :D