.:: ~ PROJECT: BLU ~ ::. pics, pics, pics

em00guy said:
Actually, I haven't learned anything in school. Seriously! Everything i know i learned from breaking things and fixing them (and a few books). When your microwave smells funny, dismantel it. When you cant figure out how to put it together again, build a microwave ray gun. The human mind is capable of an unfathomable amount of cunning. If you challenge it you can figure anything out. I remember one time when i was in junior high I forgot to build my science fair project until the day before. So i duct taped two quaker oats containers together, stuck a series of magnifying glasses and a flashlight inside and made a laser (sort of). My project went all the way to the state competition. Don't think it's because im smart, I actually have terrible grades and I don't work very hard. I just discovered long ago to backhand your brain when it tells you it can't do something. That, and geeks are in now so brains have a positive effect on my standing pw00ntang quotient.

Out of curiosity, How close did you get it to being collimated, and how wide was the beam?

DarkMonkey said:
Since when did that EVER have ANYTHING to do with how smart you were?

I'm a highschool dropout who managed to get 99th percentile for math and reading on the state testing all 5 years I was in highschool, but I only passed 2 years. Grades are nothing but a sign of how easily you're willing to let the system make you its bitch.

I believe I speak for everyone here when I say that you, sir, are fucking brilliant.
uzor said:
Out of curiosity, How close did you get it to being collimated, and how wide was the beam?

The beam was far from cullimation, But it made one sexy lock de-icer.
DarkMonkey said:
Since when did that EVER have ANYTHING to do with how smart you were?

I'm a highschool dropout who managed to get 99th percentile for math and reading on the state testing all 5 years I was in highschool, but I only passed 2 years. Grades are nothing but a sign of how easily you're willing to let the system make you its bitch.

I believe I speak for everyone here when I say that you, sir, are fucking brilliant.

should have been the systems bitch. Now the world will make you its bitch.

just what we need another smart stupid person
cyberflame said:
should have been the systems bitch. Now the world will make you its bitch.

just what we need another smart stupid person

please don't flame here, thanks.
cyberflame said:
should have been the systems bitch. Now the world will make you its bitch.

just what we need another smart stupid person

Noobies who flame are EVIL!
me evil, nooo never..

but anyway.. i want to see this project finished cause it rocks much more than anything ive ever tried
The point was I can be happy without it, anyways, enough crapping on this guy's thread, I'm clearing out my other two posts, if anybody else feels compelled to say something about them, then PM me.

Last Activity: 07-31-2005 10:44 AM

.... This was one of the most awesome case mod projects I've ever seen. Someone should really find out where this guy went.

Apparently he disappeared on 7/31/2005 at this forum where he was also posting this project.


Maybe something nasty happened to him. :confused:
if you read the rest of this thread it seems this guy dissapears from time to time due to skool commitments im sure if were all patient he'll be back with some more great ideas.
He also mentioned freebasing once or twice in here too. He might've gotten sent up to the pokey (or ODed :( ). BTW, his website, www.thedigitalself.com still works.

Who knows....too bad, though, this guy was really sharp and had some neat ideas.

just caught up w/ this thread... so this guy just vanished huh? that sux. was a nice project.
well i just emailed him vie his site and told him that we understand that real life comes vefore computers, but that many epole would love to hear form him
Hello everyone. I apologize so profoundly for taking off like that. Life has been moving at the speed light, but im not one for excuses. The good news is despite all evidence to the contrary project BLU is far from dead. As a matter of fact it has evolved far beyond the scope of my original design. I Just landed a killer job so I'm moving back to the city over the next week or two and then the rawkus will decend upon my new 800sf workshop (w00p) - i'll have very few excuses.
wel as you all know by now he is not dead and the project is stil alive hooray. and i got an email but it pretty much just saus whats already been said.

glad to have you back, cant wait to what you ahve been up to
Awesome project, glad to hear that you are still doing well. This will definately be amazing once it is done.