Project: Dolphins n' Water

Sep 25, 2004
Hey guys...maybe I'm back with a new mod. Project: Aria Tech is kinda sitting on the back burner for a little while. I'll be using my old Raidmax Scorpio case for this mod. It was my first kewl case too! This'll be so sad....I say cool case aside from your usual beige case.

Well reason for this mod is that my girl who is up in Clarksville doesn't have a computer to use. Other than the ones at the local library and that's kind of a hassle. She wanted to buy one, but I'm not letting her get a dell especially when I can mod a computer. I say NO to Pre-mods! I do now adays ever since my first mod.

Just so you know don't expect too much from this one. It's not going to be another Vash. Just something for fun and all maybe test out some new skills or just another leaning experience.

The theme is going to be water / dolphins, because she loves dolphins. Hopefully not more than she loves me haha. Also the fact that she's a pisces in astrology which is a water sign I think this is a good theme to go with for the case. You'll be seeing a lot of blue! Good thing it's my favorite color; can't get tired of it!

A few pictures to start off this mod....

(Before modding....the prey suspects nothing) This is before I ever modded this case by the way.

(Before modding...Prey has been gutted...Poor thing) Good thing I modded the PSU to be sleeved a while back...that'll definately save on time!

Starting off with the motherboard side panel took 220 Grit 3M wetdry to it....

Had to take care of those holes somehow since I've always liked a smooth side panel on cases. Time for some BONDO-age! Hahaha

More and more sanding few lighter coats of bondo and sand again! Then some primer to make it nice and ready for some midcoating.

Letting the panel dry for another day to begin sanding again and filling in the imperfections. Looks interesting next to the case. It really does stand out!

Everyone stay tuned to another episode of....."Girly Mod" where we will be sanding, priming over, and mid-coating! :D

Update -- 5/18/06

Okies I have some new pictures tonight!

Showing a couple of things I bought at autozone & home depot for the case. Planned on working on it today a little with the filler primer and taking out the dremel to the side panel but it was raining out. We'll have to wait until next time.

The best automotive paint in a spray can would be Duplicolor! Here we have 2 cans of sandable primer and 1 can of filler primer. For the midcoat we've got Indigo Blue in 3 cans, and last would be 2 cans of clear coat along with 2 cans of Effex Sparkle Clear.

Gutted out the case further. Took out the PSU and a couple of fans which'll need to be dusted. :-? I'll be cutting the 4x80mm fan intakes at the front to make it into a 120mm hole.

Marked the side panel so that I can cut out the center later on with the dremel. It's been so long since I've seen flying metal sparks! I miss it!

Took out the wires from the bezel so that I could cut the front later on...we're going to be getting rid of the ridges I think that I'll just make it smooth looking incorporate some sort of fan opening into it.

Large 1/4" acrylic sheet. I have to cut it to be 14"x14" that's going to be a lot of fun! Then I get to tint the window. That'll definately be a first for me, but its not just going to be tinted. You'll see what happens!

Few more items for the internals this time. UV Blue rounded IDE cable, Cooler Master heatsink, Blue Meteor Lights, and a Cooler Master UV blue 120mm fan for the front.

Update: May 20th 2006

A few updates for today....

Cut out the little piece from the windowed side panel so now it's 100% square! Next will be sanding and getting it ready for some paint.

Speaking of paint I used a piece of another side panel which I tried this paint out on. I am really liking the effect. It changes color with the light, but you can still tell that it is blue. Reminds me of water!

Here is a 6" crystal I got off ebay with dolphins in it. Right now I'm thinking maybe I could place it on the top of the case inside of an acrylic tube... My first idea was to place it on the door of the case but it turned out to be way heavier than I thought it'd be and could break the door. Perhaps mod it into the case itself instead of the door, but we'll see what happens! Have to wait until I get to the bezel though which will be last!

Here the crystal is's so prettyyyy! I think it'd look awesome in an acrylic tube lit by some blue leds!
The water theme is perfect for water cooling. You inspire even me. I might even do a mod build just for my wife! Thanks.


ps Keep up the great work!
I know! I want to do WC so bad for this, but the thing is that this would be her first compy and I'm not around (we live in different states now) so I'm not sure if she could keep with the maintenance of a WC loop. Maybe it'll be an upgrade when she's ready haha. :cool:
I have a Raidmax case very similar to yours. I'll be looking forward to see what you come up with.
Update! June 7th!

Alright here is a semi-update. Been busy with work, but I'll be off soon and be able to work on this! :D

Just been working on measurements and trying out a few ideas in my head. Also ordering a lot of stuff online including the internals.

Here are a few things I've measured out. The plexiglass for the side panel window was measured out so I can get ready to cut it to size. For the case I circled cuts for the intake fan and exaust fans at the back.



If you notice the line for the top rear fan it's because there is a support there to hold up the PSU.

Today I recieved my package from Newegg containing an OEM Benq CD-RW for only $18 which isn't bad at all and a HD stabilizer/silencer which will help so I can place the HD in a 5.25" drive bay.

Earlier this week I recieved a package from VoyerMods containing 2 Blue Lazer LEDs since they were only $1.99 each, and a Bulgin Vandal switch. It was pretty hard to find!! So many places were sold out of them.

Switch up close n' personal!

Hooray another ebay find! Three dolphin decals to use on the case! These will go along with the sparkle effect of the paint since they are holographic.

Alright enough of showing you what I've got. Now it's time to show you what I can do.
(Um...Why do I feel like someone's going to say something about that last sentance?)

Anyways......I'm talking about a little modding!!!

Took a piece of 1000 grit 3M Wet Dry and 2000 grit to sand the switch down. For the last part would be a little "thumb" grease to rub on some Mother's metal polish until shiny as chrome!

All done polishing and this little button is oh so shiny!

That's all for tonight folks! Stay tuned for more updates!!! :p
Update ~ June 12th

It's time again for more updates! It's the only fun part of a worklog to see the progress!!! :p

Okies first of all I don't even know where to start.... I guess it'd be pics of all the new things I've gotten in lately.

What is this?
A nice 6' long, 3" of acrylic. (get your minds out of the gutter) :D

Bottle of polycorbonate came in with the acrylic tube so that I can adhere acrylic pieces together.

A big box of dremel bits! Perfect for every modder it includes so many different bits, very useful. You should get one!

A dremel router attatchment and circle/line cutter attatchment. These have definately been useful for this mod. Oh and of course there is my trusty dremel.

This is where all the modding magic happens. My outside modding area where I can dremel and paint all I want until dusk.


Once again lets get down to the modding! Here are pics of the side panel being worked on.



Had to wait until the panel was dry before adding on the dolphin decals.

It's going to look great with the sparkle paint. Only thing is I want to add a little more art to the side panel done in silver paint. Not sure what I could do. I was tempted to write her name, but thought it might be cheesy. What opinions do you have??

Will be working on sparkle + clear coat soon. After I get the idea of what to do with the additional art work.

Next would be the bezel/front of the case which will be changed to plexi. I'm getting rid of the front bezel completely. It just wasn't really going with the flow of things. I'm thinking of either painting it to match the case or tinting it.


The symbol means "water" and will be cut out to allow air flow through the 120mm fan.

Now back to the acrylic tube! I had the idea earlier to place the crystal into the tube and light it up from the inside of the case. It'll be part of the bezel.

Here is the tube cut into 6" with the line cutter attatchment. (Btw turns out it was a tad small will have to re-cut another piece) :x

Sanded down smoother with 80 grit sandpaper. Will be smoothed out further and polished before it's complete.

Protective paper removed. Not bad huh?!

On the left you'll see one of the clear acrylic disks cut from plexi. Had to sand them down a bunch of times. The sanding drum for the dremel comes in handy here. They fit perfectly into the 3" acrylic tube and will be added on once the crystal and tube are inside of the case.


WHEW! That was one HUGE update! Stay tuned for more!
hot damn thats the paint im going to use! and im goign to just me some 120mm holes also now :D thanks bro. so impserational. and looking good!!
Make a larger rez and place the crystal inside of the rez. Then put some LEDs on the bottom to make one sweet rez.
got a linky to the clear pvc pipe? I have been looking but dang it is expencive.
The box is looking excellent BTW
How much you have left? What size is it? Shot me a pm and a price.

On air is how we all start. It will go much much more. I did the air, big air, loud screeming fan air, then on to water cooling in many forms till now I am doing a chiller and direct die (Mach1) box. check it out in my sig. It is a hobby that will never end till the credit cards quit and no friend will give you just a little more money and pay you back.
Is there a 12 step for this? maybe there should be! :D

Also Girl modders are just as welcome in the club. Need more around.
dude, the case mod looks awsome! but where did you get those decals?
edit: oh never mind.
MasterOfTheHat said:
OMG! A girl Modder?!?!?!?! NOES!!!!! ;)

Looking great so far, Jess!
Jess, is it just me, or does it seem like you have to answer this same question at least two or three times every time you start a new project? Ahh, well.... Keep up the good work.

Are you building this rig for your little sister or what? Not to be rude, cuz you have modding skills I don't have, but Dolphins, colorful Dolphins? Do you have tits man?

edit: saw your other mod (and your name), my apologies and my props. stay [H]ard
Do you have tits man?

Hahahahaha. Very uncalled for, and equally funny :rolleyes:

I love what you did with that vandal switch, it looks really impressive.

Now for the real question everyone else here is wondering about. Do you have a boyfriend :D
LoL it was funny I have to agree (to answer "yes I do")...and no I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. Not really looking either kind of in between relationships. Plus right now I have a girlfriend, that's who this case is being made for.

Haven't been modding lately, work is definately cutting into that. But when I'm off expect a few updates. Just got in the mobo, cpu, and ram. Looking for an ATI Radeon 9600 and up for the video card for a good price though.

Not sure if I want to paint the inside of the case or not...what do you guys think?

If I do the color choice would either be; pearl/ice or just silver.
Let me know what you guys think.

JessAlba452 said:
LoL it was funny I have to agree (to answer "yes I do")...and no I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. Not really looking either kind of in between relationships. Plus right now I have a girlfriend, that's who this case is being made for.

Haven't been modding lately, work is definately cutting into that. But when I'm off expect a few updates. Just got in the mobo, cpu, and ram. Looking for an ATI Radeon 9600 and up for the video card for a good price though.

Not sure if I want to paint the inside of the case or not...what do you guys think?

If I do the color choice would either be; pearl/ice or just silver.
Let me know what you guys think.


"got a girlfriend" no you are asking for pm's out the arse!
Pearl/Ice is sooooo coool but is it worth it on the inside? I love the caddies with the paint but I don't have and extra $50k for one just for the paint. Wonder if I can get my 85 s-10 blazer painted wit it? lol $5k paint on a $500 buck truck!
Back on topic. Um. go silver as it would be a waist to use it inside. If you want to do that do it on the trim on the outside were it can be appreciated.
Looking good Jess, Keep it coming.
BTW just for the rec. got a pic so these poor perv's can see what you look like? Can't get a life just yet. :D
cre8chaos said:
BTW just for the rec. got a pic so these poor perv's can see what you look like? Can't get a life just yet. :D
If "these poor perv's" want to see what she looks like, why don't they go look themselves. I'll even help. This worklog is being mirrored on GruntvillE. Sheesh, if every girl that comes around here is immediately bombarded with "PICS PICS PICS", pretty soon there won't BE any girls around here. Just let her do her work.

A bit more on topic:

Jess, can you point us somewhere we can see an example of what the pearl/ice paint that you're contemplating looks like? How much does the paint cost?

Alright good choice on silver, since I already have a can or 2 lying around. I'll be working on it Thursday hopefully! Haven't checked my work schedual yet, so I'm not sure if they've changed my usual day off. Can't wait to get back working on the case though!

It's great to know that I've got fans!

:D Yippiee!!!

Okie slightly is a pic.


Now back to topic again!

Still looking for a Radeon 9600 if someone has one send over a PM. Been looking in the FS/FT forum and ebay without luck.

Now for the bezel plexi, I'm tempted to either paint it or to just tint it with the 5% tint. It's like 50/50 which one I'll go with. If the paint looks good then I'll probrably just paint it.

Edit: The pearl/ice paint was just going to be the Duplicolor Mirage paint not sure if it looks as good in person though.
I'd knock you for the OT post but I can't edit a photo of a chick modder :D it's against my religion or something.
JessAlba452 said:
Edit: The pearl/ice paint was just going to be the Duplicolor Mirage paint not sure if it looks as good in person though.

I used the purple/blue mirage paint on a mod and it looked good but it was so "orange peeled" that it would not shine up at all. GL what what ever you choose.

It is looking good.

Edit: ever get a price to ship the plexy tube? No rush just wondering
Yep I tried the Mirage Red/Blue before looked okay. Hmm I might paint the bezel the same color...hopefully it'll work if I do it backwards since it's plexi. Clear, Mid, then Primer coat. I'll have to test it out before really working on it. I'm not too worried if the paint is orange peel-like on the inside since you won't really be able to see it anyways. I'll be tinting the window. But I do plan on adding white ccfl's so that you can see inside when you want to. :D

Oh yah about the acrylic tubes, I'm just waiting until I can cut the correct size off of the 3" ID tube for the mod. Haven't done it yet. But I'll see about cutting it in half for shipping not too sure if I can do it with what I've got lying around. Don't have a hacksaw or anything and the dremel line cutter won't cut that far down. I was struggling with cutting the 6" piece.

By the way thanks for not editing my post Qtip42 hehe ;) ;)
She is everything in a girl that a geek desires. LoL... I can't wait to see the project when it's complete. :)
_+_Update_+_ 06/26's time for an update don't you think?! Sorry for being so selfish guys. I was holding onto these pics since Thursday! Enough talk, it's time for those pics!

Finally got to start cutting on the case...

First to go was to cut out those restrictive factory punched fan holes! Also to mod in a 120mm fan to replace the 4x80mm fans.


Since it was so hot out I had to grab a Sprite from the fridge. Ah, it was so refreshing! Found out that the 120mm scrap metal made a very nice coaster for my table! ;)

Next on the to-do list was to remove the HD cage so that the acrylic tube for the bezel could be placed half inside the case.

"Say hello to my little friend"
A brand spankin' new Craftsman drill! Complete with a set of drill bits. LET THE DRILLING BEGIN!

Buh-bye rivets!
Drilled them out with a 1/8" drill bit. It only took about 5 minutes to do :)

No more drive cage in the way!
Cleans up the look of the case a bit, but will make hiding wires a tad more challenging. But it won't matter so much since I've got that 5% limo tint! Still I think that I'll try to hide the wires anyways.

Here I marked where to cut for the acrylic tube. Later on I'll use a scrap piece of metal to make a ledge for the tube to rest on. Some JB Weld would be useful, guess it's time to go to Home Depot again!

After all those cuts which lasted about 2 1/2 hours this is what I ended up with. Such a cute wittle thing ain't it?!

Here is a pic to show all the cutting done on the case as a whole. Not bad...

Finished the motherboard side panel by painting it with the Sparkle Effex paint, and then clear coat. Decided not to add on the name or text and keep it simple.

Also worked on the 1/4" plexiglass by cutting it into 14" x 14" for the window.

Using a dremel router bit, I think I didn't do too badly for a straight line freehanded.

Here is a test fit. Perfect! Only thing would be to have enough room at the bottom to fit in the LEDs...that might be a problem, but I'm a modder. If it doesn't work, just mod it!

By the way for the side panel I plan on using bondo for the areas where the rivets are supposed to be. Clean up the look a bit. :)

Once again stay tuned for more next time!!!
looken great. Keep the pics coming. ;) married and all but you are still hot if that is your pic. :cool:
Thanks! LoL I guess for both comments. Yeps that would be me. :p

Next week is when I'll have more updates. My girlfriend is hopefully coming here to visit this week so I gotta take her and show her around Atlanta.
Quickie Update!! 7/2/06

I think I either got bored or the modding bug just bit me. Anyway after about 3 hours of sanding / buffing / waxing. I'm done working on the motherboard side panel. Kinda glad the mod-bug I can update lol.

Began to sand away the clear coat with 800, 1000, and 1500 grit sand paper. Looks kind of icky and ugly at the moment don't worry though! It won't stay like that for long.

Next is to apply some 3M Rubbing Compound. Boy it takes a ton of elbow grease! Hardly want to type this my arm is just so sore.

For the finishing touches we have Zymol, the same stuff I use on my Max it's awesome! Love that it buffs off without leaving a haze.


Oooh and ah the shiny-ness!
zymol is the shiz, I use that on my Black Chevy Silverado SS and then The Wax Shop carnuba for a top coat. Then Never dull on the aluminum (works on the insides of cases :)) and it makes it look like chrome! Looken good. Let us know when the "bug" hits again. :D
i have the same case, so im interested in seeing how you make it look :D