Project Offset, click this link!

How long has this game been in development? I swear I heard about it 2 or 3 years ago, with the same information.
Wow.. Im pretty excited, its been about 5 month's since their last update.
Who knows whats coming.
It was 2 years ago and they were demonstrating the power of the game ENGINE they created. They have since got a publisher and are working on a game.
It was 2 years ago and they were demonstrating the power of the game ENGINE they created.
To be fair, that's still pretty much all they've given us. The overwhelming majority of their media releases have been purely tech demos, and the FPS videos still had a far heavier emphasis on the engine than the gameplay.

Not that it doesn't have potential, but for those of us interested in more than graphics, they haven't given us a whole lot to get excited about...

By the way, isn't it about time they named the fucking thing?
I don't know what they're at now but up until not that long ago the engine/game was being developed by like what, 4 guys? So how about YOU be fair :rolleyes:
I don't know what they're at now but up until not that long ago the engine/game was being developed by like what, 4 guys? So how about YOU be fair :rolleyes:
What does that have to do with it? There are many things you could attribute to an undersized development team - poor graphics, lack of content, unpolished game mechanics - but a failure to release gameplay information isn't one of them.

I'm not even saying they should have released gameplay demos by this point. If it's still in the early stages of development, then they've probably got a very good reason for not doing so. All I'm saying is that there's not much to get excited about until they do.
I remember watching a video for this not to long ago and getting a hardon for it. Hopefully everything will go through so I can play the game!
yeah... after watching all the videos... i remember seeing a few of them awhile back myself.

i had nearly forgotten all about it.... but now im excited again :D
:eek: Lol, that was a rip off, one new picture.. Hurray!
It took the site one day to get the first bar full with all the excitement, now 2 weeks later the second bar isnt even on 50% yet.
:eek: Lol, that was a rip off, one new picture.. Hurray!
It took the site one day to get the first bar full with all the excitement, now 2 weeks later the second bar isnt even on 50% yet.

This is the third bar, not the second.

Each time it seems to take more and more people then the last bar, but now it seems ridicolusly slow going , since it counts unique ip's and such so one person = one view.

The next one better be a damn video or something major.


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AnmroyYd.p.YdabtoUrpD.nlcbi! - Esp. Warsaw and SkateHead

That's apparently what it means according to a binary translator.
How the heck did you figure that one out? Props! :D
If only I could take credit. I actually stumbled across it during a google search. I used to be the architect of vague webgames such as this so was always thinking of weird ways of masking the text. This is the first time I've seen dvorak typing utilized. The team behind Project Offset is one big group of geeks....and the game is looking awesome! :D