Project Reality: Arma 2

Back when i was playing PR for BF2 i saw that they were contemplating moving to the ARMA 2 engine. This is looking really good, I wonder how this will work with ARMA 2 being made Free to play? That may give a ton of people free access to a great mod.
The free to play version of Arma 2 does not support mods. I don't think it supports Operation Arrowhead either, which is also required for the majority of multiplayer servers no days. Everything I play on is running combined ops (Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead). It's basically a demo that lets you see if you like how deep the gameplay can be in basic vanilla Arma 2.
I attempted to play this last night on the IGN server and it was horribly laggy. Combine that with a bunch of people not who refused to even skim the manual and it was an exercise in frustration. Can't wait to get some time in without those issues interfering.
So a painfully realistic game is getting a reality mod? They should call it Project Boring (unless they are just transferring fun gameplay from BF2, and are actually making the game less realistic in some gameplay areas).
So a painfully realistic game is getting a reality mod? They should call it Project Boring (unless they are just transferring fun gameplay from BF2, and are actually making the game less realistic in some gameplay areas).

they arent really changing the game play that much at least if you compared this mod to how vastly different pr for battlefield made bf2 vanilla. This is mostly them taking the game play elements of project reality into a game thats a lot more suited to what the mod was always envisioned as. So if you dont like arma your not going to like the mod. For me this is what I have wanted for a very long time, a pvp oriented mod and community on arma2, something the game has been lacking for a very long time.
Can't get it to install from Desura...

I stopped the ARMA2 demo when it was a complicated to pick up ammo. I don't think making something overly complicated is making it realistic.
I stopped the ARMA2 demo when it was a complicated to pick up ammo. I don't think making something overly complicated is making it realistic.

if scrolling down and selecting pick up x ammo is to complicated for you I think hello kitty makes an fps.
The game already sucked terribly, and I'm sure this will make it suck even more. If you want realism go outside. I want fun, and going through a 5 fucking step process to open a box is not fun, it sucks.
The game already sucked terribly, and I'm sure this will make it suck even more. If you want realism go outside. I want fun, and going through a 5 fucking step process to open a box is not fun, it sucks.

brb going outside to drive my tank fly my apache while firing live ammo at anyone that moves. Go play COD 54


Tbh, this was the main reason why I didn't play ARMA 2 at the beginning. Then I decided to try it again (after getting all of the expansions on a Steam sale), and once you get used to the GUI/menus, it's all easy after that. It's worth it as well, the game play is pretty good especially on MP.
brb going outside to drive my tank fly my apache while firing live ammo at anyone that moves. Go play COD 54

I don't play CoD nor do I see how you got that out of my comment.
I don't play CoD nor do I see how you got that out of my comment.

Because your retarded complaint warranted it, and it's obvious you (and others in this thread) really never made much of an effort to learn to play the game. So yeah, go play CoD if pressing one button to navigate a menu is too hard for you.

On topic, I will give PR a shot. Haven't heard that much about it does it compare to ACE?
I get that this game isn't for every body, but I think calling the gui complex is sort of ridiculous. I mean its about as simple as it gets, its just a scroll selection menu you don't even have to learn hot keys for it, just middle click and scroll down, browsing the internet is more complicated than this games user interface.

Tbh I think the pacing of the game is what gets people. Its very slow for 20 or 30 minutes then you find the enemy and you either A, get shot and immediately die or B, fire 200 rounds at a group of enemy and spend the next 15 minutes worried weather or not you actually killed them. I like the game because the fire fights keep you on edge the whole time and you really feel like dieing is something you do not want to do and I think that feeling is lacking in pretty much every other fps out there, death has very little consequence.

Tbh, this was the main reason why I didn't play ARMA 2 at the beginning. Then I decided to try it again (after getting all of the expansions on a Steam sale), and once you get used to the GUI/menus, it's all easy after that. It's worth it as well, the game play is pretty good especially on MP.

To be honest it does look fun. But it's like, why do I need to tell the ammo box I want ammo? Why else would I be interacting with an ammo box. Two things can happen when I interact with an ammo box, it either gives me ammo or it doesn't. Even the context menus for flying the harrier are things that could have been achieved with hotkeys and made the entire process less clunky.
To be honest it does look fun. But it's like, why do I need to tell the ammo box I want ammo? Why else would I be interacting with an ammo box. Two things can happen when I interact with an ammo box, it either gives me ammo or it doesn't. Even the context menus for flying the harrier are things that could have been achieved with hotkeys and made the entire process less clunky.

What sort of ammo? How much? Do you want rockets too? How about grabbing a compass out of the crate too? What's wonderful about it is that it makes you slow down and think about your actions, instead of just running over a gun on the ground and BLAM its in your inventory.

Also, I believe lots of common actions can be hotkeyed.
I get that this game isn't for every body, but I think calling the gui complex is sort of ridiculous. I mean its about as simple as it gets, its just a scroll selection menu you don't even have to learn hot keys for it, just middle click and scroll down, browsing the internet is more complicated than this games user interface.

Tbh I think the pacing of the game is what gets people. Its very slow for 20 or 30 minutes then you find the enemy and you either A, get shot and immediately die or B, fire 200 rounds at a group of enemy and spend the next 15 minutes worried weather or not you actually killed them. I like the game because the fire fights keep you on edge the whole time and you really feel like dieing is something you do not want to do and I think that feeling is lacking in pretty much every other fps out there, death has very little consequence.

Well put. This is why I like ARMA series. I don't play it as often as I wish, but the death penalty is whats really good about ARMA. You want to survive and you have to think before you go blindly charging into a fight. If you don't, your dead. That's why this is considered a military sim above all. It's not for everybody.
Well put. This is why I like ARMA series. I don't play it as often as I wish, but the death penalty is whats really good about ARMA. You want to survive and you have to think before you go blindly charging into a fight. If you don't, your dead. That's why this is considered a military sim above all. It's not for everybody.

Agreed. I had a lot of fun playing PR:BF2 despite the fact that it's slow on occasion. However, the amount of teamwork involved can make for some very exciting situations. Driving in a convoy down a road, getting ambushed, fighting your way out to create a perimeter, and then calling in an air strike on a enemy weapons cache.

Even building a firebase can be fun for certain people under the right circumstances.

Looking forward to some free time so I can try PR for Arma.
On topic, I will give PR a shot. Haven't heard that much about it does it compare to ACE?

Looks to be a gui mod and a bundle of other mods (like Mando's Missiles, ShackTac HUD, etc.), with locked down hosting rights. It seems very unlike the arma community to release a mod and then threaten legal action against someone for hosting a server running that particular mod "unofficially". I'll be sticking to ACE. Pretty disappointed by PR, it doesn't seem to offer anything that isn't already available (and much more open), and isn't compatible with any other mods (JSRS being a big one). If they opened it up and let us run our own servers (create custom missions, modes, etc.), add in some mods, etc. it would be great, but as it stands now I can't endorse it.
I did not realize they were not allowing community servers. That is a great way to alienate a large number of users.
No commuinity servers? What is that malarky? Is this just so no one steals their map files and mods them to something they dont like?

This is almost as bad as a game not supporting dedicated servers in this day and age, they are taking a game that does give the community the ability to host their own server then releasing a mod that takes that ability away.

While it is difficult to "dont play the game then" its not difficult to "dont play the mod then" so thats probably what I'll end up doing unless its the best mod since sliced bread.
I found the relevant blurb on their site:

For this BETA release, we will not be publicly releasing any server files. This will ensure that the official servers are populated and therefore will provide us with better overall feedback. Once the BETA has finished, we will open up server license applications as usual.

So, you'll have to apply to get the server files? I am trying to understand their reasoning.

If you are in the market for a new game server to host Project Reality: ARMA 2, look no further than PR's officially endorsed server provider, Alpha Networks. Alpha Networks will be providing Project Reality: ARMA 2 game servers to the public at highly competitive prices, as well as dedicated servers, and first-class customer support.

Does this mean you can only do it through their provider? I really hope this doesn't mean their motivation is money.
I did not realize they were not allowing community servers. That is a great way to alienate a large number of users.

No commuinity servers? What is that malarky? Is this just so no one steals their map files and mods them to something they dont like?

Yeah, I just read about this and this is total bullshit. The people who did Cherno/Zarga Life did the same on their ONE server or don't play it at all. You can download the mission file but without the extra addons/scripts/whatever, it doesn't work at all. Pretty lame, since the "official" servers have corrupt cops and negligent admins.

Not even sure I want to bother with PR after hearing about this.
My friend had an unofficial server up and running on launch day playing lag free with about 40-people in it. It was a great experience, but he was told by the PR team to "Please re-read our EULA (which you agreed to by downloading the mod) and in the mean time take down the illegal and unofficial server." What sucks is that all of the other servers were complete lag fests (or locked/hacked). Literally the only positive experience I had playing was on the server they demanded to be shutdown. They are really shooting themselves in the foot with behavior like this. Arma 2 is a very open, modder friendly community. Many of my friends create their own maps, missions, scenarios, etc. that require a combination of various mods to play. We play private games with 40 or so people in these situations. This is not something we will be able to do with PR mod. I understand why they want the play data initially, but Arma 2 and BF2 have very different modding scenes.