Project - SkyeMod


Limp Gawd
Oct 30, 2004
This will be my first case mod, but as I am an optimistic person, I will be aiming high.
This will be an original Praetorian mod (not that ugly 731 POS), which will be painted, modded with windows, cut apart, and watercooled with a dual 120mm fan mounted on the top with 4 fans push/pull combination.
I will be uploading some pics as soon as I get my ass into gear ;)

P.S. Suggestions for better names for this mod will be welcomed, and I would enjoy some helpful criticism.
No but when you find out the name you want change it then. But really i would get started and when it starts looking like something then the name should show it self. :D
First Few Pics

The Praetorian completely dismantled. This is just the frame. The side panels, top panel, and front panels, are ready for painting. I am also considering painting the inside.

The left sidepanel prepped for cutting.

The side panel after cut. It is very rough, as it has not been filed down yet. That will come on Monday :)

I am expecting this mod to take me around 2 months (due to lack of money and time ;)), so wish me luck.
ShaolinDragon said:
This will be my first case mod, but as I am an optimistic person, I will be aiming high.
Whoo-hoo! That's going to be an expensive machine I'd say. Good luck! Water cooling is one thing I've always wanted to do, but I can't justify the cost. I look forward to seeing more of your work! BTW, if you are using an Nvidia card, there's some really nice water blocks available for them now. Innovatec makes them, and High-Speed PC sells them. Now THATS a water block!
:), sure I will research those waterblocks, but I am aiming for a 6800 DD block, one of the ones that cools the core and the memory.
For the water loop I am leaving out the northbridge block, unless anyone can justify why I should hurt my flow rate for something that can be cooled with a passive heatsink.
Work cant continue until I get some files from HIS, but knowing my old man that might be a while :D
This project has been suspended until I can get some funds.

The ideas are still in the back of my head, and they will see daylight sometime ;)
ShaolinDragon said:
This project has been suspended until I can get some funds.

The ideas are still in the back of my head, and they will see daylight sometime ;)

You just made it to the front page, you can't stop now :p
LOL did I, could you link me to the post? Anyway, in light of this, I have decided to carry on with this mod (I found some extra money ^^), but since it is my first and I will probably messup, it will not be a worklog. :) I will do a worklog once I have some inspiriation for something worth doing. Till then you will just have to wait for final pics :)
The window has been cut out, a faceplate has been cut out, primed and painted for the CD drive, and all the panels have been primed apart from the top one.