Project Stackers - High End Builds, Comparative Testing & First Mod! (56k Warning)

LyCoS said:
and 2 xt pe :rolleyes:

Actually 1 now. I sold one of them late last week. ;) Once I get my new memory in I can get back to benchmarking and get it completed. Sorry that review has been so dragged out.....

I also hafta get 3dm05. 1 week after I got the pro pack they released 05 and won't give it to me.... naturally. >.<;
SelRahc said:
Actually 1 now. I sold one of them late last week. ;) Once I get my new memory in I can get back to benchmarking and get it completed. Sorry that review has been so dragged out.....

I also hafta get 3dm05. 1 week after I got the pro pack they released 05 and won't give it to me.... naturally. >.<;

when r u selling me youre spare pieces :rolleyes: ;) :D
qulAKle said:
no more pics???? :(

Sorry. Room is a disaster and I've been busy the last day or so. I'll have more goodies this weekend. I've been working on a few reviews. ;)

My modding is on hold until the water cooling goodies come in... order not in yet.
i know that both of those rigs will be folding for the [H]orde when they are 100% completed :)

AWESOME RIGS, and nice cases!

moar pictures!
Pics are required as soon as you get the AC gear in....or maybe you can put them in the watercooling thread....but anyway, i'm waiting to see them :D
seriously, anyways guys just fya hes got his stuff working now, he changed his mobo to abit and got new ram and its all like.... fast and stuff
Main Target's thrilling commentary of the ongoing events is keeping everyone on the edge of their seats with suspense... no seriously! ;) What Abit board did he switch to? I've been a bit hesitant of trying out any Via boards lately but their 939 ones seem just as stable if not more so than the MSI nForce3 (which seems to be the only nVidia one anyone's recommending in that department).
Perhaps I should just let Main Target take over this thread :p

Ok so here is what has happened so far. I decided to test out the Abit AV8 motherboard I have sitting here in the corner. It is VERY nice. I like it alot. The Guru clock is a nice addition too. The only thing I don't like are the lack of gigabit lan and it only has 2 SATA connectors.

So it was running great at stock for the last day or so until yesterday. For some reason the CPU has slowed down... MAJORLY. Seti packets now take double the time.... games run like total crap. This is a fresh install up to sp1a and the bios is up to date. The guru software isnt't throttleing the cup back, but something seems like it is.

It lowered my 3dm03 scores by over 6K points.....

Yet another problem to overcome now >.<; It's so annoying haha. Good news is, it's not my memory. The new Crucial memory works like a champ.

Anyone have any ideas? My idle temp is 21c... that is MUCH lower than it use to be... odd.
has the cpu speed changed, or do you have thermal disconnect enabled? go into the bios and make sure the cpu's settings are correct for the cpu you have, and make sure thermal disconnect isnt at any percent, have it at disabled! :)
That was a good guess... I was hoping the thermal throttling was the answer... it wasnt. CPU Thermal Throttle is disabled. The CPU settings look normal, and are as follows:
2448mhz@204/68/34 12x multiplier Ratio is 6:2:1 CPU core voltage is 1.5v. CPUz shows the system running at 2452mhz

EDIT: Prime small fft produces no errors as well....
well shoot, that cpu-z info sounds right..i just dont know enough about a-64's to help ya out...if you cannot get it fixed, go to a highly amd orientated forum...) and check out what they say...
The CPU slowdown problem was corrected. Bad CPU ended up being the case. As soon as I verify I am running stable for another day or so, it's back to the reviews.... :) Thanks to all that helped resolve the problem!
Im sorry I have a question, did you do any sort of mod to the cases. Or just stick the hardware in? I quickly scanned through all the pages, and did not see any sort of work done to them. I did not read the enitre thread, so if this has been mentioned before I apologize. i am just curious as to if this is actualy a mod or not.


no disrespect intended, just curious.
He was going to I believe before he ran into the snafu with the processor that took a couple of weeks to diagnose and resolve... He's posted some reviews of the cases and accesories related to them so far. They may have cut up Main_Target's case already, from what was implied before, dunno... Seen no pics! :cool: Looking forward to project progress tho.
My entire water cooling setup is not in yet. All of the Aqua Computer parts are still on order or being delivered. I don't know if the silver blocks made it into the shipment in transit from Germany or not..... customs has been quite a bear. Modding is on the menu.... but I can't do anything until everything is here :( I really hate having a stale project..... sorry.

MT's case cutting hasn't been done yet either... hopefully soon.
yeah seriously, i totally gave up gaming but shit man if i cant game i need be looking at something else! lets cuttt mY shznat up!
since people are hungry for pictures


my computer is musch sexier than sels
a fun thread to watch, but im concerend...why so many bad parts/software?
Bad ATI control center, bad memory, bad mobo, bad CPU...

Is quality going down or what...whats the point of spending mega cash on a nice setup...when so many parts are shipped broken?
keep in mind his wifes computer came together perfectly.

my conclusion, a problem between the keyboard and chair :p
Steel Chicken said:
a fun thread to watch, but im concerend...why so many bad parts/software? Bad ATI control center, bad memory, bad mobo, bad CPU...

Is quality going down or what...whats the point of spending mega cash on a nice setup...when so many parts are shipped broken?

Actually, if you read carefuly you might realize that it could possibly have been a single part that made others perform or go bad eventually... It was just quite hard to diagnose what that single part was (and we still may not know! tho it appears it could've been the processor from the begining, it slowly got worse and worse).

It's not uncommon for one part to cause a disruption grave enough that affects stability and even the integrity of others... I was reading the premiere ExtremeTech issue (bought it to check it out, was ok) and Lloyd Case (whom I remembered from his days as CGW's hardware reviewer) described a long diagnostic he ran on a problem he was having... Which led him to replace a hard drive twice and do multiple OS installs.

In the end the only thing that was wrong was a CF card reader he was using which was actually corrupting data on his HD somehow and making the machine boot abnormally slow when plugged in. You'd never guess it if you weren't careful and tested each part individualy tho.
Impulse said:
You'd never guess it if you weren't careful and tested each part individualy tho.

and since he has a fully functional other computer wich is also fully compatible, he shouldnt have any problems finding whats wrong (just replace part-by-part until something goes wrong...)
Main Target said:
since people are hungry for pictures


my computer is musch sexier than sels
When bragging about your computer you may want to put up pictures that dont suck.
it looks really nice and i like the water cooling design but you haven't really done much modding. although it looks like a well built very nice rig :D
Never thought the insides of a Stacker could look that busy... :eek: Looks cool nonetheless.
Just please note that none the above few pics that were post are mine, nor are any part of this project. hehe
Least soneone has pics though ;;

That being said, I can't do any additional modding until all my WC goodness gets here. It's taking much longer than I had hoped for ;; Everything is in SNT's hands except the blocks which havent arrived yet.... soon I hope. ;; I really WOULD like to get to work on it hehe /cry /cry /cry but again.... custom blocks = wait time.

As for why things were bad.....

The ATI Catalist Control Center is just downloaded software. That could have been running bad due to the memory or CPU issues. The memory itself wasnt bad, they just didn't send me a matched pair. Once I got a matched pair it worked fine. As for the CPU, it was just plain bad. AMD confirmed it, and sent me a new replacement. And one of the motherboards did test bad as well, and newegg sent a new replacement. So only 1 MB and 1 CPU were actually bad. Bad parts are just something we deal with as they come up......

Hey Scroat... Is that the 3" drive cage sitting on the bottom if your case? Why do you have it set up like that? Something in front of it? Please explain :)
Hmm maybe. The PSU would usually be in the back. It kinda looks like the HD drive cage with the 120mm fan on it.... but it's not mounted. Looks like he has his water pump on it. Guess we'll know when he tells us :) It's a nice looking stacker rig none-the-less.... :D