Project: Vash (Trigun)

0_0 You only used a dremel...

It looks perfectly like Vash. If you told me that you used an actual picture from the manga and made the outline white, I would have 0 doubt.

By the way, I live in Atlanta too. North Springs High!!!
A GIRL modder!

nice mod you have going there, looking foward to seeing it in total completion. what kind of system is going in it?
LoL a really low end system since I'm dirt poor haha anyone wanna donate some high end hardware???
JessAlba452 said:
LoL a really low end system since I'm dirt poor haha anyone wanna donate some high end hardware???
LOL I would if I had any but my 2400+ Mobile should be here next week. :D
i'll donate some.hard...ware...huhuhuhuhuh....

blatantly obvious joke aside. i have no COMPUTER hardware to spare. nice mod tho. trigun = good.
lol nice joke :p Trigun and Inuyasha roxxorz! LoL I actually just got into anime because I watched Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.
if i ever get into modding, i am probably going to make a ghost in the shell series themed case...
or just make a SFF PC in a scale model tachikoma.
CrimandEvil said:
She's a chick so she might be worried about any possible "stalker" thing, you know?
Well, if she doesn't post a picture, the immature boys on this forum will hit on her regardless whether she's actually female or not. If she does happen to post a picture, and she is even remotely attractive, the aforementioned boys will still hit on her.

In other words, she'll just have prove that she's so ugly that no one would ever think of hitting on her :p
It's different if you and I post pics of ourselves since we don't have girl parts if you know what I mean. ;) Atleast if I was a chick I'd worry about that stuff, my little sister just started middle school so I have to worry about "boys" now and I remember what it was like around that age. :(
Problem: people often mistake me for a girl :eek:

...Or perhaps they're correct, and I just haven't realized the truth yet 0_o

On topic: nice window you've got there =)
Elledan said:
Well, if she doesn't post a picture, the immature boys on this forum will hit on her regardless ....
Hehehe we can smell our own. :D I've been told that I have a problem flirting with girls (even when I think I'm not). Anyways....
On topic: nice window you've got there =)
Yeah great window
I have to say your etching is top notch and i look forward to futher updates as your work is very professional :)

Oh and no pics needed as ill take your word that your a gurl :D
Very nice mod you've got goin' there JessA.....lookin' good. Pay no mind to some of the more "eager" [H]'ers we've got lurkin' around.....they mean no harm. :p

I'll be awaiting the completion of this project for sure, it's nice to see some more amateur stuff come along from time to time that's still quite impressive.....especially with all the professional mods from the likes mashie and Crimson we've got to drool over.

You've almost got me convinced to paint my case myself, but I'm not sure if I'm gutsy enough to "lay a hand" on my Lian-Li. :p

More pics?
Elledan said:
Well, if she doesn't post a picture, the immature boys on this forum will hit on her regardless whether she's actually female or not. If she does happen to post a picture, and she is even remotely attractive, the aforementioned boys will still hit on her.
She is a girl and a cute such, trust me. :cool:

Now let's get back on topic. That paintjob looks great Jess.
All hail the mighty mashie...
if he says, it must be true...

I think someone should do an article on etching with a dremel.
Cuz that etching looks real nice. I was thinking of painting or sticking some letters onto some acrylic. Now, I'm thinknig of etching it in there. Although, how hard would it be to etch letters onto acrylic?
Bookmage said:
I think someone should do an article on etching with a dremel.

Judging from my own experience with using a Dremel, I'd probably turn a piece of plexiglas into a smouldering pile of horror if I ever were to try etching even the most basic designs :eek::p
LoL! Aww come on I think it's really easy you guys!

Hmm...tell ya what. If I can get to it I'll write up an "Etching How-To" article for all of you. Sounds good?

I wonder if it can be published on [H]'s main page? That'd be awesome. Anyway I'll do it when I can just to let everyone see how simple this is :).
JessAlba452 said:
LoL! Aww come on I think it's really easy you guys!
Just watch us redefine the meaning of the word 'disaster' :eek:

Hmm...tell ya what. If I can get to it I'll write up an "Etching How-To" article for all of you. Sounds good?
Wai! Wai!

Erm, yes, that would be great, I mean :D
The only requirement for a howto written by a G!rl modder, would be to have pics of a girl modder model. :D

While the basic principle isn't that hard, getting it to look nice is.
So a nice simple howto to cover the basics and give some tips would be nice. How to etch a simple line and possibly paint it or polish it to look nice and professional. Perhaps the use of cleargloss or filling it with glow in the dark paint. :D Possibly two parts, modding with a dremel, (the preferred way and much easier way) and modding without a dremel, (the poorboys way or those who want one simple line or something).
Lastly, a list of places to shop at, both online and offline, like walmart or autozone or something.

And I wanna see what you do with the gun now...
JessAlba452 said:
lol nice joke :p Trigun and Inuyasha roxxorz! LoL I actually just got into anime because I watched Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.

this makes you a cliche anime fangirl.

no offense, i have nothing against cliche anime fangirls.

just saying tho. :cool:

edit: nice paintjob btw. love the "car-like" finish to the top.
Use the 'Macro' mode on the camera or at 'least something to stabilize it (a couple of books will make a good tripod replacement) to take close up pictures, they'll come out better. The mod's lookin' sharp tho! Looking forward to seeing the theme come together in the finished case..
Update Oct. 4th!!

I got to put together the front bezel and the rest of the front of the case. Painted the Power + Reset button metallic red with some enamel model paint so that they'd match the theme. The stock buttons were dark grey/black.

I've been working on my side panel today, and will continue to for the rest of the day. So expect some updates soon. I needed one color of Dupli-color paints but there weren't any so I decided to get that color in Plasti-cote from my local pep-boys and I hope that it will dry well. I've noticed that it takes longer for it to dry than the dupli-color though.


Impulse it's not my cam, borrowing it from a friend of mine it's like 3 years old lol 2.1MP HP cam without macros settings.
JessAlba452 said:
lol nice joke :p Trigun and Inuyasha roxxorz! LoL I actually just got into anime because I watched Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.
Do you like Bebop? :confused:
Very nice work on the case, especially the etchings.

Did you go to AWA ?


edit... <-- [H]lite? lol this is probably my 20th post or so :p
I like the style, keep on going, you have great taste ( fortunately, unlike many modders :D )
i got a quick Q... how did you mount that window? double sided tape or some sort of epoxy?

did you basically cut out teh square in the top, grind/sand it smooth, then stuck the window on the inside?
Thanks for the replys! I never did get to go to AWA :(

Gongo I used silicone glue for it, I bought it from Home Depot it holds on really well but you need to let it cure (dry and fully harden) for 24 hours. :)
what happened to outlaw star though?

case looks great so far, im just now getting into trigun.
Great paint job Jess!! Did a blue case with metal flake not too long ago and followed the same procedure you are using. One word of caution tho...after the rubbing compound most will advise you to wait thirty days before you wax the case. Something to do with the curing process. Just a no way telling you what to do--you are kicking butt!!

Don't listen to all of them demanding pics what you are comfortable with...and nothing more. I believe ya (cuz mashie vouched for ya too!!). Great job again and welcome...we need more girls with skilz around :)
compslckr said:

Crap. I thought she was gonna make 50 posts before directly being asked. Still, 42 has got to be some kind of record, especially for an anime-loving modder.

Hmm...I vote from now on we call her the Moddess :D

Great work btw. I lack the patience to get paintwork and etchings like that. I've taken to just doing weird little mods that I can finish in a week so I don't get bored :p
And I was thinking Princess Modder or X-5 Modder :-D

but your Moddess does have a nice ring to it.

All hail her [H]Moddess...

She should get her own ranking...
LoL! You guys are just too funny :D "[H]Moddess" sounds awesome.

Oh and I'll definately wait 30 days before using wax on the case thanks for the tips!
*hands the lady a towel*

you might need this with some of these guys around here...some are still going thru that hormonal phase of life I think...the drooling and such.
