properly burning in as5

Jul 11, 2004
need some advice/instructions on properly burning in arctic silver 5 on my new xp-120. stuff like keeping it under load for a certain amount of hours.. then turning comp off for it to cool.. i read it a long time ago but i need help now that i want to achieve optimal temps. thanks in advance~

Important Reminder:
Due to the unique shape and sizes of the particles in Arctic Silver's conductive matrix, it will take a up to 200 hours and several thermal cycles to achieve maximum particle to particle thermal conduction and for the heatsink to CPU interface to reach maximum conductivity. (This period will be longer in a system without a fan on the heatsink or with a low speed fan on the heatsink.) On systems measuring actual internal core temperatures via the CPU's internal diode, the measured temperature will often drop 2C to 5C over this "break-in" period. This break-in will occur during the normal use of the computer as long as the computer is turned off from time to time and the interface is allowed to cool to room temperature. Once the break-in is complete, the computer can be left on if desired.

Oh and most important:

Important Precautions:
Don't put it in your mouth.

Jesus this stuff is already a bitch to get off your hands. I'd like to see a dumbshit with some of it in their mouth
bountyhunter said:

Jesus this stuff is already a bitch to get off your hands. I'd like to see a dumbshit with some of it in their mouth

not that hard to take off if you have some isopropanol ... Every computer user should have Isopropanol ...


Instructions: .. Do not swallow
lol, I hate AS5. It gets all over the place =). Frick, for users who own the Zalman 80C-HP, they need a whole bottle of isopropanol to get all that shit off their hands when they're done.
I wear disposable latex gloves (the really thin kind, like a doctor uses) when I mess with the stuff. Not only does it keep it off my hands, but it keeps my body oils off of anything I might touch.
ThomasE66 said:
I wear disposable latex gloves (the really thin kind, like a doctor uses) when I mess with the stuff. Not only does it keep it off my hands, but it keeps my body oils off of anything I might touch.

Body oils or Fried Chicken oil ? :p

U must be one slippy guy to release that much body oil .. are you like a frog or something ?
mohammedtaha said:
Body oils or Fried Chicken oil ? :p

U must be one slippy guy to release that much body oil .. are you like a frog or something ?

LOL! No, I mainly use gloves because I hate getting the stuff on my hands, but everyone has oils on their skin that are not nice to have on your chips :)
Simple solution, dont get any AS5 on your hands. I've used it like 10 times and never had an issue :D

Put hand in ziplock, rub it around, smooth with credit card, and smile
so u just leave it there .. u don't put the hsf on and then switch on the pc to check if it works ?
I just burn it in for 48hours, then shut it off overnight, then the next day I burn in another 24hours.....I say a 12°C drop in temps after it was done...
haha yes i agree it is horrible getting it on your hands, but worth the hours of washing. thanks darktiger, i'll try that.
I noticed that too. burning in for 12+ hours then shutting it off and letting it cool down to ambient can do wonders for speeding up the curing process. It still takes it a long time to fully cure, but that first couple days you can get it to within a few degrees of what it'll eventially cure to.