Prosecutors Seeking 25 Years for TJX Hacker

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember this guy? Well the prosecutor is asking for 25 years in prison for hacking TJX, Sports Authority and other retail outlets. The funny part is that his own lawyer is arguing for “only” 15 years. Before you go feeling too sorry for this scumbag…read this:

Prosecutors said Gonzalez victimized millions of people and cost companies, banks and insurers nearly $200 million. They said just two of Gonzalez's computer servers contained more than 40 million distinct credit and debit card numbers.
I don't honestly care, really although I do take pleasure, in others misery, but the probobility of this guy ending up anywhere where butt pwnage, shanking is a possibility is low, as this was not a violent crime.
What about the dumbass admins that did not properly secure customer data?

I'd make this guy work for me if I were any of those large corporations.
Weinberg said during an earlier court hearing that he would ask for a lesser sentence based in part on a defense psychiatrist's report that Gonzalez shows behavior consistent with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. The report described Gonzalez as an Internet addict with an "idiot-savant-like genius for computers and information technology," but socially awkward.

During that time, authorities said, he amassed $2.8 million and lived a lavish lifestyle. As part of the plea deals, Gonzalez must forfeit more than $2.7 million, plus his Miami condo, car, Rolex watches and a Tiffany ring he gave to his girlfriend.

Doubt the jury is gonna let him get away with that defense considering his lifestyle. His life is full of social awkwardness with all that money :D
What about the dumbass admins that did not properly secure customer data?

I'd make this guy work for me if I were any of those large corporations.

I'd have to agree and maybe the admins should be charged also as co-conspirators. If that would happen I think corporations might do something about the lax security. Then again that would go against the grain of individuals being held responsible for their actions.
maybe he will get assigned to the shawshank prison and meet a nice black guy named red ?
I feel sorry for this guy. 25 years for taking advantage of something.

I guess I will think twice about punching in the code for regular apples when I am buying honey crisp apples at the grocery store's "Scam your own" lane.
What about the dumbass admins that did not properly secure customer data?

I'd make this guy work for me if I were any of those large corporations.

I'd have to agree and maybe the admins should be charged also as co-conspirators. If that would happen I think corporations might do something about the lax security. Then again that would go against the grain of individuals being held responsible for their actions.

Not all companies care about that type of stuff. why spend money doing it the right way when you can do a half ass job and save money. So maybe the sys admins were not able to lock it down any better than what they did due to not being able to get the correct equipment or proper updates. Banks would rather pay you back the money that was stolen than spend a large amount securing everything.