protective cover stuck on core 2 duo

Feb 23, 2006
I have attached a picture of the problem, the plastic is stuck really hard and I don't know how to remove it :( What way is easiest to remove it?


When I removed the black plastic cover that is under my E6300 as seen in picture it did not come off completely.
I bought the cpu used, I don't think this is normal.
is there something I have done wrong or did the seller glue the cover onto the cpu?

EDIT---> I have considered putting the cpu into a oven so that the plastic could melt of, the question is how many celsius it should be and what the surface could be to make sure the plastic melts of while the cpu is undamaged.
I have attached a picture of the problem, the plastic is stuck really hard and I don't know how to remove it :( What way is easiest to remove it?

When I removed the black plastic cover that is under my E6300 as seen in picture it did not come off completely.
I bought the cpu used, I don't think this is normal.
is there something I have done wrong or did the seller glue the cover onto the cpu?

EDIT---> I have considered putting the cpu into a oven so that the plastic could melt of, the question is how many celsius it should be and what the surface could be to make sure the plastic melts of while the cpu is undamaged.

omg dude, that's really not normal. lol the OVEN!? I don't think that's very healthy for the processor either...

If possible, shove it down the throat of the guy who sold it to you and rob him... or just have him return your money... I hope you didn't pay too much =/
Try alcohol. A shot for you and then use it on a Q-tip to gently rub it off of the bottom of the cpu. The alcohol may relieve the glue that appears to be stuck to it. It does not appear to be accidental. I have never seen plastic stick to a cpu without help- glue

Although, I second the shove it down the throat of the guy whom sold it to you and rob him, err get a refund so to speak.
Do not put it in the oven , that's stupid.

Rub it with alcohol , 70 degrees or more.Peel it off with stuff from a lady's purse or ask one for help ...;)
Don't bother trying to clean it. What happened was someone bought the processor and installed it into their system without removing the plastic shield.
Some contacts, well contacted, and probably melted the plastic to the proc.
Return it and get a new one.
I'd pull the plastic off and try the CPU, but I wouldn't bet in it being ok.
Don't bother trying to clean it. What happened was someone bought the processor and installed it into their system without removing the plastic shield.
Some contacts, well contacted, and probably melted the plastic to the proc.
Return it and get a new one.

the plastic covers the entire bottom.
dont put it in the oven, at least i think thats a bad idea anyway. if i were in your shoes, id try either a hair dryer, or nice sunny area. some tweezers would probably help too, i dont think anything should be damaged, just that the plastic is stuck to the bottom. try some zippo lighter fluid too, seems to take off gunk fairly well. try on a small part first to make sure it doesnt hurt the chip. may need some work and cleaning but should be fine after its removed. ((that is if it isnt already fried inside.))
dont put it in the oven, at least i think thats a bad idea anyway. if i were in your shoes, id try either a hair dryer, or nice sunny area. some tweezers would probably help too, i dont think anything should be damaged, just that the plastic is stuck to the bottom. try some zippo lighter fluid too, seems to take off gunk fairly well. try on a small part first to make sure it doesnt hurt the chip. may need some work and cleaning but should be fine after its removed. ((that is if it isnt already fried inside.))

Yeah that's alot better than the oven idea.
Return it, get your money back, or something. Just because its used doesn't mean it should be in poor condition. If you where told it was in good condition, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to fix it.

Putting in oven is a bad idea.
the plastic covers the entire bottom.
I know, but the material the cover is made out of is this wierd, soft plastic, that i bet could be punctured by the zif lever being pushed down.
The oven is really bad idea. Go the opposite route and put it in the freezer. You should be able to chip it off fairly easily once it's cold enough.

Personally, I'd just return it but you sound like your determined to use it. Good luck.
actually methalated spirits should get that off with gental rubbing, also white vinigar should do the trick (acidic).
Throw it in the freezer, the plastic should crack off from the cpu then. After (10-15) minutes.
I had it in freezer and a little bit came off, I'm not sure if it could help more having it longer in freezer but that could be dangerous.

I'll contact intel to see what they say..
If he bought that CPU from Fry's I'll shit a brick. Don't even get me started with Fry's. I never signed a freakin' contract to allow them to search through my stuff so I walked out. Let's just say that after a few punches landed and the police came everything was sorted out... Sure.:rolleyes: Fry's should just die! :mad:
If he bought that CPU from Fry's I'll shit a brick. Don't even get me started with Fry's. I never signed a freakin' contract to allow them to search through my stuff so I walked out. Let's just say that after a few punches landed and the police came everything was sorted out... Sure.:rolleyes: Fry's should just die! :mad:

Bahahaha you knocked out the Fry's fella eh? That musta felt nice.
Sure did! :D Felt better than good, felt like I was finally free of my frustration. :)

I can imagine, it probably felt as good as when I knocked out the door salesman who came to my house every year regardless of my no soliciting sign, he dropped like a sack o' potatoe
I can imagine, it probably felt as good as when I knocked out the door salesman who came to my house every year regardless of my no soliciting sign, he dropped like a sack o' potatoe

You should ask for refund. You can damage the cpu easily fixing by your self.
Sure did! :D Felt better than good, felt like I was finally free of my frustration. :)

Oh c'mon now, I'm sure he was just doing his job. Sounds like he's notorious though, like a computer soup nazi or something.

I just wish they had a fry's or something similar to it in new york, you'd think in this whole freakin city there would be a wholesale electronics store with components =/ The closest we have to that is J&R computer world, but they overcharge like crazy and only have a couple of motherboards.
Oh c'mon now, I'm sure he was just doing his job. Sounds like he's notorious though, like a computer soup nazi or something.

I just wish they had a fry's or something similar to it in new york, you'd think in this whole freakin city there would be a wholesale electronics store with components =/ The closest we have to that is J&R computer world, but they overcharge like crazy and only have a couple of motherboards.

So J&R is like Comp USSR?
Comp USA's selection isn't the best and their prices generally are some of the worst in the industry, with few exceptions.