Prototype; Is it any good?

Is Prototype worth playing?

  • Sure, it's worth playing

    Votes: 39 62.9%
  • I'd rather smash my own balls off with a hammer

    Votes: 23 37.1%

  • Total voters
You missed a third option for 'meh' ... that's how most games are these days.
good? well the gfx are mediocre, the story was mediocre, the controls on the pc are crap if you don't have a pad.

but probably the most fun game i've played this year :D
yeah, it wasn't bad. I liked the moral ambiguity and just running around going crazy.

Though Penny Arcade said it best:
It's fun, but the story / graphics are meh... but it's fun... heh...

Kinda like how I hated running through GTA's storyline, but I loved just stealing cars and running over people and getting the cops chasing me, or steal a tank, turn on the flying cheat, aim the turrent backwards and fly around town with a flying tank (GTA3 I think). Just mindless entertainment, same with Prototype, but prototype is a lot more fun imo... there are a lot of moves to learn and a lot of different ways to beat up people... it's not really balanced though, blade being retarded powerful, killing tanks in 1 hit, but still hilarious.
I like playing it a lot. The story is just something to stitch missions together (see GTA) and the cut scenes are of no dramaturgical value ("Now X is dead, I see Y must be the key to all this!!").

I think the gameplay itself is awesome. The most boundary-free game in terms of movement and making stuff go kaputt. Even though you get the feeling of being overpowered most of the time (which I think is entirely fine), you still die often enough to keep it interesting.
A good button-masher. It isn't a must-play, but it offers something unusual. It's fun scaling buildings super high and free-falling.
I thought the story was pretty good, and the cut scenes were nice too.

Running around, gliding, jumping across buildings -- Super fun. The actual fighting was really lame though. You basically only fight one type of infected the whole game, which are a joke... as are the humans. The only possibly way the game can be challenging is when a big mob sync up just right and chain knock you down. I hate that though... being interrupted non stop isn't my idea of difficult or fun.

I had fun for the first couple days I played it, about 10hrs. Then after that I was quite bored with it. I'd say it's not worth $50, wait til it's cheaper.
It's a mindless action game -- if you're in the mood for that, then it's excellent. If you want something deep and involving, look elsewhere. I think it's worth picking up, especially if there's a sale.
I got it through Gamefly, so it wasn't like I spent $50 on it. I might buy it at a bargin price though. Once its down a bit closer to $30.
It's silly stupid fun. If you like sandbox games, give it a whirl.

Unless of course, you're the kind of person who find throwing cars into helicopters and mowing down mutants like bugs to be uninteresting.
I wouldn't buy the game period, but it sure did offer some fun for a few days until I beat it.
i already played infamous, i cant go through that again.
can i use fun and lame in the same sentence?
i liked it. kinda reminded me of devil my cry/god of war. but with buildings...
i liked it. kinda reminded me of devil my cry/god of war. but with buildings...

Except those had fun boss fights and more than like, two normal enemies.

I started out loving Prototype, but the lack of enemies completely ruined the game for me.
:p I voted for smashing my own balls off, just 'cause that sounded hilarious, and I figured no one else would ever vote for that... turns out there are a lot more masochists here than I thought... :eek:

I haven't played this game, and probably won't for quite a while... way too many other games that I've already bought and haven't finished. And also, based on the number of people who would rather be castrated than play it, it doesn't really look like much fun. :(
Dumb options.

Its decent, but not that good. Not nearly as bad as smashing your balls with a hammer.
I haven't played it but a lot of players say its a good game, but all the killing is repititive.