PS Vita wi-fi only or 3G ?


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2007
The 3G version is only $50 more so it is not a big deal if you actually use it. However, is it worth it to get the 3G since how often would you be using the 3G function?

Which version do you guys plan on buying?
I bought the 3G version just in case. I don't really need the 3G functionality but because you will probably be able to pair it up with a prepaid data plan, I would just be able to activate if I needed it.
Eh, I already have two cell phones and a VZW aircard. Why do I need another cell-serviced device? I'd grab the wifi only model. When I'm traveling I typically have an ultraportable laptop and a smartphone. Also, I rarely am waiting around or bored enough when traveling to want to play videogames.

I had a PSP back when they first came out, and back when I was younger aka more into VG's. Sold it within the first month.