Jun 16, 2004
I have seen lots of mods using these, and i was wondering if any one had some info on how to take one apart and such to get ready for insatallation, thanx.
i did the mod and i personally think it looks awesome, it's great to run winamp or whatever on it, but i still have it sitting on the desk here as i need to get something to mount it with still, once i do, my case will finally be finished......and just as a tip, an easy way of powering it would be to buy a car adapter for the psone and just mod it to work in your rig, since it runs off 12v it'll be quite simple, and it probably costs as much as other methods
Not too hard of a mod to do, and it looks hella sweet when it's done. I'm gonna do another one when I get the time.
I wanna do this so bad but finding a used psone screen from sony is a bitch. Maybe I should start hitting garge sells to see if I can pick one up for less. I run dual mons so putting this on the RGB will be perfect.
got two of them when they went clearance at my compussr... got two of them for like $40 :D
is there any way or a guide that can teach me how to hook up a usb webcam to the leads on the LCD panel with external powering?

does anyone know of a good link?

USB isn't going to work like that. For reasons too long to put here.

You'll need a composite video camera if you want to hook it to a PS1 LCD.
tom61 said:
USB isn't going to work like that. For reasons too long to put here.

You'll need a composite video camera if you want to hook it to a PS1 LCD.
where can i get a cheap and simple composite video camera?
Can someone please clarify the acutaly work involved to tear apart one of these LCD's and put it in your system? I read all the FAQ's and i'm still confused. My main question is how does the display plug into the computer and do I need a second video card to run it? Also how difficult is powering it since I saw this was an issue, please clarify the basic concepts of this mod for me, thanks.
this display hooks up through VGA... if you have a dual head card and one monitor then you dont need another card
My card only has 1 vga on it, so I guess I would need to buy a cheap PCI videocard to run it. My question is how do you get the PSone display plugged into the VGA port on the card? I dont get the whole middle step and if any extra hardware is needed.
n64man120 said:
My card only has 1 vga on it, so I guess I would need to buy a cheap PCI videocard to run it. My question is how do you get the PSone display plugged into the VGA port on the card? I dont get the whole middle step and if any extra hardware is needed.

if you actually looked at the link i posted you'd see exactly how to do it.

The guys who have done this mod recommend you get a PCI Matrox Mystique off ebay (they are like 5-10$ us) since they support csync, even newer Geforce cards may not support csync and images wont display properly on the screen without it
Techx said:
if you actually looked at the link i posted you'd see exactly how to do it.

The guys who have done this mod recommend you get a PCI Matrox Mystique off ebay (they are like 5-10$ us) since they support csync, even newer Geforce cards may not support csync and images wont display properly on the screen without it

Yea I did read that article about 4 times, but theres a few things i'm unsure of. What is he refering to when he says CCFL? I thought that was a cold cathode light which would go inside a system however i doubt thats what he means. Also after reading it carefully I still dont get how you rig it up to the videocard. Do you get a VGA cable and hack one end and solder the vga cables wires together with the cables from the display?

n64man120 said:
Yea I did read that article about 4 times, but theres a few things i'm unsure of. What is he refering to when he says CCFL? I thought that was a cold cathode light which would go inside a system however i doubt thats what he means. Also after reading it carefully I still dont get how you rig it up to the videocard. Do you get a VGA cable and hack one end and solder the vga cables wires together with the cables from the display?


Yea exactly, I got a beat up vga cable from work i brough home and cut off the end that doesnt connect to your pc, and stripped all the wires.. i havent gotten around to it but the next step would be solder each of those wires according to the article. It's not that bad, the hard part is getting the wires soldered perfectly
there is a white CCFL in the display, thats how its backlit...

thats what the guy was refering to
What is he refering to when he says CCFL? I thought that was a cold cathode light which would go inside a system however i doubt thats what he means.

[quote[Now we get to stick it all together, I used double sided sticky tape to attach the LCD to the circuit so it didn't move around. First plug in the CCFL line, as it's the longest, and then you can maneuver the ribbon cable back through its hole and into its slot, and firmly press down on the controller and the brown piece to attach the tape to the lcd and securely clamp down on the ribbon cable (be careful here, too, as pressing too hard can break your LCD).[/quote]

It is indeed a Cold Cathode, but this one is for back lighting the display. The wire he is talking about is the cable going from the CCFL to the inverter.
So would it be correct to say that besides the VGA cable, absolutly nothing but the PSOne must be purchased for this mod?
n64man120 said:
So would it be correct to say that besides the VGA cable, absolutly nothing but the PSOne must be purchased for this mod?

youre the man now dog!

ps - rutgers sucks :D
I like the vga idea. Hell I got one of the psone screens from a compusa for 5 bucks. It was the last one and the manager was like here 5 bucks if you buy it right now. The only prob is i got a dead pixel but for 5 bucks who cares. Wonder if I can get x11 to run the right timming for me so i can rock the screen on my bsd file server............
i got one of those, i just hooked it up to my dvd for a shot. there are no dead pixels but the plastic is still on so it looks a bit funky. also that pic is a scan of a pic i took with a normal camera, not digital

Techx said:
Mine is STILL in one piece, collecting dust, waiting for me to get motivated to mod it :)
hey buddy, wanna make a quick buck?... name a price, lol :D :D :D
tom61 said:
USB isn't going to work like that. For reasons too long to put here.

You'll need a composite video camera if you want to hook it to a PS1 LCD.
how do i hook up a composite video camera to a ps1 lcd?... i ll worry about where i ll get one later

any guides?, if possible... i dont know exactly what to google for
wayne said:
how do i hook up a composite video camera to a ps1 lcd?... i ll worry about where i ll get one later

any guides?, if possible... i dont know exactly what to google for

Having electronics knowledge would really make it easier for you. I don't know of any hand-holding guides for doing what you're wanting. You could always buy one of the cheaper clone displays with a an RCA jack where you could just plug in a composite camera.

If you want to try figuring it out (relatively simple to do), take a look at the diagram on this page and match up the center prong on the composite camera to the composite video pin, and the outside to one of the grounds.

whats NTSC and PAL ones?

NTSC and PAL are video standards, the important part for this mod is that NTSC displays (US, Japan) run at 60Hz, whereas PAL (UK, and most of Europe) runs at 50Hz.
Regarding this mod, I have a PSONE for purchase that does not inlcude teh AV Cables, or the power cord. Will I still be able to do the mod without the power cord especially?
I would suggest getting a Sony branded power cord, you can try an after market AC adapter, but it has to supply 3 amps. You may be able to find the AC adapter used at a Game store like EB, or Gamestop etc. You will need to power the LCD, the AV cable is not important, the mod itself will hook you up via VGA.
i tried to do this mod and it got really messewd up and didnt work with the guides to convert it to a vga. However i eneded up using teh video out port on the screen with the appropriate wire, i think i got it at radio shack, and it worked fine. I just pluged it in to the s video port on my video card. the only physical modding that you have to do to the screen is, if you want, you can strip off the plastic shell. otherwise this was a really easy mod to do with the wire.
i tried to do this mod and it got really messewd up and didnt work with the guides to convert it to a vga

That is the problem with these guides, you're not converting the screen to VGA, you're modifing your VGA card to the screen. Not all cards can do 15kHz horizontal refresh the screen needs. Far worse is that many people are left wondering, thanks to many 'guides' being nothing more than a dis-organised forum posts, if it's plug-n-play once modify the connector (it most definately is not).

otherwise this was a really easy mod to do with the wire.

However, if you get it working with RGB the quality will be much better. At least it's a option if you fail though.