PS1/PS2 saves on PS3 confirmed


Dec 17, 2003

Q: How do I save my PlayStation 2 memory card information to PlayStation 3?

To use saved data on a PlayStation 2 memory card, you must copy the data onto a virtual memory card within the hard disk. This requires a PS2/PSone memory card adaptor to copy the data to your PlayStation 3. A memory card adaptor is designed to edit, up/download game saves to and from EMS flash card or smart media card."

Not huge news, but definately nice to know my ps1/ps2 saves wont be lost in transition.
Bad_Boy said:
Not huge news, but definately nice to know my ps1/ps2 saves wont be lost in transition.
I wasn't expecting them to.

That's a Microsoft-like thing to do.
I think the key word here is "adaptor" meaning it's another accessory to buy.
You may have to buy an adapter, but at least you're able to do it, and transfer saves. This is some of the first good news, to come from the PS3, in a while... in my opinion.
JethroXP said:
I think the key word here is "adaptor" meaning it's another accessory to buy.
Yes yes, Sony is greedy for letting us transfer our game saves. Next thing you know they will start charging us for games. :rolleyes:
Well, it would have been hard for MS to have save transfer support from Xbox to Xbox 360 because many original Xbox games only support the HD and not the memory card...
Jerome36 said:
You may have to buy an adapter, but at least you're able to do it, and transfer saves. This is some of the first good news, to come from the PS3, in a while... in my opinion.

My question is, when was this even an issue? The only thing I got out of this is that this time they are charging you to do it, which is gay, but did someone actually think they were cutting support? (PS2 reads PS1 mem cards out of the box.)
LeviathanZERO said:
My question is, when was this even an issue? The only thing I got out of this is that this time they are charging you to do it, which is gay, but did someone actually think they were cutting support? (PS2 reads PS1 mem cards out of the box.)
yes, ps3 doesnt have ps1/ps2 memory card slots, so many thought they were cutting support. And worried they would lose their saves with PS3 backwards compatibility.
PWMK2 said:
Well, it would have been hard for MS to have save transfer support from Xbox to Xbox 360 because many original Xbox games only support the HD and not the memory card...

Almost all Xbox games can be transfered to the Memory Card through the dashboard. Atleast sony is giving players an alternative to starting all over again... which is nice.