PS2 Looks horrid on my Gateway 22"


Oct 29, 2006
Just bought a Gateway 22" with the component/composite hookups, hooked the ps2 up, but it looks worse then on my old television...Would using the component cables help at all? Is that even possible to hook up a ps2 through component, or is it only composite?
Composite is the crappiest connection you could ever use. Use preferentially component.
PS2, most XBOX 1 and Wii games will look pretty much like ass on any LCD HDTV. HiDef material looks amazing on HD, while standard def looks like crap on HD. Get used to it.

It will be jaggier, granier and muddier than on an SDTV. Those systems were designed to be played mainly in 4:3 and 480i/p (some PS2 games support 480P and widescreen but even those aren't lookers on LCD HD)

The Wii is the biggest bummer out of all, while Zelda is my favorite game right now, it looks very meh on my Gateway 24", and that really is no fault of the monitors, just the source resolution. Nintnedo in their stubborn ways really pisses me off with the lack of 720P, I can live with an underpowered machine, but at least give me some HD clarity.
You can get it much better looking after you adjust the display some.

Under the "Picture" menu, adjust Saturation/brightness/contrast. I think the Gateway keeps separate picture/color profiles for each input.

You may still have a muddy looking picture-but at least it can have good colors :)
Do you have the monitor set to fill the screen? Try setting it to 4:3. But if you want to fill the screen, set the PS2 to 16:9 in the System Configuration menu and keep the monitor to Fill. It will still be slightly vertically stretched, but it is a lot less noticeable than stretching 4:3.

I'm using an S-Video cable, though. I don't know how the PS2 handles widescreen over composite.
Just bought a Gateway 22" with the component/composite hookups, hooked the ps2 up, but it looks worse then on my old television...Would using the component cables help at all? Is that even possible to hook up a ps2 through component, or is it only composite?

PS2 has component video inputs you can buy at Circuitcity. They sell for like $24.99. When I bought my 22" Westinhouse and hooked up the Xbox to it through composite inputs, they look washed out and dull in picture. However, the component cables made a difference.