PS3 always getting shafted


Jan 15, 2006
Alright I'm just going to throw this out there, I feel like the PS3 community is constantly being shafted in the games coming out.

1/ COD4 has no rumble support, IW has made it clear that rumble is not their concern for future patches

2/ The COD4 map pack is being released 21 days later than the 360 version, and there has been no real explanation in the IW forums from fourzerotwo or any of the other IW employees

3/ Even though Dark Sector isn't that great of a game, the multiplayer has no ranked matches or quick play, unlike that of the 360

4/ GTA4 has episodic content on the 360 ( I know MS paid for exclusivity... )

I'm just peeved... I believe that the COD4 map pack's delay has NOTHING to do with the PSN store being updated because the announcement of the delay was mentioned well before Sony said anything...

Talk some sense and tell me I'm crazy...
1. Sony's fault for not putting rumble in from day one, then now charging customers for the "last gen" feature that they said nobody wanted.

2. XBL's fully integrated online and requirements for all devs to have teh same online system might have something to do with this, who knows why though.

3. See 2: xbl has certain standards every dev must live up to for online. The wii and ps3 get whatever a dev wants to do, including shafting their customers.

4. MS paid $$$, not too much can be done about that, unless sony wants to pay for their own content.
Most people don't have rumble controllers for their PS3.

M$ prolly paid to have map-pack released first//I don't know about that one :X
1. Sony's fault for not putting rumble in from day one, then now charging customers for the "last gen" feature that they said nobody wanted.

2. XBL's fully integrated online and requirements for all devs to have teh same online system might have something to do with this, who knows why though.

3. See 2: xbl has certain standards every dev must live up to for online. The wii and ps3 get whatever a dev wants to do, including shafting their customers.

4. MS paid $$$, not too much can be done about that, unless sony wants to pay for their own content.

1/ I believe RFOM has a patch that adds rumble functionality, why can't IW do that? Sony didn't put in rumble at first, however, there are many games that support rumble, I know because my DS3 vibrates in Dark Sector, Burnout Paradise... etc.

2/ Honestly I don't think XBL has anything to do with why the map pack is being released later. Check He says there are plans to look into the PS3 map pack, however, there is no explanation to WHY it's being delayed. Look at IW's forum, the community moderator, fourzerotwo, hasn't posted one reply in the PS3 section for weeks, but he's been posting actively in the 360 forum... and frequently.

3/ I do agree with this... that the devs can shaft PS3 owners because of the lack of standards. The Wii barely has online, however, the devs have one chance to get it right or else they fail because of the no-patch policy.

4/ The GTA4 thing I can understand because MS did pay for the product and Sony didn't...

Just the biggest thing that bugs me is still IW's unanswered questions.
PS3 is just tasting what the PC has had to deal with since the release of the Xbox.

Sony always manages to do well though.
Im a solid beliver that the Playstation was the best system of its day and had the best games, same with the PS2. Despite the Xbox being a faster system, PS2 games always seemed better.
360 had a head start and is clearly forking out major coin to get exclusive titles and even more to get exclusive content for their system.
When you cant beat them, buy them.

I think when the systems are at their end, PS3 will be going strong. MS resorting to exclusive content this early on makes me wonder if they may be worrying about the future.
Lets face it, when the 360 came out, the original Xbox was forgotten.
The PS2 still has excellent content coming out to this day.

PS3 is coming on strong. MGS and Gran Turismo will make up for any exclusive content the 360 may get.
And lets face it, 360 exclusive means we just have to wait a year and we can get it n the PC for the cost of a torrent.
Rumble support will come soon for COD... it has to. :( lol

As for the reason for the patch releasing so late, I thought it was due to Sony's lengthy QA process?
Rumble support will come soon for COD... it has to. :( lol

As for the reason for the patch releasing so late, I thought it was due to Sony's lengthy QA process?

No no not the patch, the map pack. The one where we have to pay for. That is in question right now.

That's the blog for the guy who updates everyone on whats going on at IW. He works there and yet he has no answers as to WHY PS3 is getting the map pack later. Read the user comments, most are complaints to being ignored. If you than go to other blog posts, the user comments regarding 360 problems are promptly answered by the 402 guy.

Ahhh... I'm use to waiting... can't really play them until the semester is over... in 2 weeks... arg
Well, in terms of the exclusive content for 360.. New rockstar IP > episodic content.

As for everything else.. meh the AAA titles include awesome online integration anyways.

Who knows about the COD4 stuff.. just saddens me about what should be free now costs 9.99.

My thoughts exactly. Microsoft in my eyes has really threw a wrench into the gears of the gaming community. I really feel sad for the future of gaming as I know they plan to rip everyone off as much as they can. I will never buy a 360.
PS3 runs it better than my PC does. :p And I dont really care to upgrade my PC because my PS3 is working out just fine. :p

Meh whatever, I have a PS3 and flopbox 360 but still would never play any FPS game on anything but a PC.
Sony's primary objective with the PS3 was Bluray and the gaming part of the system being second. The gamers got shafted because of that. Now that they don't have to worry about a dumb format war anymore they can go back to concentrating on gaming. I'd say it'll take 2 years for sony to catch up or pass ms . But by then the next iteration of the xbox will be around the corner.
You're not really missing out on much

Pretty much true. UT3's okay, but nothing special. I bought the PC one and stopped playing after about 2 weeks. I'll occasionally bust it out and play a quick match, but the game itself is a chore. Too many objective based maps, too little fun.

For COD - the 360's the one with the largest community. If you're okay at aiming with a pad (not like it's really a twitchy game anyway, P90 FTW) I'd actually say that's the one to get.
PS3 is just tasting what the PC has had to deal with since the release of the Xbox.

MS paying them to screw everyone else is suppose to make you want to buy an Xbox. For me it just makes me dislike MS.
as much as everyone hates microsoft, look what they've done for the market.

i honestly believe that without the pressure of having to catch up to the 360, that the ps3 might not be as good as it is. Microsoft is doing its part to help stimulate the console market by doing everything in its power to make itself more profitable. its a natural part of economics.

look at the iphone and the blackberry before it. they revolutionized the way that people use their phones, and they've pushed each other and others to create bigger and better things.

in the same way, microsoft releasing the 360, going w/ live, paying for exclusive content, etc. has all pushed ps3 (and maybe the wii) to go bigger and bolder. sony has always had an eye on bigger hardware and stuff, and w/ blu-ray its definately got that, and i'm not accusing of sony being a slacker w/ their software, but how much better do you think that home is going to be because xboxlive got there first?

i think that the sony fans will be very happy when they sony finally catches up to the xbox. and as an xbox owner myself i can say i'm pretty happy now. i think in the long run this generation of consoles (which many including myself never considered a true generation but merely an upgrade) is going to end up being very successful
I think Dome has a point. Sony tried to coast with the PS3, especially after the first E3 when it debuted. MS has put the pressure on them and as of late, they're finally really coming through with the PS3. Hell, the 360 wouldn't be where it is if it weren't for the PS2 and the early PS3 press.
We're reaping some benefits on both ends, especially those of us lucky enough to own both.
as much as everyone hates microsoft, look what they've done for the market.

i honestly believe that without the pressure of having to catch up to the 360, that the ps3 might not be as good as it is. Microsoft is doing its part to help stimulate the console market by doing everything in its power to make itself more profitable. its a natural part of economics.

look at the iphone and the blackberry before it. they revolutionized the way that people use their phones, and they've pushed each other and others to create bigger and better things.

in the same way, microsoft releasing the 360, going w/ live, paying for exclusive content, etc. has all pushed ps3 (and maybe the wii) to go bigger and bolder. sony has always had an eye on bigger hardware and stuff, and w/ blu-ray its definately got that, and i'm not accusing of sony being a slacker w/ their software, but how much better do you think that home is going to be because xboxlive got there first?

i think that the sony fans will be very happy when they sony finally catches up to the xbox. and as an xbox owner myself i can say i'm pretty happy now. i think in the long run this generation of consoles (which many including myself never considered a true generation but merely an upgrade) is going to end up being very successful

*smacks self*

Very good point. An obvious omission of reasoning that I've missed lately. And as happy as you are as a 360 owner, I am saying the same as a PS3 owner. I just don't hope Sony doesn't follow Microsoft's path fully in charging for EVERYTHING including pluggin your controller into the PS3 anytime soon. It's just becoming too much :(.
PS3 is getting shafted when it comes to Call of Duty 4?

Try being a PC owner.

At least you guys are getting the map pack... IW has said they have no plans to release it on the PC, and even if they decide to, it will be months down the line.

Which is sad, because the game is constantly in the top 10 for weekly NPD sales, and NPD doesn't even count Steam or other digital distribution. The game wasn't even in the top 10 in Feb 2008's NPD sales for PS3, yet it was number 1 with the 360 version. So IW decides to screw over PC fans, who constantly put the game in the top 10, yet it's PS3 owners who are getting the shaft?

Like I said, just be lucky you're getting the map pack at all ;)

EDIT: I checked into iamfourzerotwo, and it seems that the details about the PC map pack are in the "final stages of being hammered out, and you guys are going to be happy with the news", but still, we're months away from these maps it seems, while PS3 users just have to wait a few weeks =/
There are way to many other games/thingstodo than to sit around for some map pack....
I remember a day when the maps were user created, free and 10x better than the crap we have now.
as much as everyone hates microsoft, look what they've done for the market.

i honestly believe that without the pressure of having to catch up to the 360, that the ps3 might not be as good as it is. Microsoft is doing its part to help stimulate the console market by doing everything in its power to make itself more profitable. its a natural part of economics.

What have they done for the market? Taken PC developers away from the PC market. Bought exclusive content away from the PS3. And managed to lose $7 billion dollars in the bargain.

If the PS3 hadn't had to compete with the 360 then Sony and MS might not have gotten into a penis measuring contest which resulted in some of the most expensive consoles ever made. While they did that the less expensive Wiii kicked both their butts in sales.

So in the end exclusives are split amongst three consoles instead of two, and PC gamers lost a few developers and get more ports. I think we'd have all been better off if MS had stayed out of the console market.

MS would have been better off not losing $7 Billion dollars. After finally getting rid of the stigma of Blue Screen of Death, they created The Red Ring of Death. That hardly did their reputation any good.

The rate of Vista adoption is much slower than XP. What does MS have to sell Vista to gamers, a several year old DX8 console port to try to sell their new DX10 operating system. They were to busy taking exclusives away from the PC they had nothing to showcase for Vista. So being in the console market might have also hurt their promotion of Vista since gamers are early adopters and MS has done more to harm to PC gaming than anyone else has.
i think you're taking too big of a perspective. the microsoft console and microsoft operating systems are not related. when i said the market i was talking about consoles and console games. i believe that ms pc gaming is a separate department than console gaming.

i'm glad the cost of consoles went up. if they were still 200-250, what would be have? barely upgraded versions of the original xbox and ps2. do you think that the ps3 would still offer blu-ray and wifi and bluetooth? there would be no way. for all we know we'd all be gaming on wired controllers. without more money, there is no room for vast improvement like we've seen. look at what the wii has. for 250 you can buy a wii, but each controller w/ nunchuck costs what? 40-50 bucks? does it play dvds? i don't honestly know. nintendo didn't pay for any exclusive content or anything and its got awful third party software support.

even still, having three consoles instead of two creates more competition and benefits us. xbox live might still be charging for a lot of the content it gives out for free except that sony offers an alternative. we might still be waiting for games on the ps3 to come out except that the developers couldn't wait and found an alternative, xbox.

the pc market has its own problems and strong points, just like the console market, and neither are perfect. but i think when its all said and done, the still competition b/w the two consoles is going to end up very beneficial to gamers.

now if only they'd let us play titles across platforms...
As Dome said, I'm thankful to have the competition in the market as a consumer.
Maybe it's just me, but I find my 360 to be the chore while the PS3 is what I use most of the itme.

The media center part of the Xbox practically breaks under my 20k+ song library. It takes a good five minutes for it to load over a WIRED connection, while the PS3 can load its simple list in under 30 seconds. The menus aren't as pleasing to the eye, but it gets the job done FAR better than the 360 does.

DVD playback isn't very good, not to mention upscaling can only be done via VGA. The older 360s didn't have an HDMI connector, so this is a hassle. Most receivers don't have a VGA connection, so you can't connect it to your receiver if you want to upscale DVDs. A PS3 can be easily connected to a TV or receiver with both audio and video capabilities through that one cable. It's so much more hassle-free. That's not to mention the video and lossless audio upgrades available through BR.

The 360 controller can run dead after what seems like just a few hours. I ran through three sets of batteries on Lost Odyssey. This really sucks when you're playing at night or something and they run dead. I just plug my PS3s in after a night of gaming.

My 360 is far louder than the PS3 and I'm always worried about RROD. I leave my PS3 on constantly folding and have yet to have a hiccup.
The 360 controller can run dead after what seems like just a few hours. I ran through three sets of batteries on Lost Odyssey. This really sucks when you're playing at night or something and they run dead. I just plug my PS3s in after a night of gaming.

You should invest in a quick charge kit and an extra rechargeable battery, you'll get about 8hrs per charge and the batteries charge in 2hrs. I personally didn't like the play and charge kit because it kept me tethered to the console. My only complaint with the 360 controller is the d-pad.

Sony's sixaxis isn't perfect either. The controller would lose connection with the console for 1-2 seconds and whatever my last input was it'd be constantly pressed, sucked when it happened to me a multitude of times in VF5 and motorstorm.

Keep in mind that these video game corporations aren't your friend and they do stuff to make money, even if it means cutting a corner or two.
I've never done it, but I'm fairly certain you can plug the Play And Charge kit into the USB port of your computer and it will charge while the computer is on. This way, you don't need to be tethered, can do it while you're doing other stuff or just browsing the web.

Hell, I've done it with my PS3 controller, and it charged no problem, so I imagine the 360 controller is the same way since it's also a USB port, correct?
Sony couldnt put rumble it at launch... there was a lawsuit dealing with patents and rumble. How you dont know this is beyond me...
Sony's sixaxis isn't perfect either. The controller would lose connection with the console for 1-2 seconds and whatever my last input was it'd be constantly pressed, sucked when it happened to me a multitude of times in VF5 and motorstorm.

Never had that or even heard of that.....wierd.

CoD4 does seriously need rumble tho, getting used to it playing Vegas 2 now, CoD4 just doesn't feel right without it.
I don't get it though, the official response is that there cannot be rumble because it would take a whole code overhaul. Resistance Fall of Man was a launch title that didn't have rumble support, but was patched later to support it...

How can it be that horrifically difficult to add-in rumble support? I mean the developers at IW have dealt with harder programming problems before haven't they?
How can it be that horrifically difficult to add-in rumble support? I mean the developers at IW have dealt with harder programming problems before haven't they?

Just another reason to buy COD5! :p
My rule of thumb has always been don't buy a system unless there is a game on it you can't live without playing. PS3 doesn't have one of them yet.


I got the PS1 for Final fantasy 7 if they didn't release a single other game it would have been worth the money.

The ps2 had FFX which could have been there only game and would have been worth the money.

The PS3 doesn't have any 1 game to justify the cost of the system until they do PS3 deserves the shaft.
Calpis is right about the weird-o "PS3 keeps doing my last command" for a few seconds after you stop pressing. It doesn't happen THAT much, but I've probably had it happen in one way or another at least 10-15 times since last January when I got mine.
Supposedly the Dual Shock 3 implements a few connection fixes, so that might be the end of that problem. I've had mine since Saturday and I've had no issues so far. Although it does drain faster when using it with rumble supported games (like R&C and Uncharted).

As for one game making the PS3 worth buying - I'll nominate both of those. I'd say they were better than any 360 game short of Bioshock from last year. Ditto for the Wii.
I thought bluetooth drop outs were fixed with the 80gb and on ?
Fwiw I've never had any issues with it on my 60gb.
I guess this is a feature or a flaw, but why does the PS3 turn off your controllers when you start or stop a PS2 game. Is it that hard to keep the controllers sync'd?