ps3 and wide gamut monitor


May 13, 2010
I am currently using Dell U2410 for my PS3. I heard that U2410 can display 1.07B colors. How do I setup PS3 and U2410 to take advantage of that? Thanks!
You can't , its for editors who do image work on the PC and a PC only feature. You wouldn't notice a difference if you could anyway since the game would also have to support it.
looks like u r right. currently there are no PS3 game supports xvYCC but future games might support. Blu-ray by definition doesn't support xvYCC.

But it seems like if your AVCHD video has wide gamut, then it might be able to make a difference.

Unless you have an eye for this the increased color output (which very few do) then you won't even notice the difference. Its a neat feature that mostly goes unused.

I wouldn't even worry about it honestly , just play games watch movies and enjoy.