PS3 backwards compatibility settings


Aug 28, 2002
What are all of the settings currently available for the PS3's backwards compatibility? Last I remember, there was simple upscaling and some sort of a smoothing filter, but that was it. Do we have anything for aspect ratios or color/brightness correction?

While in game when you press the home button you can access the settings there. It's simply Full Screen or Normal 4:3 and Smoothing on or off. If you upscale beyond 480p, it adds more input lag to the game. Along with the smoothing setting. It's pretty noticeable when I play Marvel vs Capcom 2.
If you upscale beyond 480p, it adds more input lag to the game.
That would be output lag then... Input lag is when your TV process the incoming signal slowly and there is a delay before its on the screen.
the concept of input lag is that what you see on screen is behind the input of the controller. Whether it is caused by the TV or the PS3 is really a moot point as it's the same idea. There is some sort of post processing occurring to the final data prior to it being delayed on screen.

If you want to label it "output lag", go right ahead but it is generally accepted as Input Lag for simplicity's sake. The display image is "lagged" behind the input made by the controller. Hence the term input lag.
Interesting... I didn't know about the input lag.

I can vouch for that, well, kind of. My situation is that it causes some framerate hiccups for me as well during SSX3, but I have it set at 1080i, and I don't turn it down to 480p. It's not awful, but it's noticeable.

I've also had it (SSX3) lock up and make a honking noise, which is semi-amusing. I'm 99% sure thats due to having the DTS 4.1 option turned on in the audio settings, because it doesn't do it when I have it set to regular stereo at the in-game menu.

All of this is of course outweighed by the fact I can play all my games on one box, and it looks appreciably better.
Just another note, I've found that my TV is better at stretching the standard image into widescreen format. If the PS3 does it, 1080i looks like shit on my 1080p set using Gran Turismo 4. However, if I make the ps3 output a 4:3 picture and set the TV to stretch it, it looks much much better.
Just another note, I've found that my TV is better at stretching the standard image into widescreen format. If the PS3 does it, 1080i looks like shit on my 1080p set using Gran Turismo 4. However, if I make the ps3 output a 4:3 picture and set the TV to stretch it, it looks much much better.

I don't get it...

Why are you having to stretch anything. If it played in Widescreen on PS2, it plays in Widescreen on the PS3. You shouldn't need to stretch 1080i to fit 1080p... and with 4:3 games, why stretch those? Don't like the black bars on either side?