PS3:From Price cut to cancelled in record time

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Jun 1, 2004
E3: No more 60GB PlayStation 3 in US after July, says Reeves

'All they're doing is taking their stock and marking the price down' SCEE president David Reeves has told that the 60GB PlayStation 3 will no longer be available in the US after stock sells out - which he predicts will occur by the end of the month.

Reeves was speaking at an E3 event to announce the introduction of a new PS3 bundle in Europe. When asked about possible criticisms over whether SCEE should have given consumers the option to pay a lower price, as SCEA has done, he replied, "Well, they're not really are they, because what the US are offering from the 1st of August is a USD 599 version with one game.

"All they're doing is taking their stock in trade that they've got at the moment of the 60GB model, marking the price down and it will all be gone by the end of July."
When asked to clarify if this will mean the end of the 60GB model, Reeves answered, "In America, yes."

SCEA announced a USD 100 price cut for PlayStation 3 earlier this week. A new 80GB model will come bundled with a copy of Motorstorm and will retail for USD 599.
SCEE president David Reeves has told that the 60GB PlayStation 3 will no longer be available in the US after stock sells out - which he predicts will occur by the end of the month.
Sounds like they just wanted to get rid of their old ps3s that were piling up to just make room for the 80gb ps3s at full price again. An excuse if you ask me to just add another 100 bux to the price again. What a rip off basically lol :)
That’s a bit of a dick move IMO. All this momentum they are building up right now and they do something like this.

It does give credit to the rumour of another price cut before Christmas though.

So either I buy a PS3 now or wait for another price cut :(
They are most likely getting rid of it because of the emotion engines found in the current 60GB models. They want to get rid of all those so the new batches of PS3s sold are going to be the ones without the emotion engine. No emotion engine = less cost to produce.
I was thinking much of the same thing, but not having a reduced price brings them right back to square one. I think it's a terrible move and almost makes me want to sell my PS3 now because they really don't seem to want to get things moving with this console.

I was hoping they'd add another cheaper model but Sony just doesn't seem to get it. The fucking thing is too much money.
Im sure they wont sell out PS3s like hotcakes.. so we will have a long time before we start not seeing 60gbs on shelves. What you can do is save this 60gb that you have right now... and sell it on ebay later when people are going to start looking for PS3s with emotion engines.
that is like discriminating people , is like buy now or get frustrated , because the 60 Gb has a low price now with that purpose fast sells and when it sold out , if people don't have that much money cuz the new one is more expensive than the 60 gb was.:mad:
Well...looks like my PS3 purchase won't be speeded up after all. Even with HD movies/tv shows on Xbox live (not to mention tons of demos/arcade games) I still haven't found a need for more than the 20gb drive....I can't see Sony providing enough content to warrant 80gb. I'll wait until they figure out this was a pointless move and go ahead and drop the price of the top dog $100.;)
LOL, *Wow*, and I thought God was an evil fuck :p. Sony giveth, and Sony taketh away in record time, haha. Jebus!
What they should have done is phase out the emotion engine out quietly and continued to make the 60gbs without it. That way, they would only piss off a few people on the internets.
That’s a bit of a dick move IMO. All this momentum they are building up right now and they do something like this.

If they are really pulling this shit then yea it is a dick move.

On a side note you know microsoft is eating this up. It is like sony is trying to piss people off to drive them to nintendo or ms.
If they are really pulling this shit then yea it is a dick move.

On a side note you know microsoft is eating this up. It is like sony is trying to piss people off to drive them to nintendo or ms.

I bet Balmer woke up Gates just a bit ago: "Bill, check it out, Sony's ditching the 60GB and going only with the 80, effectively taking that $100 right back onto the PS3 price"

Bill:"No shit? Come on, nobody's THAT dumb"

I bet Balmer woke up Gates just a bit ago: "Bill, check it out, Sony's ditching the 60GB and going only with the 80, effectively taking that $100 right back onto the PS3 price"

Bill:"No shit? Come on, nobody's THAT dumb"


Man if MS was real smart they would drop the price of the 360 right away and run the add that it will stay at the lower price as well as come with a free game or 2. Maybe throw hl2 or something onto the hard drive and thow in some other game. Who knows.

Anyway I was not planning on getting a ps3 yet(really waiting for it to hit 400) but I'll tell you this doesn't help. They will have to have some real killer games only on it out before I'll look at it at the current price.
Calm down. When the 60gig is gone the 80gig will be sold at $499.00 with out Motorstorm bundled in. Common sense.
Calm down. When the 60gig is gone the 80gig will be sold at $499.00 with out Motorstorm bundled in. Common sense.

I dought they would do that right away. All they would end up doing is pissing a bunch of ps3 owners off that would feel ripped off in one way or another.

Then again this is sony we are talking about. Their track record as of late has been pretty bad.
They must be holding out for some reason. You would think more people would want to purchase a cheaper 60gb PS3 without an emotion engine because of a reduction in price, Sony must figure that it's current momentum is fine for the time being because they won't be selling more of them after this. I don't think it's much of a big deal though because 20 gigs of extra space will probably be more usable than the emotion chip if PS2/PS1 games can be emulated to full spec with software. Sony are smarter than people realize, they haven't really marketed the PS3 that heavily yet and I think they're waiting to slowly build momentum once better games are released.
They must be holding out for some reason. You would think more people would want to purchase a cheaper 60gb PS3 without an emotion engine because of a reduction in price, Sony must figure that it's current momentum is fine for the time being because they won't be selling more of them after this. I don't think it's much of a big deal though because 20 gigs of extra space will probably be more usable than the emotion chip if PS2/PS1 games can be emulated to full spec with software. Sony are smarter than people realize, they haven't really marketed the PS3 that heavily yet and I think they're waiting to slowly build momentum once better games are released.

They do claim that it is a 10 year cycle of support for it. Yes I do think that the wii's excitement will wear off once the hardware limitations start to really show vs the 360 and ps3. Thing is they need to do something to get the gears in motion. The wii has been sold out now for how long? I mean it is sad but the will may make it into the next holliday season in short supply. Look at the threads still where people are saying how they are find stores with them if anyone is in the area and needs them. MS is going pretty strong with the 360 as well. By the time sony gets more good games out they will be outsold like crazy.
Yes I do think that the wii's excitement will wear off once the hardware limitations start to really show vs the 360 and ps3.

You do realize that 5 years ago everyone was saying the exact same thing except that it would be *PS2* whose buzz wore off as people realized it wasn't as capable as Xbox or GC (especially Xbox), right?

It's not about the horsepower for the majority of consumers. It never was.
Like others have said, i think this will for surely drain the hype that the price cut has made. Bet this is why the 360 didn't have a price cut ;). Just shooting themselves in the foot thats for sure.
I'm almost positive this is what is going to happen and why...

Right now 60GB Hard Drives are being phased out by manufacturers. No one is making them anymore, at least in the quantity that Sony needs, so it's not like Sony can continue to build PS3s with them.

The 80GB model is going to become the standard model. It will drop down to the $500 price point without Motorstorm.

Now this might not happen immediately after 60GB stocks are depleted but it will happen before the holiday season.

I know Sony has made some bad moves but I can't think they would be dumb to do anything but this.
yup, pretty sure when 60gb model are phased out, the 80gb model will be drop down to 499$ without Motorstorm.. and they will introduce a new 120gb SKU at 599
I'm almost positive this is what is going to happen and why...

Right now 60GB Hard Drives are being phased out by manufacturers. No one is making them anymore, at least in the quantity that Sony needs, so it's not like Sony can continue to build PS3s with them.

The 80GB model is going to become the standard model. It will drop down to the $500 price point without Motorstorm.

Now this might not happen immediately after 60GB stocks are depleted but it will happen before the holiday season.

I know Sony has made some bad moves but I can't think they would be dumb to do anything but this.

I agree. Which means I might as well buy one now with all the deals going on. I'm not huge into downloading content, so the bigger harddrive does nothing for me.
Actually, this bit of news forced my hand and I just got done ordering a 60gb off of Amazon. I didn't feel like waiting until the 80gb drops to $500, since +20gb of space does nothing for me.

Besides, a PS3, Blu-ray remote and 6 Blu-ray movies for $506 shipped is too good to pass up.

Woot! Sigma here I come.
Bleh, I thought I might buy a PS3 sometime in the first half of 2008 after this $100 price drop, but it looks like I'll have to stick to my plan of late 2008 or beyond.
So much for the price cut.

Yep, it wasn't a price cut, it was to clear excess inventory. Like I said in the original price cut thread, retailers are up to their necks in them and need to get rid of them, and now we know why, they are being phased out.
Actually, this bit of news forced my hand and I just got done ordering a 60gb off of Amazon. I didn't feel like waiting until the 80gb drops to $500, since +20gb of space does nothing for me.

Besides, a PS3, Blu-ray remote and 6 Blu-ray movies for $506 shipped is too good to pass up.

Woot! Sigma here I come.

Yeah if this is indeed true, or even a rumor it will force many ppls hands who are on the fence to grab one now b4 its too late. The people bitching about not buying one because of Sony being a dick obviously werent going to get one anytime soon anyway. This is the type of news to spur sales on the 60s b4 the price goes back up.
So is this what we should expect of the PS3? A new model every 6 months? MS got ragged on hard for the elite, hell I wouldn't have bought an elite if my launch unit hadn't died, and that was after a year+ before MS released the elite. I'm not great analyst but from a consumer that spends some money on games each year Sony can lick a nut if they keep jerking us around like this in the gaming industry.
No one really will buy it anyway when you can get a 360 that has better game's and better media... Damn Sony... They really messed up with the PS3
Yeah if this is indeed true, or even a rumor it will force many ppls hands who are on the fence to grab one now b4 its too late. The people bitching about not buying one because of Sony being a dick obviously werent going to get one anytime soon anyway. This is the type of news to spur sales on the 60s b4 the price goes back up.

Yeah, I've been on the fence for awhile. Just kind of waiting for the games to come. And while the games aren't quite here yet, they're starting to trickle out now (Sigma, Lair and Heavenly Sword soon).

It was a great deal from Amazon, so I feel it was a good purchase for someone who was going to get a PS3 eventually anyways.
So is this what we should expect of the PS3? A new model every 6 months?

As long as their new "models" only consist of bigger harddrives, I couldn't care less. This 60gb model has about all the options I think I'll need (HDMI, Wi-fi, emotion engine, ....). It's true, the one thing Sony could do to really piss me off would be to release some PS3 model in the future that has some new option that segments the community. Although I can't think what that option would be off the top of my head.

Maybe if by some miracle HD-DVD wins the war, and PS3 comes out with a hybrid format drive or something....
Well, that kinda sucks...but oh well.
I have no issues with the various PS3 models as long as (like PoweredBySoy mentioned) they just keep changing the HD size. I'll likely never fill my 60GB PS3 up and it's got everything else I want. I never thought rumble mattered much, but it's nice that they brought it back for those who do like it.
No way the PS3 will have 10 year cycle... Unless they start making shitty addons like Sega did... U can place 2 PS3 with a cable for twice the horse power!

If they keep this 80gb version at 600 and whipe the others, then they r plain fuckin stupid... I was actually considering buying one but no... they are making sure u dont get one

Reminds me of South Park, when Eric Cartman managed a Theme Park... No one is allowed to have our PS3! Piss off!!!
So is this what we should expect of the PS3? A new model every 6 months?

Yeah, as someone else said, as long as its only the HDD size, (and even that is something you can change on your own, without voiding any kind of warranty), I couldn't really care.

They'll have to keep juggling their drives sizes to whatever size they can purchase cheapest from WD, Seagate, whoever their contract(s) are, and that doesn't really hurt anyone, IMO.
Bleh, I thought I might buy a PS3 sometime in the first half of 2008 after this $100 price drop, but it looks like I'll have to stick to my plan of late 2008 or beyond.

I'm still waiting on the PS3 slim, the PS3, like PS2 before it, is too fat and ugly right now. I'm sure a much sexier model is just around the corner :)
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