PS3 Launch Titles

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Mar 29, 2006
I was looking at the list of PS3 launch games since it seems like it's SOMEWHAT finalized to see if I wanted to preorder a PS3 to play or to sell. To be honest, I am finding the launch titles to be pretty weak. The Xbox 360 launch was also probably weaker, but it also didn't have any competition.

Tentative launch games (bold = exclusive):

1. EA Sports Fight Night Round 3
2. Warhawk
3. John Woo Presents Stranglehold
4. Resistance: Fall of Man
5. Genji 2
6. Sonic the Hedgehog
7. Alone in the Dark
8. Call of Duty 3
9. Madden NFL 07
10. NBA Live 07
11. Full Auto 2: Battlelines
12. Ridge Racer 7
13. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
14. College Hoops 2K7
15. NHL 2K7
16. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
17. Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
18. Tony Hawk's Project 8
19. Need for Speed Carbon
20. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
21. Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War
22. Fatal Inertia

It's inevitable that some of these games won't make the actual launch date. Also, I just got this list from IGN and didn't really research the latest news about each games so some of them may have been delayed already.

Of the tentative launch titles, 8 will be exclusive (36%). Of the 8, 3 will be racing games. RPGs, which the PS2 was strong for, will be absent from launch.

Some of the launch titles will be old news by the time they're finally released for the PS3. Madden will have been out for the 360 for nearly 3 months before it will be released for the PS3. FNR3 will be 9 moths old. NBA Live 07 and NHL 2K7 will also see significantly earliers releases on the 360.

I can't see a very compelling reason to add a PS3 to my collection around launch when I already have a 360. Warhawk and RR7 are the only titles that really make me want the PS3, and Forza 2 is coming out well before RR7.

Anyone else think the PS3 launch titles are pretty weak?
I'll be picking up resistance, rainbow six, warhawk, and motorstorm at launch. After reading the PSM 13 page article, resistance is probably my most anticipated title. The game just jumped to the top of my list after reading how good its going to be, highly recommend you check the article out. I was thinking about getting singstar around x-mas time cause it seems like a great family oriented game, people over in the uk say its a pretty popular "friends and beer" game just to fuck around with. Tony Hawk 8 seems a good x-mas buy also, they are trying to bring it back to the orginal which sounds pretty good. And I'm hoping hot shots golf 5 makes launch, one of my favorite psp/ps2 games. I'm getting warhawk and motorstorm for the multiplayer alone, but warhawk's singleplayer should be a pretty good experience. I'm hoping the eye toy is avaliable at launch, cause im pretty interested in the ps3 non gaming features as well. And the rumored 3.0 firmware for psp is sounding pretty nice making the psp a remote.

As for comparing launch titles to launch titles, you would have to compare the launch titles to launch titles to be fair, not launch titles vs launch titles + every game released so far. That said, splinter cell, oblivion, and graw are rumored to be ported over to ps3. Xbox owners probably have less to look for due to the multiplatform titles being on the system already but non next gen console owners it should be a interesting look at.

you should add lair, motorstorm, singstar, and eye of judgement up there. And im pretty sure untold is an action rpg. (though they really need to work on that game)
Virtua Fighter 5 is also a launch title. Anyways looking forward to resistance, warhawk, motorstorm, rr7, and vf5 of course... but im really looking forward to Singstar...trying to be the next American Idol. :D
Carbon_Le said:
Virtua Fighter 5 is also a launch title. Anyways looking forward to resistance, warhawk, motorstorm and vf5 of course.
VF5 is coming early 07, sometime after Virtua Tennis IIRC. But yeah, if your looking forward to resistance, you should really check out the psm article. Gives alot of details and some nice updated screens.
Nah, I doubt It's only in Europe. Singstar might be just at launch (europe only I mean), but it will eventually come to America Before Christmas. But even if Motorstorm was Europe only, the games are region free. :)
1) Warhawk will indeed be a launch title.

2) The 360 did have competition in the form of the PS2, which it is still competing with and will continue to compete with for quite a while.

3) VF5 was released in Japanese arcades last month, so it will probably be out in early 2007, which is close enough. Same goes for Tekken 6.

Warhawk with the motion-sensing control aone has me sold(I still have to PS1 Warhawk with the cardboard case), and then there's also R:FOM, RR7, Sonic The Hedgehog, and lord, god, Motorstorm.

As for comparing launch titles to launch titles, you would have to compare the launch titles to launch titles to be fair, not launch titles vs launch titles + every game released so far. That said, splinter cell, oblivion, and graw are rumored to be ported over to ps3. Xbox owners probably have less to look for due to the multiplatform titles being on the system already but non next gen console owners it should be a interesting look at.

Good point. I think that the PS3 AND the Wii lauch titles are more impressive than those of the 360; however, the upcoming PS2 games dwarf them all. You'd swear that it, and not the PS3 and Wii, was making its debut.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
Good point. I think that the PS3 AND the Wii lauch titles are more impressive than those of the 360; however, the upcoming PS2 games dwarf them all. You'd swear that it, and not the PS3 and Wii, was making its debut.

Good observation. I'm beginning to think that Sony is still using the PS2 to compete against the Wii (and maybe the 360).

Just checking over at, Sony does have some nice stuff for the 2006/2007 season (God of War 2, Guitar Hero II, Final Fantasy 12, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII as well as the Maddens, NBA, MLB, etc). That plus the massive wall of PS2 games does make it quite compelling, especially at the $150 price point.
PikachuMan said:
(God of War 2, Guitar Hero II, Final Fantasy 12, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII as well as the Maddens, NBA, MLB, etc). That plus the massive wall of PS2 games does make it quite compelling, especially at the $150 price point.
but nothing new. 2,2,12!,remake,sports crap.
6 months ago I was ready to stand in line and fight for the PS3. What a difference 6 months makes. Instead until I see a release date for Tekken 6 and something that's really eye opening (that isn't already coming for the 360/PC/Wii), I'm not sure if I want one at all.
It's not to say that the PS3 might not be awesome, but I no longer think it's a sure thing and I no longer need one ASAP. Too many recycled multiplatform titles and forgetable exclusives.
Hmm, a lot of tasty titles there, probably...
Tony Hawk's Project 8
NFS: Carbon
CoD3 maybe (Don't like fps's on consoles...)
Tiger Woods PGA '07
There's not a single exlusive on that list, that'll make me go out and get a PS3 at launch. Even most of the non-exclusives don't really interest me either, with the exception of Sonic and perhaps Call of Duty 3. But hey, that's just me.

The Xbox 360 didn't have the best launch either, though if I'm not mistaken Oblivion and GRAW were launch titles. Those two would have perhaps gotten me to spend 400 bucks on a launch system, if I had the money then. Sonic and Call of Duty 3 aren't going to get me to plunk down 600 bucks though (I wouldn't get anything less then the better PS3 SKU).

In the end there hasn't been a great launch since the Dreamcast, in my opinion.
i dont really expect any of the launch titles to be next gen quality and truly superb... lack of information and unfamiliarity with the capabilities of the system will result in pretty mediocre games... so regardless of launch... the really good games will come after... imo... i suppose the rpgs would be alright as they are not so graphically based... but o well, none mentioned as of yet...
Jerome36 said:
The Xbox 360 didn't have the best launch either, though if I'm not mistaken Oblivion and GRAW were launch titles.

Actually they weren't...but you're right, it didn't have a great launch either. The only difference is that it was the first "next gen" system to hit, so it didn't really have to. COD2, Need For Speed, PGR, and Condemned were really the only stand-outs. The thing is, they weren't really competing with any other major console game releases right around that period, so people with the money jumped on it. The 360 didn't really take off until Feb. when Burnout, Oblivion, and GRAW all hit in 3 weeks.

This fall Sony's got a system that's pricy, a lot of titles that will be out on other systems, and 2 competitors with their own game lineups that are comparable. When you're in a situation like that, you can't really afford to have an average launch.

Sony might prove us all wrong and annihilate everyone but on paper it just doesn't look like it. This time they're going to have to rely on joe Wal-Mart that hopefully still thinks it'll be 1000X stronger than the 360.
Domingo said:
This fall Sony's got a system that's pricy, a lot of titles that will be out on other systems, and 2 competitors with their own game lineups that are comparable. When you're in a situation like that, you can't really afford to have an average launch.

Sony might prove us all wrong and annihilate everyone but on paper it just doesn't look like it. This time they're going to have to rely on joe Wal-Mart that hopefully still thinks it'll be 1000X stronger than the 360.

That, or just buy another PS2 game.

Sony's got more than one outlet for games, and at 90 million units, this might be more important right now.
well, im starting to think that sony isnt expecting the ps3 to make all that big of mark at launch... with the ps2 remaining at the top... do they really need to make that big of an impression right off the bat? can they afford to just get it out there for them rich mofos who can afford to drop a grand on a gaming system and then gradually bring down the price as the ps2 slows in sales? awesome games are still coming out on the ps2... i dunno... pure speculation as always ^^
Before E3 I was very ready to get the PS3. Afterwards, things totally changed. I'm much more of a Wii fan now. PS3 is way too expensive IMO. Buying the system, ONE extra controller and a game easily puts you over $700 which is way too much. The games are ok, but nothing revolutiony. Blue-ray is still questionable. The lack of HDMI on the less expensive model is a mistake. The motion sensing controller is just, well, unoriginal compared to what Nintendo is doing with the Wii, especially considering Warhawk is the only title to use it so far. Also, Sony is having problems with the Cell processor. They're having problems getting enough yields with 7 active SPU's. Also I've read about overheating problems (xbox360 all over again it looks like). I hope Sony has some tricks up it's sleeve because it's not looking so good. And for all the people that say Sony will be fine because it has a large fan base, look what happened to Nintendo when it flopped with the N64, from first to last.

I'm not biased either way, but I'd say come this time next year, the Wii will outsell both Sony and M$.
Domingo said:
Actually they weren't...but you're right, it didn't have a great launch either. The only difference is that it was the first "next gen" system to hit, so it didn't really have to. COD2, Need For Speed, PGR, and Condemned were really the only stand-outs.

Thanks for clearing that up. I should have known that, but especially considering I didn't have any money to buy one, even prior to launch, I guess I just didn't follow it as closely as I normally would have. Though, now that I think about it, I remember all the talk on another message board, about how they couldn't wait for GRAW to release. I guess it just escaped me when I made my original post. :)

Sony might prove us all wrong and annihilate everyone but on paper it just doesn't look like it. This time they're going to have to rely on joe Wal-Mart that hopefully still thinks it'll be 1000X stronger than the 360.

Unfortunetaly I don't think the average "joe Wal-Mart" is willing, or even able, to spend 500 or 600 bucks on a video game system. They'll see the price of it, find out Blu-Ray movies, in many cases, are more expensive then their DVD counterparts, and also not care that it's going to look great on an HDTV (because the average Walmart shopper, at least in my experiences, doesn't own one).

We'll see though. Only time will tell.
maverick777 said:
Before E3 I was very ready to get the PS3. Afterwards, things totally changed. I'm much more of a Wii fan now. PS3 is way too expensive IMO. Buying the system, ONE extra controller and a game easily puts you over $700 which is way too much. The games are ok, but nothing revolutiony. Blue-ray is still questionable. The lack of HDMI on the less expensive model is a mistake. The motion sensing controller is just, well, unoriginal compared to what Nintendo is doing with the Wii, especially considering Warhawk is the only title to use it so far. Also, Sony is having problems with the Cell processor. They're having problems getting enough yields with 7 active SPU's. Also I've read about overheating problems (xbox360 all over again it looks like). I hope Sony has some tricks up it's sleeve because it's not looking so good. And for all the people that say Sony will be fine because it has a large fan base, look what happened to Nintendo when it flopped with the N64, from first to last.

I'm not biased either way, but I'd say come this time next year, the Wii will outsell both Sony and M$.

the lack of hdmi on the cheaper version is a mistake... but then again... its there for those who probably dont need the hdmi port and are looking for a 100 dollar cheaper solution...
motion sensing controller is simply an addition... doesnt make or break the games... while its pretty cool that warhawk utilizes it... it doesnt make or break a game... so wuteverz to sony's decision to implement motion sensing...
and i wouldnt call it so much as a 'problem' that they are having problems generating 7 working spus... im sure they put that into the cost and are able to recycle the chips that do not have 7/8 functional spus... so its not actually a problem unless they start releasing PS3s with 6 or lower functional spus... which wont happen... and since the price is set... who cares right? and some ppl are concerned with the 10-15 or 20-30% output of the spus... but o well... as long as its enough to power good games...
but i have not yet read about the overheating... dunno...

yeah, wii will do well... price always has its advantages... i plan on picking up a ps3 and a wii... somewhere down the road... who knows... and our favorite line... only time will tell =)
Sony doesn't need the PS3 to have the most spectacular launch in history because the PS2 is still going strong, outselling everything.

Even if the PS3 were cheaper, everyone doesn't want to upgrade in the beginning. Most will wait until a year or two after the console is released.

It makes much more sense for games like FFVII, God Of War 2, Guitar Heroes 2, etc to be released on the PS2 and not the PS3. The PS3 will most likely sell out at launch, but there would only be a few million of them out there if those games were released and their sales wouldn't be as high.

For the time being, the PS2 will still be the console that Sony aims towards the casual crowd while the PS3 will be aimed towards the high-end crowd, and as a means to establish Blu-Ray. If Sony manages to ship 6 million PS3's by next March, that's 6 million Blu-Ray players in homes across the world.

Meanwhile, continued support of the PS2 allows Sony to soften the blow of the money that it will lose in the first stages of the PS3's life. Also, since the PS2 is outselling everything, Sony can capitalize on this by releasing the aforementioned games for the PS2, which means that later on, when more peole decide to upgrade to a next-gen console, they'll be more likely to buy a PS3.

Sony is going to use both the PS2 and PS3 to battle Nintendo and Microsoft.
Jerome36 said:
Unfortunetaly I don't think the average "joe Wal-Mart" is willing, or even able, to spend 500 or 600 bucks on a video game system. They'll see the price of it, find out Blu-Ray movies, in many cases, are more expensive then their DVD counterparts, and also not care that it's going to look great on an HDTV (because the average Walmart shopper, at least in my experiences, doesn't own one).
We'll see though. Only time will tell.

Yup. I agree. That's the problem I suppose. The only people I know of that are still super stoked about the PS3 are pseudo non-gamers that think it's strong enough to run a dozen 360 games in full-res simultaniously. Those are also the people that are least likely to drop $1/2K for video games, too. Most hardcore gamers would like one, but are at least a little skeptical.
maverick777 said:
Before E3 I was very ready to get the PS3. Afterwards, things totally changed. I'm much more of a Wii fan now. PS3 is way too expensive IMO. Buying the system, ONE extra controller and a game easily puts you over $700 which is way too much. The games are ok, but nothing revolutiony. Blue-ray is still questionable. The lack of HDMI on the less expensive model is a mistake. The motion sensing controller is just, well, unoriginal compared to what Nintendo is doing with the Wii, especially considering Warhawk is the only title to use it so far. Also, Sony is having problems with the Cell processor. They're having problems getting enough yields with 7 active SPU's. Also I've read about overheating problems (xbox360 all over again it looks like). I hope Sony has some tricks up it's sleeve because it's not looking so good. And for all the people that say Sony will be fine because it has a large fan base, look what happened to Nintendo when it flopped with the N64, from first to last. .

Congratulations! You've just assembled all the anti-Sony FUD that's been spreading around into one post. =\

Let's all try to think about real issues, not imagined ones (overheating? -it's not out yet, bud).
maverick777 said:
The lack of HDMI on the less expensive model is a mistake.
How so, the competition doesnt even have HDMI ports? and the ICP/HDCP/HDMI standard shouldnt kick in until 2012 now, so It's not really a big deal unless you want the highest quality picture possible with HDMI 1.3, which the higher model will have.
maverick777 said:
The motion sensing controller is just, well, unoriginal compared to what Nintendo is doing with the Wii, especially considering Warhawk is the only title to use it so far.
Actually, there are a number of games that are already confirmed that are going to use the motion controller in some way. Resistance (read the PSM article for gods sake), MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Naughty Dog's game, Warhawk, COD3, Full Auto 2, etc.

maverick777 said:
Also, Sony is having problems with the Cell processor. They're having problems getting enough yields with 7 active SPU's. Also I've read about overheating problems (xbox360 all over again it looks like).
Actually..the cell yeilds are actually going pretty well. And already "rolling" units out the door.

And about overheating, the console will actually be quieter and run at a lower temperature than the orginal PS2.
Q30. How much noise reduction level have you achieved ?
A30. Approximately 29dB (A) (equivalent to slim-line PS2).
For use in living rooms, maximum heat and noise reduction has been achieved with a noise level equivalent to that of the current slim-line PlayStation 2.

maverick777 said:
I'm not biased either way, but I'd say come this time next year, the Wii will outsell both Sony and M$.
If your not biased, you should atleast try to get some facts straight so that you will continue to not be biased.
I was going to do a post like what "Bad Boy" did, but I didn't want to derail the thread that much. Go ahead, start a new thread or check one of the past threads if you want to preach your anti-sony FUD.

Back on topic.
Sony is making a folly mistake by not putting any Square Enix's games nor MGS 4.
My opinio is that the PS3 will sell if Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out for it.
Noobkiller said:
Sony is making a folly mistake by not putting any Square Enix's games nor MGS 4.
When has square enix or kojima ever made a sony launch title?
I said that because I think they should release the gaming genres people love. Because as for now, it looks like the Wii got it, I just think they should release popular gaming fanchises, or, Sony might be waiting to release those titles during 2007 christmas rush.
Noobkiller said:
Sony is making a folly mistake by not putting any Square Enix's games nor MGS 4.
My opinio is that the PS3 will sell if Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out for it.

It isn't up to Sony what games get released when. The games are released when they are ready. I am sure if Sony could just pull games out of a hat they would have big sellers coming out every month...but Sony really can't do much about when games come out, only encourage that they are exclusive to their system when they do come out.

Also, what is a "folly mistake" that is like saying somebody made a bad awful decision. Folly and mistake are the same thing, folly is not an adjective. Sorry for grammar nazi, but that made no sense.
the ps3 doesnt need as great a launch, especially with all these great games coming out on the ps2 which will continue to sell very well... get the ps3 out... let ppl get comfortable with it, give developers some time to familiarize themselves to the system, and try to cut costs, by doing this, they may be able to get ps2 fans to convert over to the ps3 when those fans are ready for hdmi and some more eye candy...

provided that the ps3 is 90+% backwards compatible... itll be great...
Well, if the PS3 launch goes rather poorly it will require that much more for the system to obtain the #1 spot. First impressions die hard and if the demand for the PS3 isn't really high then people will start to see it as "that overpriced system" and will look elsewhere (360 and/or Wii).
first off, sorry for the grammar mistake

second yes it's up to the gaming devolpers to decide what game comes out when, however, Sony decides if they should be released at all.

Anyway, I was reading my gameinformer magazine, and the president of Sony said, " it's not a gaming console, it's a computer"
I realized, by them doing this, they already grabbed the demographic that is a hardcore gamer. But however, I think Nintendo got this because the console is cheap,, and the games for it are cheap. Also you're able to download classic Nintendo games. By doing this, they grabbed all of the retro gamers.

So one question, how do you suppose PS3 will bet 360 and WII by the hoilday rush of 2007?
Noobkiller said:
second yes it's up to the gaming devolpers to decide what game comes out when, however, Sony decides if they should be released at all.
Sony cant tell them to release a game if it's not ready. In this case MGS4 and FFXIII/Kingdom Hearts 3.

especially if it's 3rd party.
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