

Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2004
Finally ponied up for a new console this past weekend.. got the PS3 40GB.... (hey, it's a start.. lol).

Anyways, I've always purchased the newest Madden when getting a new system.. starting back in 92 with my Genesis... Does anyone else think 08 sucks? I'm extremely dissappointed in the gameplay (seems sluggish) and the commentary is absolutely horrible.

I dunno, I'm just pissed that I spent another 50 bux on a game that usually very good.. and it's not.
i bought the 40GB last week as well. I picked up NCAA football '08 when i bought the system and played it for a while. the last console football game i played was NCAA football '03 on my XBox. It feels like there has been zero improvements to these games since back in '03. I suppose it's to be expected as there's not a whole lot of room for improvement in sports games...but i was at least hoping to see significant graphics improvements. no luck. oh well, still a fun game (and good reason to trash talk friends).

on a side note i picked up Uncharted a few days ago and was immediately addicted. just beat it last night...what a great game. definitely check it out if you haven't already.
See, this is why I'm hesitant to buy a PS3. Sure, some games run good, but some run like crap.

99.9% of the 360's games run good.
Madden 1994 was very good :)
Actually, several of the 2D era ones were pretty good, especially as that era came to a close. They finally tweaked pass defense to the point that you could no longer just throw 30-yard passes every play.
We've now been in the 3D era for 13 years and they still haven't figured out how make pass defense AI work correctly.
See, this is why I'm hesitant to buy a PS3. Sure, some games run good, but some run like crap.

99.9% of the 360's games run good.

This has nothing to do with X360 v PS3. Madden 2008 can be quite a turd on any system, and the core gameplay in the series is pretty stagnant right now...

Having said that, the 360 version runs a little better, however EA has projected that the PS3 will outsell the 360 this year, so expect that to change.
Madden is a pretty poor football game, unfortunately it is the only licensed NFL one with current players, but alternatively you can pick up All Pro Football 2k8, which is a much better football game all around since it is made by 2k Sports who are known by some (and me) to have made 'the' best football game ever.. NFL2k5
Best football game ever = Bill Walsh College Football (the first one).
If the speed of a few players wasn't so broken, Joe Montana Sports-Talk was also pretty killer.
See, this is why I'm hesitant to buy a PS3. Sure, some games run good, but some run like crap.

99.9% of the 360's games run good.

What you speak of are the EA games pre-NBA Live 08. All ran at 30fps on the PS3. All EA games now run as fast as their 360 counterpart, or better EG Burnout Paradise. We shouldnt be seeing major discrepancies between cross-platform games anymore imo.
I actually am quite fond of Madden 08. It runs smooth as silk on my 360 and I have thoroughly enjoyed playing via Live. Sure, it has its fair share of bugs, but I don't know what game doesn't. I think the gameplay has improved quite a bit since Madden debuted on next-gen [now current-gen] consoles.

There will always be Madden/EA haters, and there will be others that just enjoy playing the game(s). Madden 09 could come in a case made of pure gold and I'm sure that you'll find no shortage of people ready to slam the title before its released.
Madden was disappointing to me but NCAA08 is the best ncaa I've ever played...the previous ones definetely lacked something that this one has, and for the first time I'm enjoying a college game...its got room for improvement, but not the "improvements" that Madden has. 3 more seasons until the nfl license exlcusivity runs out and hopefully we'll see a resurgence of NFL2k and NFL Fever to get some competition back in here. just wish the NCAA would take the same tack and let a couple other companies make a football game too.
See, this is why I'm hesitant to buy a PS3. Sure, some games run good, but some run like crap.

99.9% of the 360's games run good.

Good job derailing this thread! The OP wasn't talking about about how the game runs compared to the 360. He wasn't even talking about how the game runs.

He was making a point about the gameplay and the commentary being poor.

Put your bias aside and read the OP carefully instead of turning another thread into a PS3 vs 360 slap fest.
He wasn't even talking about how the game runs.

Technically he was
cfetter79 said:
I'm extremely dissappointed in the gameplay (seems sluggish)

But anyways, as stated it shouldn't really matter anymore as EA supposable fixed all the newer games..

Haven't played Madden 08 on any consoles, but have played it on my PC, and it plays pretty good.
Well the OP is commenting on the game overall and not how it plays in regards to the framerate. Getting a few more FPS out of the game running it on a 360 is not going to fix those problems.

EA getting some hate is well deserved. During a time when 2K games was really making big improvements to try and make things more fun, EA was fealing heat as their core game barely changed year to year. So, in actions that can only be desribed as anti consumer, EA did something. Except they did not take action to improve their game and keep their fans, they just bought out exclusive rights to the NFL license so 2K could not make their game anymore. Since then, EA still has not made the game much better, and they really do not have a reason to.

Having said that, like many other people, I will be purchasing Madden 2009 the day it comes out, because I love football, and its the only game in town...
Technically he was

But anyways, as stated it shouldn't really matter anymore as EA supposable fixed all the newer games..

Haven't played Madden 08 on any consoles, but have played it on my PC, and it plays pretty good.

Technically? I don't think so. It sounds like he was complaining about the speed of the game in the sense that the players moved slower or the pace of the game was slow. The few times I've played a recent version of Madden, it felt like the game was in slow motioned compared to the the faster gameplay (ex. player movement) I remember from the Sega Genesis days.

I think you're assuming the "sluggishness" as being a technical fault of the PS3,as in a slower frame rate.

If only the OP could clarify...
The sluggishness factor that you refer to has nothing to do with the technical prowess for either system.

First off, the PS3 version runs at 30fps, and the 360 version runs at 60fps. That's the difference you're experiencing.

The 08 lineup was the first round of software lineup for the PS3 from EA, and as such there was not much development time spent on these versions. By now, multiplatform games which were once superior on the 360 are pretty much the same on the PS3, or very minimally different (Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Burnout Paradise, Devil May Cry 4). Expect the 09 lineup for both games to be perfectly identical.

Also, given the fact that EA has said they predict the PS3 to outsell the 360 this year, they will definitely put in a lot more effort into the PS3 versions of the 09 games. Also, with half of the 360's userbase, EA's PS3 revenue was over half of EA's 360 revenue in Q3, which means their games are support a slightly better attach ratio on the PS3. Given that the PS3 should have a decent sized userbase this year, EA will not want to drop the ball again, as their reputation is at stake.

edit: oh, and I should add that Madden 08 wasn't regarded as being a very good entry to the series. I'm not a Madden guy at all though (more into the NHL here in Canadia), so don't take my word for it.

Also, since you got a PS3, you really need to check out Uncharted. Ratchet & Clank is also an absolutely stunning piece of software, if you have a capable HDTV.
Read before you buy...only thing I can say. Everybody has said Madden 08 sucks on the ps3 since it came out.

Anyways, I don't like madden games :p
I thought it was pretty well known that the PS3 version runs at 30fps while the 360 does 60fps. I've heard the pc version is the worst of all though..
EA is very slow to overhaul their sports engines. Any actual development effort is pretty much their bane.

Madden 09 could come in a case made of pure gold and I'm sure that you'll find no shortage of people ready to slam the title before its released.

Funny you should mention that because I'm certain if it were possible that EA would rather do that than actually put serious development into it. Just slap some gold platting on it, charge more for a pretty case, and call it 09.

Having said that, like many other people, I will be purchasing Madden 2009 the day it comes out, because I love football, and its the only game in town...

And that's exactly the reason why they can continue to put out shovelware and make so much money that they can play "who can buy out the most licenses and IPs" instead of "who can put out the best game."
The 08 lineup was the first round of software lineup for the PS3 from EA, and as such there was not much development time spent on these versions. By now, multiplatform games which were once superior on the 360 are pretty much the same on the PS3, or very minimally different (Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Burnout Paradise, Devil May Cry 4). Expect the 09 lineup for both games to be perfectly identical.

Also, given the fact that EA has said they predict the PS3 to outsell the 360 this year, they will definitely put in a lot more effort into the PS3 versions of the 09 games.

Indeed the game can only be as good as the effort put into it. Quake 4 on X360 ran like dog shit. Is that a reflection of the hw or a sloppy development process? Same deal with 1st generation EA sports titles and the PS3. I read a recent interview where they claim they're still not 100% where they'd like to be on PS3 development but, they're 3/4 of the way there. So I expect a major improvement from EA's sophomore releases.

There are excellent sports titles on PS3. The upcoming MLB The Show looks absolutely incredible. Graphics and gameplay. I read its got 10gb of commentary!
But unfortunately EA has a lock on the NFL license. :rolleyes:

Most of the recent multiplatform games are nearly identical. Some like AC run a bit smoother on X360, and some like Burnout: Paradise run a tad better on PS3.
Best football game ever = Bill Walsh College Football (the first one).
If the speed of a few players wasn't so broken, Joe Montana Sports-Talk was also pretty killer.

Ok, I must admit Joe Montana Sports-Talk was killer. Why?

Because the Sports Talk Commentators actually knew what was happening on the field and responded to it. For instance, on first down if you went to punt (did this alot actually punt fake run.. usually got a first down or more ala TD), the announcers would be like,

"On first down, I can believe it!!! they are going to punt!"

Now try this is madden or any modern day football game all they do is ramble on about what color shirt they wore last game or some craziness of sorts.
Yea, I have Madden 07, tried to sell it a few weeks before 08, read reviews for 08, decided to keep 07 and wait for 09. :)

Uncharted anyone? :p
So if the license runs out in a few years and they just renew it, then we are still screwed as consumers. It will be 5 more years of mediocrity in sports games just like we have now. I think 2K could take what they're doing in College Hoops 2K8 and expand on it and actually come out with a game that COULD compete with Madden despite the license restrictions.

They have a system where users can upload content to share with others. All they need to do is expand this to include uniform, team and player content and they just need to provide a "Pro" football engine. This way they would be able to just concentrate on perfecting the game engine and all the content could be provided by the community. This not unprecedented if you look at the PC community and all the Mods that are available there.

I hope some day that this is a reality. This could be expanded to each franchise and then it won't matter what license agreements are in place. The customers would have the power to choose which one they feel is superior again.
Yeah, I was talking about laggy gameplay. Like I said before, was sort of a tradition to pick up the new Madden when I got a new console. I am by no means a fanboy, but have always had the Madden titles.

Anyone want a slightly used copy of Madden 08 for PS3? IT'S GREAT!

/end sarcasm
So if the license runs out in a few years and they just renew it, then we are still screwed as consumers. It will be 5 more years of mediocrity in sports games just like we have now. I think 2K could take what they're doing in College Hoops 2K8 and expand on it and actually come out with a game that COULD compete with Madden despite the license restrictions.

They have a system where users can upload content to share with others. All they need to do is expand this to include uniform, team and player content and they just need to provide a "Pro" football engine. This way they would be able to just concentrate on perfecting the game engine and all the content could be provided by the community. This not unprecedented if you look at the PC community and all the Mods that are available there.

I hope some day that this is a reality. This could be expanded to each franchise and then it won't matter what license agreements are in place. The customers would have the power to choose which one they feel is superior again.

Its a neat concept, however without the NFL license, its only going to appeal to a small market segment of people that want to go through the extra work. Also most people are playing on consoles, so everything goes through XBL and PSN. EA would likely come and rain down lawsuits on everyone's head for providing a system for users to be swapping team names and players covered under EA's licensning deal. So then you are stuck with "almost" team and player names, and nobody wants to be rolling out as the New York Gigants with Ellio Maining as the QB vs New England Patriotics with T.Bradee at QB. Its just not the same.
There contract with NFL licensing was for 5 years and it started after madden 2005 because it got stomped on by Espn NFL 2k5 which is by far the best football game out, i still have it form when it first came out, and even better it was 20 bucks!!:D So 2010 maybe a new Espn NFL game will be out!
There contract with NFL licensing was for 5 years and it started after madden 2005 because it got stomped on by Espn NFL 2k5 which is by far the best football game out, i still have it form when it first came out, and even better it was 20 bucks!!:D So 2010 maybe a new Espn NFL game will be out!

EA has a license agreement with ESPN for 15 years which they got months after the NFL one. So 2kSports might be able to make another NFL game but it wont have ESPN in it. Too bad EA hasnt done jack with the ESPN license they acquired.
Ahh they hAVE DONE JACK first thing you hear when booting up madden is Live ESPN Radio. They also have Madden Nation television show on Espn network..Couple other Madden tournaments on espn all the time.
Ahh they hAVE DONE JACK first thing you hear when booting up madden is Live ESPN Radio. They also have Madden Nation television show on Espn network..Couple other Madden tournaments on espn all the time.

umm, but nothing like 2kSports did with their football games, like having ESPN halftime shows, weekly shows, with Chris Berman and all. This is what I mean... wow EA put ESPN radio, omg EA is so cool now =p
lol they are cool now cause you can hear all the up to date sports stories right on your Madden 08 video game which is pretty nice. Have you ever even watched any espn shows like "NFL LIVE" sponserd by "EA SPORTS" lol..............

or the little segments they have where they play out real life NFL situations on Madden 08!!