ps3 or xbox 360

ps3 or xbox 360

  • ps3

    Votes: 220 49.9%
  • xbox 360

    Votes: 221 50.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 10, 2005
this is early on but I still want to know. Based on the info we currently have which system are you going to/would you buy? ps3 or xbox 360?
xbox360 for now but i will to wait to see more on the games.. it could go either way!

heh sorry i didnt see the poll, [H] was taking its time loading the page i guess
I might as well post which one I would get. Right now I'm leaning towards the ps3, I haven't seen enough of what the xbox360 can do game-wise(watched almost that whole 2 hour ps3 revealing on gamespot last night).
Based on the specs and past consoles. My vote goes to the PS3 (if I only were to get one).

In the past the PS2 had way more games than the XBOX. A lot of the launch titles for the 360 I will more than likely get for my PC. I like the spes of the PS3 over the 360 (7 controllers, Blue-Ray, 1080p).
I know I'll end up with both but I'm leaning hard towards the ps3 for the bluray(hopefully thats the new hd dvd format). I dont feel like spending $$ on a standalone player.

If sony utilizes the bluray for games as well that will be sweet. 50gig games opposed to 10gb max on
how come neither is not an option? i'm sick of these damn console wars, it seems like every year.
Qwertyman said:
how come neither is not an option? i'm sick of these damn console wars, it seems like every year.

The option is dont take the survey, or dont post in a thread that doesn't interest you.


XBOX 360. It has the Halo franchise, plus rare has signed on as a dev .... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dev a new battletoads.
I'm siding with the xbox 360 because of the game titles that have been released so far that are for it. But my decision may change depending on what titles are released. The power of the consoles do not matter because they are so close to the same. It's the games that matter.

Needs options for both/neither/Revolution/XBox + revo / PS3 + revo / all 3
LetMeThinkNow said:
Im leaning towards the PS3 as well, but I'll probably end up buying both...
and a new HDTV...

similar.... leaning towards Xbox 360, but will probably end up with both and a new HDTV.

Need a MOD to fix poll with more options

# 3 - both
# 4 - need more information... (not decided)
I leaning towards the xbox 360. AA is a requirement for me and the new xbox is the only one supporting it (so far).
x360 for me, but i like how the PS3 actually sounds decent (ok it does sound better on paper as far as power goes) but i really love the competition we have going here. Sony and Microsoft will be battling it out to gain our attention and its only going to benefit us.

I would like to think i'd get a PS3 as well (assuming they dont axe the specs just before launch) but really i dont think i'll have enough time to play games when it does come out :(
I've got a PS2 and a Gamecube now, with an excellent (a year ago) PC. Bases covered.

I will trade it all for the piece of hardware that can best render that excellent explosion from the Ghost Recon 3 trailer. I have been blown up before and that looks real. I mean real. Real.

No matter who comes out on top, the competition will make us all happy. Bring on another Wipeout and I will finally sign a "do not resuscitate" waiver for myself.
Xbox 360 for sure .... and i think its just about xbox live ... PS3 got nothing on that .. and until they do .. they will continue to lose my vote.
The Xbox360 has me actually thinking about buying a console for the house instead of just for my kids. MCE Extender and Xbox Live do it for me.

/Hardcore militant PC gamer.
Xbox360 for me. I pre-ordered yesturday.

As for the PS3, I am waiting until I can get that controller in my own hands before I decide to buy the PS3. Also, where are their online plans? No HDD standard has me worried. Will it be just like last time where they had it as an add-on and developers didn't support it? Plus, and I know this is vain and dumb, is bigger than the Xbox...WTH?
Well, if for no other reason than the PS3 controller looking AWEFUL, I've already got my Xbox 360 pre-ordered. I think we've seen that the Xbox does graphics right, and I can't wait to see Madden 2006 on the 360. WOW

SO wish I was at E3 this week, but alas I'm no longer at Gamestop and couldn't get in. :(
Xbox360, though if a great exclusive came out on the PS3 I'm sure I would get it (GTA doesn't count for me).

Honestly the PS3 still is just a console, the Xbox360 looks like it has the cajones to replace my HTPC which would be awesome! The optional H/D and fugly controller doesn't help the PS3 win me over either.

Now what happens if BluRay doesn't become the next standard, or even worse the format doesn't get decided till after PS3 is released (highly doubtful but worst case scenario)? Thats a fairly big gamble. At least Sony got some smarts and dumped the damn Multi-tap. Sony and Nintendo are both guilty of excessive addons to play games (multitap, ext. h/d, GBA's, etc...). Not sure if Sony has completely learned this lesson yet.

I own all 3 current consoles, and I probably own 3x as many Gamecube games than PS2 and 10x more Xbox. GTA, Final Fantasy and all the other PS2 exclusives were not high on my list. Between Xbox and PC, I could usually get whatever game I wanted to play (and look and play better).

So if they released on the same day and I only had $$$ for one, it would be the Xbox360. Fortunately that's not going to be the case with a decent spread of time between the two to save up money for both (or all 3 depending on when Revolution comes out).
Then it's neither i guess. If your able to post on this board, then you more than likely have a PC.
hikeskool said:
Umm, a PC is better then both of them? Why is that not an option?

Because it isn't relevant to the discussion, which isn't about gaming in general, but specifically about these two consoles.

My vote goes to the Xbox360. First and foremost because it is real, we've seen it, and it isn't just specs on paper that are subject to change as the PS3 is right now. Count how many games you actually see being played on a PS3 at E3 vs. on the Xbox360. You will see real games on real Xbox360 hardware. Until the PS3 can do that, it might as well be the Phantom.

Also, the number of game titles isn't nearly as important as the number of game titles that you want to play. Sure Sony can point to thousands of titles that will play on the PS3 because of backward compatibility with PSONE and PS2, but how many of those are crap, or just simply so old that no one even plays them anymore? Now look at the line up for Xbox360, they are all triple "A" titles that most people will want to play. It isn't about quantity, its about quality. I'd much rather have access to 100 high quality games than 1000 mediocre ones with a few hits thrown in.

And probably the biggest reason beyond games for wanting an Xbox360 are the media center capabilities. I've been looking for a good solution for a couple years now, and this looks to be exactly what I was looking for. Seamlessly pull over my music, video, and pictures from my PC (or PCs even) for display on my HDTV and listening through my home theater system. I've got over 9,000 MP3 music files, over 4,000 digital photos, and several hours of video on my PC. I'd love to be able to experience those on the big screen and in surround sound, so that I can more easily share with family and friends, rather than having people huddle around my PC to show them pictures and such.

The Xbox360 wins on so many levels, and key for me is that it will be available this year, not next year like Sony and Nintendo.
bonkrowave said:
Because it is not true.

That may be the case now, but when these consoles ship PCs will leap ahead of them just like they always have. How many PC GPU generations pass during the lifetime of a gaming console 3-4?

No question in my mind, PS3. You've got Blu-Ray, more raw power, less tech demo like games with no substance. I'd rather own a Revolution (I might still) over the 360.
jarman said:
That may be the case now, but when these consoles ship PCs will leap ahead of them just like they always have. How many PC GPU generations pass during the lifetime of a gaming console 3-4?

This time is different. In the past Consoles were just the nest generation of PC video card technology. In the case of the new consoles, based on Nvidia and Ati's roadmaps, they are a generation or two ahead.
Considering that the new Xbox (I refuse to call it by that ridicules "360"name) doesn't have support (actually limited support) for "older" Xbox games I'm going with the PS3 first but I will at some point be buying all three consoles depending on game titles, PS3 and Revo are a lock so I'll be getting the new xbox last (yet again). So far I'm not impressed with the old xbox muchless the new one.
If I had to choose one, as this poll asks, I would have to say PS3 even though I think its fugly and would rather use a banana as a controller (can anyone say "Dualshock 2: Bluetooth Edition", ahh, problem solved). In reality however, I will likely be purchasing both. Its all about the games for me, and it actually looks like Microsoft has something to offer here this time around. As for Nintendo, try not to let the door hit you in the ass on your way out... I've got my GC sitting here collecting dust... sure Metroid was cool, but WTF was with the rest of the platformers? Glorified N64 Mario... Zelda was cel-shaded crap compared to what was implied we'd be seeing... and now look! Now that you're finally bringing a real Zelda to market that is everything your first should have been we've got new consoles lined up. Too little too late for Nintendo IMO. Sure, the Revolution looks better than the rest... but its likely nothing more than a GC with a turbo stuffed under the hood for a few more horsepower.
I like the looks of the ps3 a lot better than the xbox 360 it's classier and would look more at home in a nice entertainment center. As for which one is better. I think in the end graphically they come out about even. So I'm gonna hold off and wait to see which one is more hackable. The xbox one that category in the last generation. Softmod with 300 gig hd = kickass htpc with 100 games playable from a nice menu. Can't beat that for $300 price tag. Ya I know I'm evil and a thief but who wants to pay $50 a pop when games are free on newsgroups :D . Whichever nextgen can be hacked like that will win my vote.
I'll take my PC thank you very much...

Although I'm still probably gonna end up buying all 3 at some point.
Xbox360, because the PS2's game lineup wasnt ever that great, while there are alot of XBox games I love.

Quality (Xbox)>Quanity (ps2)

Plus, Halo3, Ghost recon 3, Project Gothem Racing 3, Forza Motorsport 2

bonkrowave said:
The option is dont take the survey, or dont post in a thread that doesn't interest you.


XBOX 360. It has the Halo franchise, plus rare has signed on as a dev .... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dev a new battletoads.

...heh, if they start developing now it might be able to make launch for the Xbox that comes after the X360.
spyderz said:
I leaning towards the xbox 360. AA is a requirement for me and the new xbox is the only one supporting it (so far).

Who needs AA when you've got 1080P graphics.