PS3 or Xbox 360


[H]F Junkie
Feb 23, 2004
As my playtime dwindles, and the probability that my next computer will be a laptop for business purposes as opposed to a gaming rig, I will likely be satiating that empty gaming spot in my life with a console.

I know it's probably a dead horse, but, I can't figure out which one to buy based on the current information.

I'm big into RPGs/racing and quality fighting games. If Im going to drop 400+ on this next round in console gaming, I'd like to not get the feeling I got when I owned my Xbox, ie, being extremely disappointed in the choice of games.
I say wait until they are both out and have a decent software line-up before choosing if you cant already decide. The Xbox 360 will obviously be the first out so looking at that one will be easy. From what I have seen so far the Xbox has my money, but until Sony starts throwing out more details I am not 100% set on it.
rpgs unless you like FF,go xbox
racing is usually mutli platform so its your decision of GT5 or forza 2
fighters...again mostly multi platform xbox has doa and sony has tekken and virtual fighter
I was thinking almost the same thing. Sony says that their rig will be more powerful, support more features, etc, etc but havn't really shown any hard facts. Not to mention it will be a year "late" compared to the Xbox 360 release. I'll probably end up with both when it comes down to it, so this is probably all moot =)
I have had my fair share of consoles in the past but I never tried to decide which I would get. When there was a game out that I wanted to play and it was exclusive to that system I would get that system. I say wait and see if there is that "killer app" that you just HAVE to play and pick that system up. Both systems seem intriguing but I dont see a game yet that is must have.
SilverSliver said:
I was thinking almost the same thing. Sony says that their rig will be more powerful, support more features, etc, etc but havn't really shown any hard facts. Not to mention it will be a year "late" compared to the Xbox 360 release. I'll probably end up with both when it comes down to it, so this is probably all moot =)
they have more features....yes though many pointless and just send the price of the console up. however their system is not more powerfull,they claim the cell does what 1terabite on its own?umm not only does the cell have to do AI and physichs processes(which are general,so the cell slows down by %80,because vector based cpus cant handle general data well)but it also has to do polygon processes,then the RSX besides not even having the physical bandwith nesscary of displaying true HD,is said to be equal to a 7800 which isnt all that impressive
I think the PS3 is attractive for it's Blue-ray HD-DVD support. I'm a big fan of consolidating electronics.

If I can have 1 thing to plug in, that can do the same as 3-4 pieces of equipment, by all means.

Of course, I need a HDTV, maybe when I move if I can find some good deals over the holidays.
I am probably getting both and will be exiting from PC gaming. It is just seeming to make less sense for me to keep upgrading rigs to play a handful of games at high settings.

However, I may only get the X360 if some of my concerns about the PS3 aren't addressed before launch.
You just MAY have an entire year to save up your next 400 dollars. So get both.
if i could only get one and thats it? PS3

I'll more than likely be getting both. But I dont buy anything first gen so itll be a year after release before I seriously start looking at the content and its worth
i'll get PS3 just for Grand Turismo 5. (thats why i purchased PS2 :p)... Plus, i'll get a nice blue-ray DVD player
Jack of all, master of none.

That is how the PS3 is shaping up so far.

You get at least 720p and AA on the Xbox360 and on the PS3 "users are able to turn the resolution down to have smoother gameplay". Nice 'feature' there Sony.
The 360 definately has my money as i'm just not going to wait another year to see what Sony comes out with. I'm more interested in the Need for Speed series, so I couldn't care less about Grand Turismo. As someone stated above, i'm also going to be using this opportunity to exit the PC gaming arena as well. I don't see any point to spending money upgrading my system to keep playing the latest games, when it appears all of my favorites are going to be on Xbox as well. My current system should be plenty enough to keep running my office applications for a long time to come :)

As far as the PS3 is concerned, i'm not convinced at all that it will be any better, especially since Sony can't seem to decide on the final specs for it at this time. Is the cell processor really going to be that much better than the 3 core IBM cpu? As far as Blu-ray is concerned, I really couldn't care about it until we get a single standard set. I'm bummed that the 360 with the HD sells for $400, but thats still a deal considering the hardware you are getting for the money.
I will get them both, but I'm going to wait until the second batch of PS3 systems before I get one.

There is a lot that can go wrong with the PS3. They're going to be trying to make a system that is 3-in-1 (PS, PS2, and PS3). Then there is the fact that this will be the first consumer release of a Blu-Ray product (And I haven't seen many first-generations of consumer electronics that didn't have some sort of problem or inherent flaw).
All the people getting hyped up about Blu-Ray....just look at Sony's history of proprietary media formats, with most recently the UMD. UMD movies cost 10$ MORE than a DVD....personally I dont fancy the prospect of spending upwards of 40$ for a movie :rolleyes: all so that Sony can make an @$$load of money off of liscening fees.

As for the hardware of PS3 vs. Xbox360....its not worth arguing about, both consoles will produce amazing visuals and it will be hard to distinguish the two. Having looked extensively at both I give a slight edge to PS3...but that edge wont be exploited until 3rd generation games IMO.

What will differentiate the systems is games, and that cant be decided upon until at least a year after both systems are released. Also another thing is I would like to see Sony's answer to Xbox Live...if they even have one.
Nice poll.

Either should be great systems. We can assume PS3 will get more support from Japanese developers.
i just might second that.....

nintendo revolution sounds better everytime i read more on it.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
get the nintendo revolution

Why would he do that? He said he wants fighting games, RPGs, and racing games. The Gamecube isn't really famous for any of those and I doubt the Revolution will be either. Of course you'll get your quintessential Super Smash Brothers/Mario Kart, but the fact that he made the thread about whether or not he should get the 360/PS3 kind of makes me think that he's into the more realistic efforts in those genres.
Buy what you want man. If you fancy a 360, go get it. It will be out first, and most of the exclusive titles that the PS3 had last time around are going 360 (cross platform) this time around.

And as far as visuals are concerned, go to and check out what the developers have to say about it. Most agree that the 360 has a much better vid card, while the cell may be a bitch to code for, most agree it has the ability to outperform the 360 in the long run in terms of CPU power. (though not by much)

Really, buy the one that your gut tells you to get. Both will be great. However, I am much more excited about the 360 if I am to be totally honest. Xboxlive kicks major @ss...
paranoia4422 said:
rpgs unless you like FF,go xbox

If I understand it correctly at least one Final Fantasy game is already announced for the 360. Though I believe it's going to be a port or remake. Still I also know that one of the guys behind FF is already signed up for more titles (it might be 3 different games, if I'm not mistaken... though I'm not sure if they'll all be RPG). Then the new Elder Scrolls game will also appear on the 360, along with Fable 2. Hopefully this time around the Xbox has a stronger RPG showing, because it's a genre I enjoy.

Anyway, personally I already plan on getting a 360. Some of the titles already announced I really can't wait to play. Then of course there's the thought of Halo 3 down the road. If you can afford the 360 and the PS3 then go for it, and get both. Hell, get the Nintendo Revolution too, if you can. All three systems are going to have great games exclusive to that console.

The PS3 launch is still a year off, and there's still not a whole lot of information on the system, or the games we can expect... at least at launch. With Microsoft's launch so much closer, and a lot of the launch titles already known, it's easier to decide on that. Personally I'm liking what I'm seeing and hearing.