PS3 Price Cut


Oct 5, 2005
Am I getting this right? Only Japan is getting the price cut and its only on the CORE PS3 version. With 80% of the 100,000 units Premium units, only 20,000 units are Core PS3. Anyone else see Sony continuing to play games with its consumers? Sony Marketing is disgusting.

Infact I bet North America gets most of those CORE PS3 so Sony loses less money. Sony pretty much cut the price without actually cutting the price of the PS3. I guess anything for some good PR. I hope this turns around to bite them in the ass.
you "hope" this comes around to bite them in the ass?

just another sony hater...

btw, its not really a marketing ploy or nething of the sort... prices in japan always end up slightly cheaper than in the US... i.e. wii going for 220 there and 250 here... so a bit of price difference is expected... just because they have not yet announced a price drop for NA units or UK units doesnt mean it wont happen... but even if they dont drop the price... by adding the hdmi port to the 500 version, they have officially ungimped it... so the 500 unit can now play on an equivalent lvl with the 600 unit...

if they already made a change to give us MORE hardware for the same (or cheaper in japan) price, im not gonna complain...
If that was true Sony would also drop the price of the premium PS3 model.

Adding the HDMI port to the $500 model was a great move by Sony, but I already stated that in another post.
ClearM4 said:
Am I getting this right? Only Japan is getting the price cut...

In fairness, we don't know this is the case yet. But... you'll buy it anyway, if it has no games. :p On a different note, this does make the "premium" model much less attractive.
Psychotext said:
In fairness, we don't know this is the case yet. But... you'll buy it anyway, if it has no games. :p On a different note, this does make the "premium" model much less attractive.

Well, I am more irritated with the fact its only for the core model, not that its cheaper in Japan. The model Sony is producing in low supply. Again, its pretty much a price cut without actually cutting the price. I also bet the majority of the initial PS3 cores are shipped to North America. Total PR BS.
i dont see how its total bs...

they have their reasons for distributing a higher percentage of units to NA... whether it be better sales, blu-ray influence, etc... i somehow doubt that it has to do with the tiny bit of losses that they will incur from not distributing more to japan since the price wont go 'up' when more units are available. So the "loss" they are going to incur from cutting the price in japan is gonna happen regardless

also, originally, im sure the majority of the people were interested in the 600 version, most likely because it was with hdmi, although based on those statistics, its only natural they expected higher demand in the more expensive version...

not to mention the 400 unit for the 360 sold tons better than the 300 (because it was gimped) but still... sony is probably expecting more sales on their 600 unit...

and then there are ppl like me who are thinking along the lines of, im already shelling out 500, may as well just toss in another 100 for the increased hd space/the wireless/and the extra mem card readers... sure its not much but it does ensure that i wont be needing additional hd space and I can save 1 ethernet cable in the midst of a dozen other cables behind my tv...
I wonder how high the "open" price for the premium PS3 in Japan will be.
l177l3d said:
i dont see how its total bs...

they have their reasons for distributing a higher percentage of units to NA... whether it be better sales, blu-ray influence, etc... i somehow doubt that it has to do with the tiny bit of losses that they will incur from not distributing more to japan since the price wont go 'up' when more units are available. So the "loss" they are going to incur from cutting the price in japan is gonna happen regardless

also, originally, im sure the majority of the people were interested in the 600 version, most likely because it was with hdmi, although based on those statistics, its only natural they expected higher demand in the more expensive version...

not to mention the 400 unit for the 360 sold tons better than the 300 (because it was gimped) but still... sony is probably expecting more sales on their 600 unit...

and then there are ppl like me who are thinking along the lines of, im already shelling out 500, may as well just toss in another 100 for the increased hd space/the wireless/and the extra mem card readers... sure its not much but it does ensure that i wont be needing additional hd space and I can save 1 ethernet cable in the midst of a dozen other cables behind my tv...

So, if Sony is going to sell mostly $600 models whats the point of dropping Core model to ~$430. Thats almost a $200 difference. How much actually does the Premuim PS3 cost in Japan? Also the xbox360 dropped its price also a few days ago, but that was for both models. Core xbox360 with Blue Dragon is ~$250 in Japan. The premuim xbox360 is ~$330.
ClearM4 said:
So, if Sony is going to sell mostly $600 models whats the point of dropping Core model to ~$430. Thats almost a $200 difference. How much actually does the Premuim PS3 cost in Japan? Also the xbox360 dropped its price also a few days ago, but that was for both models. Core xbox360 with Blue Dragon is ~$250 in Japan.
The premium PS3 does not have a price in Japan. It is left open for retailers to decide (very high I'd assume).
ClearM4 said:
So, if Sony is going to sell mostly $600 models whats the point of dropping Core model to ~$430. Thats almost a $200 difference. How much actually does the Premuim PS3 cost in Japan? Also the xbox360 dropped its price also a few days ago, but that was for both models. Core xbox360 with Blue Dragon is ~$250 in Japan. The premuim xbox360 is ~$330.

its unlikely the 600 version will actually be 600 in japan, my guess is itll be closer to 550 or something in yen... but until we get an official notice, who knows what itll be...
I see the price of the premium PS3 in Japan to be around 59800 or 64800 YEN which is about 500-550$. This is simply by taking the price of the cheaper version and adding 10-15k yen, I think it would be kind of stupid to make the premium much more expensive then the core, but it would probably sell out either way.
I want the 60BG to be $500 and the base to be $400. I know that may not be the case, but I have to wish at least.
Well bad news....

UPDATE: SCEA told 1UP that the price drop in Japan for the 20 GB version of the PlayStation 3 is exclusive to that territory and that the scheme for the U.S. pricing of the console would remain identical. $499 for the 20GB version of the console and $599 for the 60GB SKU. However, as previously reported, both versions now have HDMI.

No price cut for us, we only get an HDMI port added to the neutered one...nothing else.
Ooooh, that's not going to be popular. Kinda agrees with the theory that says Sony can sell the core for that much in Japan because they're selling so few of them.
Erasmus354 said:
Well bad news....

No price cut for us, we only get an HDMI port added to the neutered one...nothing else.
I consider HDMI on the base model bad news too (of course it's also good). With no HDMI-less version for a vast majority of Blu-Ray players on the market, Sony and associates can switch on ICT with virtually no players incapable of supporting it.

With many players (1 out of 5) without HDMI, there would be reasons to not enable ICT immediately.
Psychotext said:
Ooooh, that's not going to be popular. Kinda agrees with the theory that says Sony can sell the core for that much in Japan because they're selling so few of them.

Why are they afraid of the Japanese market? If anything, this release shows how little Japan really matters. Japan is getting 100K and the US is getting 400K? Not quite the way I would treat what common belief says is the most important video game market in the world.
Wondernerd said:
Not quite the way I would treat what common belief says is the most important video game market in the world.

Now ask yourself which market will decide hd-dvd vs blu-ray and you've got your answer and where Sony's priorities lie for the PS3.
pxc said:
I consider HDMI on the base model bad news too (of course it's also good). With no HDMI-less version for a vast majority of Blu-Ray players on the market, Sony and associates can switch on ICT with virtually no players incapable of supporting it.

With many players (1 out of 5) without HDMI, there would be reasons to not enable ICT immediately.

They still won't implement it right away. Number of HDTV sets sold either without HDMI, or with the older spec, this is not the customer base they want to alienate yet. Lord knows they've done enough of that already just by flapping their gums.
l177l3d said:
you "hope" this comes around to bite them in the ass?

just another sony hater...

btw, its not really a marketing ploy or nething of the sort... prices in japan always end up slightly cheaper than in the US... i.e. wii going for 220 there and 250 here... so a bit of price difference is expected... just because they have not yet announced a price drop for NA units or UK units doesnt mean it wont happen... but even if they dont drop the price... by adding the hdmi port to the 500 version, they have officially ungimped it... so the 500 unit can now play on an equivalent lvl with the 600 unit...

if they already made a change to give us MORE hardware for the same (or cheaper in japan) price, im not gonna complain...

...just another Sony loyalist.

This little move is purely smoke-and-mirrors, and unfortunately for Sony, their consumers have wisened up.
I thought Sony had enough loyalists in Japan to sell out regardless of price. Does this mean they're actually worried the system could be a flop?
IcedEmotion said:
I thought Sony had enough loyalists in Japan to sell out regardless of price. Does this mean they're actually worried the system could be a flop?

I guess that's what happens when microsoft starts to see that RPG's and other genres are good for them.
Michael.R said:
Well now im not sure if I want the 20g version or 60g version if they both have HDMI.

If I were getting one I would go for the premium for the built in wireless and the extra space. Too bad it has the tacky chrome on it.
l177l3d said:
you "hope" this comes around to bite them in the ass?

just another sony hater...
Try as I might, I just cannot replicate the state of mind in which somebody becomes so enamored with a corporate entity that anybody who dislikes a company who is clearly treating their entire target demographic as total fucking morons somehow becomes a "hater."

Personally, I hope Sony fails miserably. I own both a PS2, and a PS1. Did I just blow your mind?!
finalgt said:
Try as I might, I just cannot replicate the state of mind in which somebody becomes so enamored with a corporate entity that anybody who dislikes a company who is clearly treating their entire target demographic as total fucking morons somehow becomes a "hater."

I've never really understood why people feel the need to come out and defend corporates. I mean if we were talking about some tiny little company then yeah, but these people don't care about you even in the slightest.

I hate them all equally, but I'll still buy the products that I think are best. :)
Psychotext said:
I've never really understood why people feel the need to come out and defend corporates. I mean if we were talking about some tiny little company then yeah, but these people don't care about you even in the slightest.

I hate them all equally, but I'll still buy the products that I think are best. :)
That's why its important to let people know when big companies are f#%kin with consumers, because they don't care (Hate them equally). 1up guys at TGS pretty much stated my opinion about the price drop in their last pod cast. 1up guys really came down hard on Sony, and mentioned couple dumb things MS has done.

Here's the pod cast if your interested:
If they are cutting the price before they sell it, that leads me to think anybody interesting in buying one should wait. They will cut the price even more if sales aren't any good.
Psychotext said:
I've never really understood why people feel the need to come out and defend corporates. I mean if we were talking about some tiny little company then yeah, but these people don't care about you even in the slightest.

I hate them all equally, but I'll still buy the products that I think are best. :)

Amen... it's annoying to see corporate loyalists...