PS3/PS4 "Trigger" buttons


Limp Gawd
Oct 2, 2005
Hi all.

I'm thinking about picking up a PS3 for gaming and bluray. One thing that has always bothered me about the PS3 is the placement of the main 'trigger' buttons on the TOP of the controller rather than underneath like on the XBOX 360 which seems way more natural. I've been gaming on the 360 for years and I can't handle having the main buttons on the top like the PS3 controller is set out.

Do all games now allow you to swap/remap the top triggers with the ones underneath ? A mate was telling me that many games now allow you to do this but do ALL of modern games coming out now support the ability to swap them over ?

The triggers are on the bottom... same as xbox. However, a lot of games tend to swap them with L1 and R1 (COD and BF come to mind). Some games will let you swap them, but honestly, it's probably better to try getting used to it.

As someone that came from Xbox to the PS3... I had trouble at first too, but after using it for a year or so... I actually prefer it now. Having the triggers further away like on the Xbox makes me a little less accurate.

Another thing you can check out is the XIM. It will let you remap controller buttons (or even use a KB and mouse with it)... but it's somewhat expensive.
There are also a variety of third-party controllers for PS3 that are very similar in style to the 360 controller.
Aren't the 3rd party ones mostly wired ones though ?

Get "extended trigger" attachments for the controller. Some new sticks help as well.

Here's my PS3 controller (don't actually own a PS3, use it on my PC via Bluetooth):



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Multiplatform games usually have the xbox trigger functions mapped to the L1 and R1 buttons of the PS3 controller, probably because the stock R2 and L2 trigger buttons on the PS3 controller are fucking terrible. Definitely get an aftermarket solution to it.
Those thumbstick replacements are pretty cool. I never thought to do that. I've got chunky sausage fingers and the rounded thumbsticks of the playstation controller make my thumbs slip off after a while, especially with small movements. I've always preferred the 360 controller because of it.

I'll have to order some up and get them installed. Might as well do the trigger extensions while I have it apart...