PS3 Purchase


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2006
Well went through a few threads but can't find the info i'm looking for since search is MIA currently. If money wasn't a problem and you were looking to purchase a PS3 which version would you get? Reason i'm thinking this over is i've heard a lot of info of the 80GB version being loud and very hot. what are the fellow [H] members opinion on this matter? thanks in advance

PS3 is everything else except for loud and hot. If you compare it with the 360, it is like night and day. If you can find the 80GB version then get it now, it will extinct soon. It is a better model than the 40GB because it has card readers and backwad compatibility.
Well compared to say, a blu-ray or dvd player it's probably loud and hot. For a gaming system it is anything but.
Reason i'm thinking this over is i've heard a lot of info of the 80GB version being loud and very hot.

I can confirm this. I work for a electronics repair company, we've been repairing PS3s for about a month now and we've found that they typically run very hot. Infact, their temps top out very close to the melting point of the motherboard...
They may be hot (at least the air coming out is hot, which is a good sign!) but they aren't loud. At least mine isn't.
Yeah, I would get the 80gb version if you can. It does seem pretty hot, but it certainly is not loud (for a video game system).
Hot? yes. Loud? no. Even though it gets hot it doesnt get so hot that PS3's are dying left and right, its one of the most reliable consoles to come out and probably the quietest console to ever come out with a fan.

Its virtually silent, you would need to have everything in the room turned off and get within a few feet of it to be able to hear the fan. Make sure its well ventilated because it pushes a lot of hot air out of the big vents in the back.
i recently purchased the 80GB version, it is not loud. It does run hot but so does the 360 that i have. It is most certainly quieter than my 360.
If money wasn't a problem, then the choice is easy. 80GB ftw. You don't have to worry about how hot or how loud. Just buy the 80GB.
Yeah, they run very hot but it's not an issue as the cooling system is good. The 80gb models are louder than the 40gb ones (especially after running for a while) but they're really not particularly loud. When they get bad you just need to be sure to vacuum it.

80gb is the obvious choice... though it's a shame the original 60gb isn't around anymore.
Anyone know a good online seller for PS3? Amazon price is insane, bestbuy 499 but soldout and i refuse EBGAMES. 80GB MGS4 bundle
I like my 60gb... got it on craigs list for $350 with hdmi cable and extra controller...
Anyone know a good online seller for PS3? Amazon price is insane, bestbuy 499 but soldout and i refuse EBGAMES. 80GB MGS4 bundle

Gunna be hard to find. Maybe you can check out retailers this weekend see if they got a shipment in.

As for the heat, doesn't the 80 gig use a ton more power as far as watts and all?
Ignore WhiteZero, he's a 360 troller.

The PS3 is very cool and quite system. Plus, if it were not for the lights on it, you wouldn't even be able to know they are on.

My cousin (a 360 fanboi) has a guy that lives below him that worked in Florida at a video game console repair shop. The guy said the only PS3's they have ever had problems with were the 60 GB ones, and it was few and far between. Something about a 'yellow light of death' they call it. Said most of them were people switching from A/V to HDMI and not resetting the video. I was actually kinda impressed with him that he brought up what the guy said about PS3's almost never failing, considering he hates PS3.
Yeah I am literally amazed at how silent the PS3 is compared to my 360. You literally cant hear it all even when its dead silent in the room. Dont know how they made the fans so quiet, but fan manufactors for PC fans need to take notes on what they did so we can have quieter computers.
Yeah I am literally amazed at how silent the PS3 is compared to my 360. You literally cant hear it all even when its dead silent in the room. Dont know how they made the fans so quiet, but fan manufactors for PC fans need to take notes on what they did so we can have quieter computers.

Its called low RPM
i recently purchased the 80GB version, it is not loud. It does run hot but so does the 360 that i have. It is most certainly quieter than my 360.

I have both also and have to say PS3 is much quiter than Xbox 360. Not to mention disc access is much quiter also.
Its called low RPM

Haha, yeah. Big heatsinks, low fan speeds. I've overclocked the nuts outta my computer, but its not much louder than my PS3. Your power supply can make a large difference in noise, too. My Antec Neo has to be right next to your ear to be heard. My last power supply accounted for half the noise of my computer.

I have a 60GB that is generally silent. After playing a game for a bit and it can start to make some noise, but its just a solid hum. I've never sprayed it out, that would probably increase the time it takes for it to get louder.
Yeah I am literally amazed at how silent the PS3 is compared to my 360. You literally cant hear it all even when its dead silent in the room. Dont know how they made the fans so quiet, but fan manufactors for PC fans need to take notes on what they did so we can have quieter computers.

Sony bearings and fan motors are used in quite a few higher end PC fans actually. So there's no magic going on in the PS3's cooling, just well-designed heatsinks and ducting with temp. controlled variable RPM fans.

I can confirm this. I work for a electronics repair company, we've been repairing PS3s for about a month now and we've found that they typically run very hot. Infact, their temps top out very close to the melting point of the motherboard...
LOLOL Okay big guy, what's the melting point of a motherboard? Yeah that's what I thought.
I can confirm this. I work for a electronics repair company, we've been repairing PS3s for about a month now and we've found that they typically run very hot. Infact, their temps top out very close to the melting point of the motherboard...

That reminds me of that video where some guys were running a CPU without it's heatsink/fan and it melted through the motherboard and the table lol. I think you guys have seen it. Man that was an amazing video.
Personally, I'd go with the 60gb off ebay or something, but I'm a bit biased. :D

Otherwise the 80gb is good, I'd go with that. My 60gb is really super quiet compared to my 360 (like I can't hear the damn thing quiet) until my room warms up a bit (anything higher than 85 will do it, ac is broke and opening every window in the house doesn't help :() it will run quiet for awhile and then just kick into overdrive and become even louder than the 360. Not really the ps3's fault, but they can get loud if forced too. :p
I can confirm this. I work for a electronics repair company, we've been repairing PS3s for about a month now and we've found that they typically run very hot. Infact, their temps top out very close to the melting point of the entire universe...and 2.40 just kills everything on touch coz itz evilz.....360 rulezzzzzz!!!111!

Isn't this what you really mean :D

EDIT - Mobo's are made of silicon yes? Silicon's melting point is 1410 degrees celcius according to a few sites I've just google'd. Now either the PS3 runs hotter than anyone could ever had imagined or your a complete and utter fanboy tool :D
well i might purchase it through circuitcity and have it mailed to me...sorta afraid of mailing it though =/ all oversea military bases should have fedex damnit =/