PS3 sales surge 178 percent in the UK

Feb 23, 2006
And the price drop is the cause. Since releasing the 40GB model and reducing the price of the 60GB one, sales have skyrocketed, besting even the Xbox 360. However, the PS3 was unable to trounce upon the sales leaders, Wii and DS.

With the recent surge in popularity of the PS3, games like Resistance have been climbing up the all formats chart. Insomniac's year-old FPS is now the eight best selling game in the territory.
End Quote-
Good news to see the 40GB have such an effect on sales.
That's great to hear. I hope the same happens here in the states when the 40GB is officially released here.
Amusingly enough it seems it's not the 40gb that's selling... it's the 60gb. Perhaps acceleration of purchasing for those that want a PS3 with at least some form of BC.
Amusingly enough it seems it's not the 40gb that's selling... it's the 60gb. Perhaps acceleration of purchasing for those that want a PS3 with at least some form of BC.

Yea, I thought that was interesting too. I wonder what that will mean for the long term affects of the price drop. It's good for Sony that their game sales jumped also.
I think whats selling it better is the package deals, it works out cheaper to buy the 60gb with 2-3 included games for £359, and sell the 2-3 included games and then get the games you want. rather than buy the 40gb with 1 included game for £300. Spiderman 3 exclusive on bluray may push a few ps3 packages aswell. It would be good if the sales surge keeps up untill christmas is over.
It is something, but not nearly enough.
Lets hope they drop the price in the US again before holidays so sales surge here ... get some real competition going and some better games.

I was going through Amazon yesterday though and saw that in the top 100 DVDs selling Blu-ray had like 28 in there and HD-DVD had 1. That bodes well for the PS3 i think. Maybe not.
Wheres TechNoob now? What did I say... Common sense. Whats the point of releasing another sku ontop of what they already have... Now sales are showing. When 60G sku is low in inventory, "Hey guys check out this NEW 80G version".

Good to see some PS3s moving, hopefully this builds bigger and better gaming communities for those who already own one :)
Wheres TechNoob now? What did I say... Common sense. Whats the point of releasing another sku ontop of what they already have... Now sales are showing. When 60G sku is low in inventory, "Hey guys check out this NEW 80G version".

Good to see some PS3s moving, hopefully this builds bigger and better gaming communities for those who already own one :)

With the way Americans' are about price, once a price drop happens here I think we will see a nice jump, with a steady increase, from the PS3 both in hardware and software (game) sales.
The second I heard that the 40gb wasn't going to have backwards compatibility I rushed out and got a 60gb. I still haven't played MGS3, GoW 1/2. Maybe I wasn't the only one.....
Wheres TechNoob now? What did I say... Common sense. Whats the point of releasing another sku ontop of what they already have... Now sales are showing. When 60G sku is low in inventory, "Hey guys check out this NEW 80G version".

Good to see some PS3s moving, hopefully this builds bigger and better gaming communities for those who already own one :)

I'm wondering if you'll show me the quote where I say the ps3 won't sell at all, or even sell MORE with the newer SKU.

I'll wait.

Ok, you can't. What I said and repeatedly said was that sony is boning consumers by making this SKU switch. Mazeltov to them for increasing sales. I'd say its probably a run on the old, good 60 gig models, and just more publicity "ps3 price drop" being mentioned in the news = increased sales even if it's not out yet.

It's still not the *right* decision.
Sales may be picking up with a price drop or some bundle gimmick, but what Sony really needs to come to terms with is that sales would likely be holding steady without these gimmicks. Something else besides Resistance needs to be able to sell PS3s and soon; it can't carry the ball forever.
When you see percentages instead of actual sold numbers, somebody is hiding something. Basically, a 180% surge is nothing.

The PS3 sold less then 7,000 machines in the UK last week, Which is roughly 20,000 less then the 360 and probably 1.4 trillion less then the Wii.

So now the PS3 has sold 18,000 units, and most of those were of a discontinued model.
When you see percentages instead of actual sold numbers, somebody is hiding something. Basically, a 180% surge is nothing.

The PS3 sold less then 7,000 machines in the UK last week, Which is roughly 20,000 less then the 360 and probably 1.4 trillion less then the Wii.

So now the PS3 has sold 18,000 units, and most of those were of a discontinued model.

What difference does it make about the model? I bet if Microsoft/Nintendo disc. a specific model for production, they're still going to sell the inventory they have....
The PS3 sold less then 7,000 machines in the UK last week, Which is roughly 20,000 less then the 360 and probably 1.4 trillion less then the Wii.

Where are you getting those numbers from ? Do you have a Chart Track account ?

This article, which I assume is the source for the point that most of the increased sales are 60gb bundles, states otherwise:

GamespotUK said:
On October 10, the 40GB PlayStation 3 went on sale in the UK, along with a new Value Pack for the 60GB machine, which includes two first-party games, and costs £349 (approx $710)--a £76 ($155) drop.

Sony's holiday push seems to be working. For the week ending October 13, there was a 178 percent increase in sales of the console over the previous week, according to Chart Track, the official UK game industry sales tracking body.

The week was the third biggest week for PlayStation 3 hardware since it was launched in the UK on March 23--the first and second being the two weeks after it was launched. However, the figures weren't enough to get the PS3 the top slot-- the DS Lite sold the most number of units, followed by the Wii, then the PS3, and then the Xbox 360.;title;4

Also I think people are overemphasizing the BC. I don't believe a majority of these people snatched up 60gb bundles solely for BC. The 60gb got a price drop as well, with your choice of two of the more popular games: Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, F1CE. The 40gb bundle comes with one game like FNR3, Sega Rally, or TigerWoods. :rolleyes:

So it's not surprising people are shelling out a little extra for 2 great games vs 1 so-so game, along with the larger HD and BC.
i hink its great move what sony have done, they are guarunteed to sell all the 60gb skus that they have lost money on, then they can start to chip away at their debt and get back into the green. I wonder if they actually make a profit on each 40gb sold.
i hink its great move what sony have done, they are guarunteed to sell all the 60gb skus that they have lost money on, then they can start to chip away at their debt and get back into the green. I wonder if they actually make a profit on each 40gb sold.

I don't think they are churning any sort of profit off the 40G, but I don't think their loss is as bad as before....