PS3 vs Xbox 360 preliminary graphics comparison


And 360 developers *still* had a years head start at getting to know the machine they were developer for better....not matter how many times it gets posted. :p
rfwinters77 said:

And 360 developers *still* had a years head start at getting to know the machine they were developer for better....not matter how many times it gets posted. :p

They will always be a year behind, I guess there should never be a comparison made. Even though the PS3 was supposed to be out last year.
Technically, that's correct. But there will be a point where developers of both systems have pretty much figured all they can out about the thing.

But even a year from now, I'm sure the PS3 games will look alot more polished than the release games do.

Overall, both systems will probably still end up looking pretty much the same.
might be the 3rd thread on the topic but its the first time im seeing it, im also glad i have a 360 and not a ps3 :) thanks op
rfwinters77 said:
Technically, that's correct. But there will be a point where developers of both systems have pretty much figured all they can out about the thing.

What point is this? 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, at what point will the PS3 catch up to the X360, becuase that's what your complaining about, that no one has been able to Unlock the power within TM, had the PS3 came out and been what sony promised and preached about for years, the same people would be saying how wonderful the PS3 was, and what a pile of shit the X180 is.

Plus lets not forget that these launch titles were supposed to be out last year.

Overall I'm just tired of people saying, BUT THE MAJGIEC IS STILL TRAPPED IN THERE!! There is no magic in that shiny black box, just a weird processor, and a slapped on GPU. I can't wait till MGS comes out, because then there will be a reason for me to own one, even with it's slapped on GPU.
rfwinters77 said:

And 360 developers *still* had a years head start at getting to know the machine they were developer for better....not matter how many times it gets posted. :p

That's not entirely true. The PS3 was supposed to launch last Christmas. The snag was the Blu-ray. The developers new what the chipset was capable. But in the end I do think both systems will be very similar. That it if Sony can get a decent installed base.
My problem is did people really think they were going to remake the games or something just to make them look better on the ps3 or something? We are talking buisness here and the companies out there are not going to spend time improving when they can just tweak the engine for the hardware and slap it out the window. Then next year they will work on something more optimized for said system and you will see it's true power. I remember when everyone had the argument last year if the Xbox 360 was really "next gen" and a lot of people said not a lot of games were. It's first generation games atleast they didn't remove all the features in Madden this time around.
psychoace said:
My problem is did people really think they were going to remake the games or something just to make them look better on the ps3 or something? We are talking buisness here and the companies out there are not going to spend time improving when they can just tweak the engine for the hardware and slap it out the window. Then next year they will work on something more optimized for said system and you will see it's true power. I remember when everyone had the argument last year if the Xbox 360 was really "next gen" and a lot of people said not a lot of games were. It's first generation games atleast they didn't remove all the features in Madden this time around.

Actually, what's far more likely is that you'll see games targeted toward the much larger installed base of Xbox 360 *ported*--quick, dirty and *cheap*--over to PS3, guaranteeing that they'll look pretty much the same but probably have things like framerate issues because PS3's only got 1/3rd the integer ("general purpose) horsepower that the 360 has in CPU. Granted, the PS3 has roughly 50-75% more floating point performance, but that's not nearly as relevant to game code as it is to video encoding/decoding, which just isn't something you do in games.

Aside from a tiny handful of exclusives on each system that push it to new highs--likely with both sides being equally pretty and detail, just different in art styles and such--you can expect PS3 to *always* have games that look pretty much exactly like their 360 counterparts.