PS4, what are you hoping for?

This thread is either full of gaming noobs or serious trolls. Every other post either complains or requests items that everyone knows will never be a part of any console. Removable GPU and RAM, really?....It's a console, not a computer. :rolleyes:

i find it hilarious you got removable gpu and ram from those posts. When all the posts have been saying upgraded not upgradeable... a faster more up to date gpu and double or quadruple the vram and system ram... so 512 or 1 gig of each soldered in and not removable
i find it hilarious you got removable gpu and ram from those posts. When all the posts have been saying upgraded not upgradeable... a faster more up to date gpu and double or quadruple the vram and system ram... so 512 or 1 gig of each soldered in and not removable

You didn't read my post, obviously.

I still think it's a good idea. It's been done before, to an extent, with the expansion pack on the N64 that allowed for increased RAM. An upgradeable GPU would not be hard at all; they already have upgradeable GPUs for laptops that are relatively easy to do. It's not that much of a stretch to implement the same tech into a console.
You didn't read my post, obviously.

I still think it's a good idea. It's been done before, to an extent, with the expansion pack on the N64 that allowed for increased RAM. An upgradeable GPU would not be hard at all; they already have upgradeable GPUs for laptops that are relatively easy to do. It's not that much of a stretch to implement the same tech into a console.

Won't work, go overclock a nes or SNES and see what happens, it all goes to shit. That's why "upgrade ad ons" fail for consoles.
You didn't read my post, obviously.

I still think it's a good idea. It's been done before, to an extent, with the expansion pack on the N64 that allowed for increased RAM. An upgradeable GPU would not be hard at all; they already have upgradeable GPUs for laptops that are relatively easy to do. It's not that much of a stretch to implement the same tech into a console.

Guess i skipped it but my post towards master blaster is still valid as there has only been 2 people you and the guy who responded to you who mentioned upgrading it after you buy it.

Humm putting a pci-e or mobile pci-e slot in there would increase costs a bit and make it so sony would have to support the drivers for what ever card would work in it and even if they only put a socket of a proprietary nature to allow for swapping of the memory modules for the video it would still not make worth doing. I had a n64 with the module and with out the module i could not really tell a lot of differences. Ever wonder why Nintendo never did that with a console since then? it flopped...
-- Better indie game market
-- More affordable
-- More secure and reliable PSN
-- Less FPS lag.
lol at upgradeable consoles....anyone asking for this was either too young when the Mega CD and 32X debacle or they weren't into consoles.

Upgrades just don't work for them.
I'm definitely in the backwards compatibility camp. I've got an original PS3 and I pray every day that it doesn't die because I still play a fair number of my older PS2 games. I don't own a PS2 any longer nor do I want to have to hook one up here and there just to play those games.
It's for the sake of convenience. I don't want to have to keep an old system around for a half dozen I play here and there. Factor in having to keep those old controllers around, too. No thanks.
Plus, ever since we've gotten to the disk era - this has been something we've had more often than not so it's something we've somewhat grown to expect.
Oh... they wont do backward compatibility...

its way more profitable to release on the psn remade ps1/ps2 games than offering a console with BC.
I know it's already there from sony... but I would like game devloppers to be forced to implement keyboard+mouse for every game. (almost like if the SCEA (?) would force it in order to be certified)
1. Given that 1080p for TV's at the PS3's launch wasn't common I don't think that was a priority then, it probably is now.
2. HDMI to DVI, already exists.
3. It's more secure than a PC when it comes to hacks, and the support is OK, it works for what it does.
4. What do you need this for? If you aren't pirating games to the HDD you don't need it. If you want movies and other items, well my PS3 works fine with my NAS.
5. :rolleyes: People game over ethernet, not wireless, wireless is bad for this.
6. Personal choice, I find the 360's controllers horrid. IMHO the best controllers of all time were the SNES and Saturns.

2. PS3 scaler as currently implimented is broken and does not work right with every title. This is why they need proper PC monitor support via dedicated scaler hardware that actually works...
3. More secure? last time I checked steam didn't get millions of user's data jacked...
5. Wireless N is for streaming more than gaming especially if you have a router that can broadcast in both the 2.4 and 5Ghz range at the same time...
6. I'll give you that one but I prefer larger controllers. 360 controllers are larger and more comfortable than the PS line of controllers.
A decent controller that isn't a horrible mash-up of the Wii and Xbox controllers (i.e. turning L2 and R2 into really shitty triggers and that terrible SIXAXIS crap). Stick with the normal PS controller and get rid of SIXAXIS and the bad triggers (even if they make them like the third-part triggers available), basically.
Considering TV resolution isn't going to go past 1080p for a long while and the current state of computer HW, I would expect 60FPS w/ very strong AA/AF on all games @ 60FPS...PERIOD. If they can't do that, please GTFO.
Considering TV resolution isn't going to go past 1080p for a long while and the current state of computer HW, I would expect 60FPS w/ very strong AA/AF on all games @ 60FPS...PERIOD. If they can't do that, please GTFO.

if most TVs can even input 60FPS @ 1080p :p... :eek:...:(
Upgraded specs are a given. My request would be increase the controller size for peoplle who have hands bigger than a child. Just increasing the width and height of the standard PS controller would be fine. Or marry the mock PS3 boomerang controller to the current for better ergo.
What I wonder is will the bump in specs be major such as PS2 to PS3 or minor as from the Gamecube to the Wii? :confused:
Considering TV resolution isn't going to go past 1080p for a long while and the current state of computer HW, I would expect 60FPS w/ very strong AA/AF on all games @ 60FPS...PERIOD. If they can't do that, please GTFO.

Yeah I'd much rather TV manufacturers would work on making some higher-res TVs instead of 3D. More people would enjoy the better picture quality than those who currently enjoy 3D.
Yeah I'd much rather TV manufacturers would work on making some higher-res TVs instead of 3D. More people would enjoy the better picture quality than those who currently enjoy 3D.

While somewhat true - the signal sources (except a PC connection) would still all be 1080i or then you're simply scaling lower resolution content on a higher resolution monitor. It's all about standards. It's not like they're going to start randomly making Blu-Ray movies or games run at 2600x1800 for a few random people, and TV certainly wouldn't. You'd just be limited to your PC at that point...and if you want that, just get a big ass PC monitor and use that as your TV.
Honestly, not much.

- Cheaper controllers. $50 for a DualShock is kinda pricey. Granted you can get them cheaper online, but still.
- Cost effective design. I don't want multiconsole games to run just as good as the competitions port. Make the hardware/software design easy on the developers but at the same time make a quality product.
- More solid network infrastrure. No explanation needed.
- Faster firmware and game patch download speeds. Firmware update downloads are stupid slow.
The only way they're going to do BC is if it's software based and all past indications are that software based BC is a mixed bag; some games work fine, others run but aren't optimized, and the rest either don't work at all/are never supported, or run like shit.

Anyone thinking they're going to put a PsOne cpu and an EE from a Ps2 into the Ps4 is kidding themselves. It wasn't cost productive in the early Ps3 skus and it certainly still won't be cost productive in the Ps4, Ps5, Ps6 or the Ps20. Sorry, just a fact.
Screw bc if it will bring the price down I thought it was cool at first but then never used it again
Better controller design, it's just not as good as the Xbox 360 controller at all. In fact, I hate the PS controller. It was amazing for the PS 2, but it's time for an upgrade.
They were going to change it for the ps3 but consumer opinion changed it to what we got. They had this boomerang looking controller
I just hope it's not to hard to crack it.

I'm fairly confident after PS3 they will get the help they need and make PS4 extremely difficult to do anything with it other than what they I intended. Sony dislikes hackers/pirates messing with their bottom line.
Better controller design, it's just not as good as the Xbox 360 controller at all. In fact, I hate the PS controller. It was amazing for the PS 2, but it's time for an upgrade.

The analog sticks are definitely better on the 360 especially for shooters; my thumbs always bump into each other on the DS3 because I don't "finger tip" the sticks. :rolleyes:

IDK, they each have their own merits. I like both controllers really, other than the dual stick clearance issue on the DS3.
An actual HD console, since the current ones don't even play the games at HD resolutions. What a load of crap.
I want 1080 this time rather than the "1080" which was really 460 or some crap. And how about some stinking AA?
And retain the add-your-own-HDD feature. Loved that about PS3's, hated the proprietary HDD for the 360.
And I'll also second previous comments, the PS controller is a pos. It's antiquated crap, the 360 controller is almost perfect (makes my hand hurt eventually, but it doesn't feel awkward throughout the entire time I use it).
Oh, and how about not making your console so different that developers bash it/hate on it from the start, and that the "whole potential" isn't finally reached years after its release because devs finally "get it."