Psp/ps3 News!


Dec 17, 2003
Playstation Briefing in Tokyo gave some juicies...
from what im hearing.

- playstation 1 emulator, downloadable games <---holy **** nuts
- videophone in autumn <----holy **** nuts
- MinGol GPS
- Eyetoy
- Flash support with next update
- Mem.Stick boot support in autumn

Once release, Sony will unleash one million units per month with a total of six million units in 2006 alone. Production numbers are higher for PS1 and PS2 in their initial years.
^holy **** nuts
- Developers are told that they should develop games with HDD in mind
- All software will be released on the BD format for the purpose of preventing piracy
- The spec of the PS3 development tool has been fixed today.
- PS3 to feature next-gen HDMI from the get-go
- Not only will ps3 be 100% backwards compatible, it will display all games at high definition resolutions similar to Xbox360
- The network for PS3 is free of charge for the basic service (available at launch)
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD

As part of the PlayStation Business Brief today in Tokyo, Ken Kutaragi confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will require the hard drive peripheral. In total, it will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, and support Linux OS. Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere.
^^HARD DRIVE IS STANDARD, meaning out of the box

-Online: the system will feature community tools including lobby matching and voice chat, commerce features that includes bootable software via the hard drive.
Not wow, just more bs from Sony.

Do you recall that just yesterday they were still telling us the PS3 was a Spring launch ? You could have a link to claiming all of this in writing and I still wouldn't buy it. All they do is mislead and lie. <-- period
theNoid said:
Not wow, just more bs from Sony.

Do you recall that just yesterday they were still telling us the PS3 was a Spring launch ?
how is this bs? sounds like someone is angry to me.

anyways, ill keep updating the orginal post as news comes.

edit: all this great news, im kinda worried about the price lol
so they launch in november, now here in crazy land we still only have december after november before the new year.

and here in crazy land we might not be bright, but i can sure as hell figure out that 1 million units per month times by 2 months does not equal 6 million.
Hyperblau said:
so they launch in november, now here in crazy land we still only have december after november before the new year.

and here in crazy land we might not be bright, but i can sure as hell figure out that 1 million units per month times by 2 months does not equal 6 million.
not sure on the specifics.
dont shoot the messenger, because it does sound odd to me too. maybe they will launch with more than 1 million worldwide? and make 1 million for each month after launch?
theNoid said:
Not wow, just more bs from Sony.
I apologize for earlier,
this is the only BS i see.

March 14, 2006 - At the PlayStation Business Briefing 2006, Ken Kutaragi has just added another infamous quote to his belt, this time stating that PS3 games are "live" and that the PS3 concept is "4D".

He claims that games have gone from 8-bit to 16-bit planes, to the "space" that you saw on the PS1/PS2, and now PS3 will be "live".
but everything else in the orginal post is not BS. no matter how much you dislike sony.
Hmm. Only thing I'm interested in that pile of news is the suggested PS1 games for PSP... That'd definately garner a lot of interest in the PSP.
Yeah..the downloadable PS1 game is a nice surprise. I also like the support for flash, time for some youtube on the go.
So just yesterday, when Sony obviously knew that final DevKits would not be shipping until June, they were still officially telling the world that they were on track for a Spring release. And now today we hear that has magically morphed into a World Wide November release with 6 million units available by the end of the year.

Lets see....Yesterday they were blatantly lying to the world, and somehow today is different?

Lets deconstruct a little of what Ken said. 6 Million units by the end of the year, and 1 million units a month after that. That would mean either they plan to start manufacturing retail units in June, the same time they are delivering final devkits, or they plan to ramp down their production capacity after launch. Think about it, if their post-launch manufacturing capacity is 1 million/month, then it would take 6 months to develop that much product, meaning they need to start cranking them out no later than June. Unlikely. Or it means that prior to launch they will have greater production capacity than they will post-launch, giving them the ability to produce more than 1 million per month prior to launch. Also unlikely. Clearly this is just more BS and lies.

If Blu-Ray really were the gating factor for the PS3 launch, then by implication the rest of the system is done, ready-to-go, or at least very close. If that were the case, then why haven't there been any demos of what the system can do? If copy protection schemes were really the reason for a six month delay, that wouldn't stop them at all from showing controlled demos on non-copy protected discs would it? All talk and no demonstration ought to be raising a lot of red flags. If Blu-Ray alone were causing this delay, they would still have plenty to show. But they haven't shown anything, which tells me that Blu-Ray is the scapegoat, smoke-and-mirrors excuse they are hiding behind as they deal with far more complex issues that they are afraid to mention in public.
ahahahahahahahah!!! world launch

good luck finding a system any time around launch
and when you do i hope it doesnt break ahahahahahaa
paranoia4422 said:
ahahahahahahahah!!! world launch

good luck finding a system any time around launch
and when you do i hope it doesnt break ahahahahahaa
I think it would be possible to definately get a ps3 around launch if they can pull off 6 million before 2007. I mean how many 360's are out there atm? and how long has it been since launch?

hell they could launch at 500 bucks and id still be first in line to get one. 60gb hard drive standard is definately worth it. im pretty excited about the news tonight, and we havent even seen the games yet. (which by the way have alot more time to mature before launch now)

e3 should be damn nice :D

about the ps3s breaking? umm ok. my ps2 has been working since launch day about 5+ yrs ago. psp still doing fine :) every console will have hardware problems, i wont deny that. but i think your going a bit overboard.
sony couldnt provide enough units with the ps2 and they didnt do a world launch....what makes you think they will be able to pull it off this time?what are the cells yeilding, didnt they disable a core to try and compensate for this?how fast is sony manufactureing bluray drives? and your lucky your ps2 didnt break because that wasnt just some little joke of a rumor(that its prominent) like the 360, i personally know MANY people with ps2s that broke....over 5 people in my family alone(being 2 uncles, and 3 differnt cousins, and i think only 7 people in my family even owned ps2's)and none of them have problems with there xbox
paranoia4422 said:
and your lucky your ps2 didnt break because that wasnt just some little joke of a rumor(that its prominent) like the 360
360's dont break? O_O thats news to me bro. :p
anyways, chill out. lets not turn this into a ps3 vs 360 battle. lets just wait and see how this pans out in the coming months. im sure we will get more news. (GDC/e3 specifically)
Bad_Boy said:
360's dont break? O_O thats news to me bro. :p
anyways, chill out. lets not turn this into a ps3 vs 360 battle. lets just wait and see how this pans out in the coming months. im sure we will get more news. (GDC/e3 specifically)
nice reading there cowboy
If half of the things come true that you posted...

I'll eat a bowl of icecream.

Er, hat*. I mean my hat.
Nuzzles said:
If half of the things come true that you posted...

I'll eat a bowl of icecream.

Er, hat*. I mean my hat. take a cock in the ass....why would i risks such a thing? because we all know sony is full of it but even THIS is a new low for people believing it

not counting
- The network for PS3 is free of charge for the basic service (available at launch)
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- All software will be released on the BD format for the purpose of preventing piracy
- The spec of the PS3 development tool has been fixed today.
- PS3 to feature next-gen HDMI from the get-go

because who gives a fuck about that, whats more unbeliveable then world launch is all that PSP shit

and while were talking about BS, hjow bout that 100gb premium 360 harddrive to be released for the same price included with premium consoles
paranoia4422 said: take a cock in the ass....why would i risks such a thing? because we all know sony is full of it but even THIS is a new low for people believing it

not counting
- The network for PS3 is free of charge for the basic service (available at launch)
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- All software will be released on the BD format for the purpose of preventing piracy
- The spec of the PS3 development tool has been fixed today.
- PS3 to feature next-gen HDMI from the get-go
Some people need to be able to make the distinction between a lie and an unexpected set of circumstances that require a change of plan.

paranoia4422 said:
because who gives a fuck about that, whats more unbeliveable then world launch is all that PSP shit
not sure what your saying. your saying the psp stuff is bs or somthing?
they have been having their eyes on eyetoy and gps on the psp for a long ass time.
im surprised it has taken them this long to get it off the ground the way people were excited about it before the psp launched.

remember this?


those images dates back to may 2004. (camera / gps)

image from the briefing

whats the problem?
Once release, Sony will unleash one million units per month with a total of six million units in 2006 alone.
*laughing my ass off*
good one, ken!
oh man
....and i was miffed that the ds got res evil, psp will get 1,2,and 3!!! man all those ps1 games in the palm of your hand! MGS, Gran Turismos, Tekken 3, running off mem stick with no load times, no wonder there are rumours of sony releasing a revised 4gb psp! Time to sell my DS! The PSP Games catalogue is about to get extremely big!
Hyperblau said:
so they launch in november, now here in crazy land we still only have december after november before the new year.

and here in crazy land we might not be bright, but i can sure as hell figure out that 1 million units per month times by 2 months does not equal 6 million.

The kicker is that Sony operates on a fiscal year which ends in March....but thats still only 5 months.

Figure 2 million units worldwide by Dec. 31. Just a guess; North America will get some where between 500k and 700k of those produced. So it makes it to market for that all important holiday line up but the only thing parents will find on the shelves are Xbox 360...maybe some Revolutions but I bet the Revolutions sell fast.
I am an Sony dis-believer through and through. You can read any of my posts on this site and come to that conclusion yourself.

But Sony, coming out with a similiarly powered system to the 360, open platform for internet use, support of keyboard and mouse (In game!), 60gig HDD standard, Linux support, Blu-ray and HDMI support OUT OF THE BOX has even me interested in the Playstation brand again.

Now, if they actually deliver on any of this has yet to be seen, but if they do I will certainly be camping out to get one of these sweet rigs.

Also, didn't I read something recently about how their factories are supposed to start manufactoring this summer? Like starting in june or july or something like that? I could sworn I read something like that recently. It was why everyone was saying that the PS3 would not be out this spring because the factories were notified to be ready for production this summer.

I will try to find a link. But that would come close to adding up to 6 million units by winter if that information was correct.
So it makes it to market for that all important holiday line up but the only thing parents will find on the shelves are Xbox 360...maybe some Revolutions but I bet the Revolutions sell fast

I personally can't wait for a Revolution myself. I wish nintendo wasn't being so tight lipped about the console.
Analysts say that if the console comes out in November as scheduled, the delay will likely not damage Sony's earnings too much. "We see no major negative earnings impact if the console reaches the market in time for the Christmas retail season," wrote Yasuo Nakane, an analyst in Tokyo with the Deutsche Bank Group in a report Wednesday.

lets see...
The PS3's price will be no where below $425.00 which was stated. They will have a basic online service that is free just like the xbox 360.

The harddrive is required, it will be 60GB and can run linux.
Hyperblau said:
so they launch in november, now here in crazy land we still only have december after november before the new year.

and here in crazy land we might not be bright, but i can sure as hell figure out that 1 million units per month times by 2 months does not equal 6 million.

Sony never stated they would have 6 million units by the end of the year, they said that they would have 6 million units available by the end of their fiscal year, which is March 2007.

Here is a quote -

"Publishers have been prepared for the bad news. They've known about it for months. They'll probably be relieved that the machine is being launched in the U.S this side of Thanksgiving. But this will be scant consolation for a launch that was supposed to happen "in the spring".

Sony says it will have a million units at launch and a million-a-month during the launch phase. "This may not seem like much, but it's more than the initial capacity for PlayStation 2," said Kutaragi, seeking some glimmer of gloss.

These numbers have largely been welcomed by the media. But those machines must be shared around the world, and the numbers do not take into account the fair probability of manufacturing glitches, which seem to dog such launches. Shortages are almost guaranteed, at least through Christmas. I'd be amazed if the channel were well stocked through November and December.

If the U.S gets a million units by Christmas, it would be an achievement, but the PS3's installed base would still not be much higher than Xbox 360s as of Xmas 2005. Sony says six million units (worldwide) will be ready by March. If they sell through, the market will be looking strong by E3 2007."
Rash said:
....and i was miffed that the ds got res evil, psp will get 1,2,and 3!!! man all those ps1 games in the palm of your hand! MGS, Gran Turismos, Tekken 3, running off mem stick with no load times, no wonder there are rumours of sony releasing a revised 4gb psp! Time to sell my DS! The PSP Games catalogue is about to get extremely big!

Bigger than the GBA library? I wouldn't sell the DS just yet. There still is a MUCH bigger marketshare for actual DS games that don't require huge memory stick purchases. Backwards compatibility is no replacement for that.

That said, if Kutaragi isn't talking out of his ass, this is great news for the PS3, AND the UMD-player, I mean PSP... Just remember though... Microsoft promised 5 million X360's for launch (they assured us of it!)... Look what happened there, even when the console isn't as hard to make or doesn't have as many complicated components as the PS3. I wouldn't hold my breath for a highly available worldwide launch...
well, looks like the ps3 fb's will have to wait 8 months :eek: which really sucks for them, I have a 360 and have enjoyed it throughly and am happy with the purchase and will have had it almost a year before the ps3 comes out, so i'm extremely glad I didn't wait..
Blah. Too bad I sold my PSP.
Meh. I guess I'll pick it up again sometime in the future.

Anyway, that PS3 shit is intriguing. Same shit we've been hearing lately, really, but the fact that it's online and shit at launch, 100% backwards compatible, and comes with an HD gives me a hard-on.

We're looking at a pretty hefty pricetag though. I'm guessing $550.
lol this is too funny. The PS2 shipped with like half of the promised features, why would the PS3 be any different?

It looks like they're holding off on announcing the ballshaver until E3...
Slartibartfast said:
lol this is too funny. The PS2 shipped with like half of the promised features, why would the PS3 be any different?

It looks like they're holding off on announcing the ballshaver until E3...

What about the ass-wiper? They can't launch without the ass-wiper!!! Oh well, at least we can still cook on it.
ya know the old (wise) saying:

'Don't tell me, show me!'

People, corporations, governments, etc.. all talk alot, but what really comes down to is the act of doing, so SONY, MS, whoever can talk all they want it doesnt matter.. they could promise the moon and the stars, it doesnt matter, I want to be shown not told.
JethroXP said:
So just yesterday, when Sony obviously knew that final DevKits would not be shipping until June, they were still officially telling the world that they were on track for a Spring release. And now today we hear that has magically morphed into a World Wide November release with 6 million units available by the end of the year.

Lets see....Yesterday they were blatantly lying to the world, and somehow today is different?

Lets deconstruct a little of what Ken said. 6 Million units by the end of the year, and 1 million units a month after that. That would mean either they plan to start manufacturing retail units in June, the same time they are delivering final devkits, or they plan to ramp down their production capacity after launch. Think about it, if their post-launch manufacturing capacity is 1 million/month, then it would take 6 months to develop that much product, meaning they need to start cranking them out no later than June. Unlikely. Or it means that prior to launch they will have greater production capacity than they will post-launch, giving them the ability to produce more than 1 million per month prior to launch. Also unlikely. Clearly this is just more BS and lies.

If Blu-Ray really were the gating factor for the PS3 launch, then by implication the rest of the system is done, ready-to-go, or at least very close. If that were the case, then why haven't there been any demos of what the system can do? If copy protection schemes were really the reason for a six month delay, that wouldn't stop them at all from showing controlled demos on non-copy protected discs would it? All talk and no demonstration ought to be raising a lot of red flags. If Blu-Ray alone were causing this delay, they would still have plenty to show. But they haven't shown anything, which tells me that Blu-Ray is the scapegoat, smoke-and-mirrors excuse they are hiding behind as they deal with far more complex issues that they are afraid to mention in public.

Most intelligent and well thought out post on this issue. I am actually surprised that the media hasn't picked up on some of the good points you brought up. Production capacity at the numbers they are talking about doesn't get created over night and doesn't get adjusted over night either. Something STILL smells rotten in Denmark.
aznpxdd said:
Yeah..the downloadable PS1 game is a nice surprise. I also like the support for flash, time for some youtube on the go.
I don't see this as surprising, because early last year the media was reporting Sony job-postings for "playstation emulation" programmers. It's been in the works for a long time, but this is terrific news in combination with their "Hub" online service. Very cool.
Json23 said:
But Sony, coming out with a similiarly powered system to the 360, open platform for internet use, support of keyboard and mouse (In game!), 60gig HDD standard, Linux support, Blu-ray and HDMI support OUT OF THE BOX has even me interested in the Playstation brand again.

Now, if they actually deliver on any of this has yet to be seen, but if they do I will certainly be camping out to get one of these sweet rigs.
HD-support will be standard. They still haven't specified whether or not the HD will be included in the package. Still, this is good news. I'll pay the extra $100 for the Linux-loaded HD to obtain full integration.

I think they're going to use the "free Hub/Online service" as a carrot for the users to buy the the HD/Linux drive.
Arkham said:
HD-support will be standard. They still haven't specified whether or not the HD will be included in the package. Still, this is good news. I'll pay the extra $100 for the Linux-loaded HD to obtain full integration.

I think they're going to use the "free Hub/Online service" as a carrot for the users to buy the the HD/Linux drive.

Actually, they stated that a 60gig 2.5 HDD (upgradeable) will come standard with all PS3's. Linux not included.

Once again, I will believe it when I see it.
Zinn said:
*laughing my ass off*
good one, ken!
oh man

That's what I was saying while I was reading that tripe. Kutaragi is lucky he's rich; they'd throw his ass in a mental institution if he wasn't.

Sony hasn't shown shit aside from the usual smoke-and-mirrors routine that anyone with an IQ above 80 recognized immediately. They lied about the performance numbers of their system in relation to others, they lied about the software that was being demonstrated, they lied about the release date, and they're probably lying about a lot of the shit they're spouting now.

I'm betting that production capacity won't even be half of what this lunatic is spouting off about.
K600 said:
That's what I was saying while I was reading that tripe. Kutaragi is lucky he's rich; they'd throw his ass in a mental institution if he wasn't.

Sony hasn't shown shit aside from the usual smoke-and-mirrors routine that anyone with an IQ above 80 recognized immediately. They lied about the performance numbers of their system in relation to others, they lied about the software that was being demonstrated, they lied about the release date, and they're probably lying about a lot of the shit they're spouting now.

I'm betting that production capacity won't even be half of what this lunatic is spouting off about.

QFT - I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping they actually pull through with what they have promised, but this is Ken and the Sony PR machine talking. Their isn't enough grain of salt in world to take with this kind of release.

With Sony, ONLY believe it when you see it AND have it in your hands to prove what you are seeing is real.
I think most of you guys forget that Sony has a HUGE history of bs'ing the consumer. They continue the make promises and fail to deliver. I would be willing to bet the bank, they won't come out with 1/2 of what they've announced.
Lets try and wade through this marketing BS and try to look at these announcements in a practical nature shall we?


1) Downloadable PS games for your PSP
First of all this requires you to have a sizable memory card to hold the games, which is an investment in and of itself. Especially if you want to be able to hold more than one game at a time on your memory card. What isn't mentioned is if you will have to re-buy all of your old PS1 games...that would be a second kick in the teeth.

2) Videophone
Most of us already have cellphones thank you very much. Very few people will actually have use for a videophone, not to mention either it will be an internet video phone, which means you need to be at a wifi hotspot, or you will need some ludicrous wireless plan. Video takes a lot of bandwidth and cellular providers already charge out the butt for bandwidth.

3) GPS
Depending upon the cost of the GPS adapter this may or may not be useful. You can get GPS adapters for PDA's but they dont sell really well because they are a bit pricey when for a bit more you can get a portable GPS unit that works better.

4) Eyetoy
While it sounds like a neat idea at first...think about this for a second. The eyetoy games basically require you to wave your arms about to make stuff happen. Well if you are waving your arms about to punch stuff on the screen...what are you holding the PSP with? Do they expect us to find some way to place the PSP on the table so that we can see it and have the eyetoy situated correctly to see us. In which case will we be able to be close enough to see the screen? It just doesn't seem practical to anyone that has less than 3 arms.

5) Flash support
Good development, about time.

6) Memstick boot support
Good devlopment, about time.

1) World Wide launch in November
Lets believe it when we see it people. Microsoft had lofty goals with a worldwide launch as well. Sony can talk all they want, but they need to be able to back it up, no use getting excited until we see stockpiles of millions of PS3's before the launch. Until then dont hold your breath.

3) Bluray to prevent piracy / 10,000,000 discs a month at low cost
Preventing piracy is nice, as well as them perfecting manufacturing to keep costs down. Unfortunately it probably wont change anything as far as the price the consumer sees. The reduced costs will just be more money in the devlopers pockets. Also, the dreamcast relied upon the GD-ROM to prevent piracy. We all know how well that worked out. There will always be people who try to find a way around copy protection.

4) Backwards compatible
Thats nice, but I dont think many people questioned whether this would happen. The question is whether the PS3 will be able to make the PS2 games look any better. If you take a low res game and pump it up to high res you are asking for aliasing.

Didn't we already know this?

6) Free basic network (at launch)
The 360 has free basic network too. Sony doesn't say what you will be able to do on this free network. It is yet to be seen how stable and mature the PSLive network will be. Microsoft has shown and proven Xbox Live to be a stable network, now lets hope Sony can deliver. I am guessing the basic access will be similar to Xbox Live Silver, with the addition of being able to buy songs and other content from Sony and download to your HDD. There is no reason to put the "basic" qualifier in there unless you plan to make people pay for the good stuff (gaming).

7) Upgradeable 60GB HDD
I am a bit perturbed by the first part of this. The upgradeable part. Unless Sony plans to change their design of the PS3 (likely) there is no spot for a removeable harddrive. This makes the proposition of an upgradeable harddrive a bit iffy. Either the drive will be external, or it wont be quite so upgradeable. I am leaning towards external connected through one of the gazillion usb ports. In which case....who really wants to have an external harddrive for their console?!? Hopefully Sony redesigns the PS3 to accept a HDD like the 360 does. Also, a 60GB 2.5" harddrive will add to the projected cost of the system, on an already bloated piece of hardware I shudder when I think about what that price tag could or could not be.

Anyways, those are my opinions when looking at the announcements. I am just trying to take a more realistic outlook on this information. Taking into account Sony's rampant history of not meeting their lofty goals. Frankly you just cant trust anything Sony says anymore. You cant really trust anyone when it comes to production numbers, they seem to always be overrealistic.