May 1, 2002
Saw Steve's news post about MS' rumoured new device, and the title reminded me of DooM. Specifically, it reminded me of the 'no clipping' code: idspispopd. Aside from an extra "i", it's an anagram of the post's title. Now, if MS unveils a new portable device called the "i", then I'll be officially weirded-out ;)
TwiceSliced said:
Saw Steve's news post about MS' rumoured new device, and the title reminded me of DooM. Specfically, it reminded me of the 'no clipping' code: idspispopd. Aside from an extra "i", it's an anagram of the post's title. Now, if MS unveils a new portable device called the "i", then I'll be officially weirded-out ;)

Props to you for remembering the code :) That's the one I always forgot...