PSU died, looking for a replacement

Chowder Head

Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2005
Hey guys,

My trusty rig that I built years ago blew its PSU last night. I was watching TV, heard a loud POP! and smelt a faint burning smell. It appears the PSU (Seasonic X-series 750W, purchased in 2011) gave out. I just hope it didn't fry the other components.

I was initially drawn to the Seasonic Prime series since it looks really solid but that may be overkill for my rig. I've been out of the hardware game for a few years so I was hoping to get some recommendations for the biggest bang for my buck.

I guess my biggest question is how big of a PSU do I need, really? Rig is in the sig. I've been snooping around the forums and I've heard some good things about the Corsair RMx, EVGA G3, and the Seasonic G series. Are there any others I should look into?

With my system in mind, which PSU would you guys recommend? Any deals going on? If it means anything, I'm considering adding another video card and another 8GB's of RAM.

Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you!

Probably no more than 400-500W based on your sig would be plenty.

Seasonic or EVGA make great PSUs, just get the one with the longest warranty that's within your budget. The only other features I'd look for is modular cables and, if you care, efficiency ratings.
Thanks for the reply!

I looked at Newegg and they have a sale going on for the EVGA G3 550W for $85, $70 after MIR.

Does anyone think I can find a better deal than this or should I pull the trigger?
Follow-up question if you guys didn't mind.

If I do decide to get this PSU, how serious of a rig would I have to be pushing for PSU to be insufficient? For example, if I wanted to upgrade to Ryzen in the next year or so, do you think this PSU could be used? Or maybe I should get something beefier now so I won't need to get another PSU when I get bit by the upgrade bug? Who knows how long this P8P67 board will keep ticking for.

If you plan to do dual GPUs (which, at this time, is not very recommended unless you have a lot of spare cash lying around), then a 550W will be insufficient.

Otherwise, you'll be good with almost any single GPU + single CPU system.
8 core Ryzen with a Titan Xp (or 1080ti) overclocked to the absolute maximum will probably be beyond a 550 watt PSU in an unrealistic stress test. Otherwise, nothing else really will.
Thanks for the reply!

I looked at Newegg and they have a sale going on for the EVGA G3 550W for $85, $70 after MIR.

Does anyone think I can find a better deal than this or should I pull the trigger?

It is a very good PSU (Platform) performance-wise, but if you dislike noise, -(*personally i mostly care for pure performance)-, then i would advise you to choose something more quiet.
(* for Titanium-level efficiency go for Seasonic PRIME Titanium, for Gold-level efficiency go for Corsair RMx or RMi series )
Appreciate the feedback, everyone!

So I've decided on either the EVGA G3 550W or the Corsair RMX550W. Regarding noise, you bring up a good point Sith'ari. I'd like a quiet PSU that doesn't lack on performance and the RMX seems to be a good choice in that regard. I've been reading about the noise levels of the G3 where people have been mentioning it's a bit noisy but I've noticed these people have the higher wattage models.

Does anyone know if the 550W would be quieter than its bigger wattage brothers? Or since the architecture would probably be the same, it would make the same amount of noise regardless? Or with the 200mm fans on the HAF 922, I would hear those before I hear the PSU? I've read good things about each PSU over at JonnyGURU so I was hoping to get some opinions from people here that have had experience with both of these PSU's.

Thanks again for all the assistance, I really do appreciate it.

I would go with a 600w so you have a small buffer of a reserve. With my current setup and under heavy gaming for several hours I pull 380w total with a kill-o-watt meter. My seasonic prime titanium 650 watter is plenty.

I was using a Silverstone Zeus 1350w unit, lol!
Does anyone know if the 550W would be quieter than its bigger wattage brothers?

If you can't be certain, and since you said that you do care about noise, then i would advise you not to risk, and choose a solid and tested -for a great period of time- choice (*at both, performance and noise), which are the RMx or the RMi series.;)
I grabbed the evga g3 650 to upgrade an aging corsair hx520. Overclocked 6600k and 1080ti. Very happy with the evga and it is small as well. looks good in my matx case. The corsair lasted 3 pcs over 10 years.
I grabbed the evga g3 650 to upgrade an aging corsair hx520. Overclocked 6600k and 1080ti. Very happy with the evga and it is small as well. looks good in my matx case. The corsair lasted 3 pcs over 10 years.

yes, it's extremely good unit, but the question here is the noise factor. How is yours noise-wise ? (*and it would be interesting to compare the G3 with your old PSU, again, noise-wise )
noise wise its silent. it has an eco mode where the fan is off under low loads. (edit: may be another good reason for a larger unit) If it comes on my ti is probably drowning it out but by itself it is extremely quiet even if i turn the eco fan off. living room pc so noise was a consideration. pc is whisper quiet, hdds are very loud when they come on for comparison. the old corsair was the loudest thing in my system (it was old and had a 100% fan)