PSU doesn't fit

gwai lo

Aug 31, 2004

got a PC-V1000 and a Powerstream 520...spent a couple hours transferring stuff to new case...andd.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT DOESN'T FIT!!!!! WTTTFFFFF!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


someone needs to throw up a warning message somewhere..."WARNING: OCZ POWERSTREAM 520 DOES NOT FIT IN LIAN LI PC-V1000"

HOLY CRAP!!! SOO PISSED.....rawr...does ocz not follow ATX standards? or is Lian Li design not quite there...



here's a picture clickage

i need to kill something.....

didn't know where to post this...soo..yeah
That sucks man what are you going to do???

Sell that Lian Li case for the 400$ you bought it for, OVER priced things
yeah it was overpriced...but..iono...yeah that's one of the few times i'll do a "yeah, it's overpriced..but i don't care".. :p oh..and it was 195 plus shipping :D

anyway...i bought the powerstream from a place my friend works at..and he mentioned that he needed to get a couple ima ask him if he'll just take this one back (i didn't even turn it on)

does the turbo-cool 510 deluxe fit in the v1000? i'll just drop a couple more pissed... :mad:

edit: what's the difference between "atx" and "deluxe"?
Time to case mod, Break out the dremal and go at it.... MAn you will sweat a bit due to the price of the case but... Good luck
Dam it dont fit by alot ! Cant you mod the plate behind it?take a 1 inch area out to run the wires in?
I always Put the PS in the case first and work around it....
Man how frustraiting..
no kidding...and i've had to take out the first rack for the hard drives before i could move it back..even then i'd have to mod the rest of the case quite a bit as move the holes and such..and....AAARRRGGGHHHH :mad:

i don't even have any case modding tools :(

yes can all laugh "ha! ha! ha! gwai lo is a moron!"


i guess i'll run it with half of it sticking out...i still need a comp to work on =/
Damn, that sucks man. Hope you get it to fit, or find another PSU that will..