Psu dying?


Sep 12, 2005
About a month ago i purchased my amd 7950 for my rig in my sig. For the past 3 years i have been using a GTX 275. My psu is an Xclio GREATPOWER 650w that i purchased in May of 2007.

I am currentlly having an issue of my pc shutting off and then turning itself back on at inconsistent intervals when gaming. Its shut off during loading sometimes, 10mins, 30mins, and sometimes not even at all. This didnt start until i purchased the 7950

Ive mostly been playing
Saints row 3
Crysis 3

Any ideas?
Do you have another PSU to test with? It sounds like to me that over temp might be kicking in on something.
No i dont at the moment, my pc does get hot but the tempertaures stay very low.

Cpu load is about 67C
GPU load 55C

Possible the psu is overheating?
I think that Xclio was made by Channel Well, the same company that produces some Antecs, including the old TruePowers and SmartPowers that contained crappy Fuhjyyu capacitors that gradually rotted and decreased the amount of power those PSUs could put out. There's no fix except new capacitors (about 8).
I think that Xclio was made by Channel Well, the same company that produces some Antecs, including the old TruePowers and SmartPowers that contained crappy Fuhjyyu capacitors that gradually rotted and decreased the amount of power those PSUs could put out. There's no fix except new capacitors (about 8).

Ill have to pop it open and check it out, I wonder how easy it would be to soder new ones on if that is the case.
you don't need a 750Watt Power supply for a single HD7950 (although I do have a Seasonic X750 in my rig i5-2500K and HD7950).

AMD says you need a 500Watt for a single HD7950 and 750Watt for Crossfire

I think it was me I'd get this sorted sooner than later before the powersupply decides to smoke and maybe take the video card and / or other things with it.
I'll have to pop it open and check it out, I wonder how easy it would be to solder new ones on if that is the case.
It's easier a lot easier to replace capacitors in power supplies than in motherboards because PSU circuit boards have just a single layer of copper, meaniing you don't need nearly as much heat (40W for leaded solder is OK, 45-50W for lead-free), and solder suckers (bulb or plunger type) and desoldering braid work a lot better. But the capacitors are probably packed tight in there and are unusually skinny, and high quality substitutes are all about 2mm fatter in diameter, meaning they may have to be mounted 2" above the board (insulate their wires with teflon spaghetti or heatshrink) and fastened securely (nylon wire ties, silicone rubber sealer) -- away from any high voltage heatsinks or components. Don't use regular caps from Radio Shack but get "low ESR" types from DigiKey, Mouser, or Also there may be some surface mount components that can slip off if the solder melts next to them.

Also check the +5Vstandby circuit because it seems to fail a lot from bad caps and often puts out damaging high voltage when it does. In my old Antecs they were rated about 10V and about 1,000uF or 2,200uF, not only Fuhjyyu brand but also Teapo, AsiaX, and Koshin. Koshin seems to be even worse than Fuhjyyu, but oddly none of the AsiaX caps failed.

BTW I think NewEgg today has a 600W Corsair PSU for $38, with coupon, after rebate. NewEgg and TigerDirect seem to offer a high quality PSU for about $30-40, about once a month.