PSU illeterate, need help picking between 2 power supplies!


Sep 26, 2011
This power supply will be going into a case with a geforce gtx 560, and an AMD Phenom II 965. I'm on a budget, and while I do not want to cut costs and put my whole computer at risk with a bad power supply, I do want to be AS EFFICIENT AS POSSIBLE with money. Meaning....if the cheaper solution does the trick, it would REALLY help me out!

Power Supply #1

Power Supply #2

One is significantly cheaper than the other, but both have great reviews on newegg. Is there anything strictly wrong with the Raidmax that should keep me from purchasing it? If there there a cheaper solution to the Antec that will perform well but save on costs?
Thanks for your help and your time!
Reviews on Newegg don't mean squat. Raidmax power supplies are cheap for a reason in that they use low quality parts.

Go with the HCG. Or if you want cheaper, go get the XFX Core edition 650 watt for $60 AR.

Your system does not require more than 500 watts.
I would contend that reviews on Newegg and the like do matter - but look past the ratings. Look at the folks who rated something low (1/2 stars/eggs) and see *why*.

Materially, though, I would agree with Tsumi: the Antec HCG should do very nicely. I'm not sure who actually makes the XFX unit though (most of these companies don't really make their own power supplies), so I can't speak to that one.

Just remember: while your power supply may not affect how fast your games run, or how high you score on a benchmark, it is responsible for making sure your computer *runs at all* and for not letting off-spec power through which could *damage the rest of your hardware*. So as tempting as it may be, don't skimp on the power supply :)
XFX power supplies are all manufactured by Seasonic, so they're all very reliable, high quality units.
XFX power supplies are all manufactured by Seasonic, so they're all very reliable, high quality units.

Ah, great to hear! Seasonic is indeed one of the best PSU makers out there, in my experience. I'm pleased that XFX went with them, rather than the cheaper options.