PSU Problem?

Aug 3, 2006
Hi everyone, I just sat down at my PC and saw that BF4 had an update so I proceded to download it. All of a sudden the PC shut down, I thought, that was weird, never happened before. Pressed the power button and nothing happened. I pulled the side off, no electrical smell or anything out of the ordinary. The motherboard lights were still on indicating power to the motherboard. I turned off the switch on the psu and unplugged it, I waited approx. 5 mins then turned the switched on and hit the power button. The fans acted as if they wanted to start but barely made it through one rotation, mother board lights still on.
The psu is a Corsair HX620W, its approx 7 years old, and from my understanding was one of the best psu's ever made. Its served me well. My question is, is it possible for it to supply a tiny bit of power to light the motherboard lights but not be able to supply enough juice to start and run the computer? Thanks. PC is in Sig.
One way to find out:

Unplug everything but a fan or two (you'll have to plug them in via molex plug)
On the motherboard connector use a wire or something else conductive to short the green pin to any of the black pins. Note: It'll only stay on as long as that connection is there.

If the fans start up fine then chances are it isn't a PSU problem. If basically nothing happens then it's a PSU problem. If you've got one a multimeter can help tons. Aka: stuff the probes into a convenient molex plug when you turn it on (shorting the green pin)
I disconnected a bunch of things, GPU, sound card, two fans and both harddrives.. Then pushed power button, i heard ZZZZTTTT then smelled electrical smell. I dissected the pc and the smell is right over the northbridge heatsink. another ASUS motherboard goes up in smoke, literally.
it wasn't a power supply issue. i tested it and it came out fine. it was a fried power regulator sitting under the heatsink to the left of the cpu socket. i rma'd with Asus and they shipped me back a working board, pretty quickly I might add, I am located in NS, Canada. it looked brand new but was in a white box. system is back up and hummin with a slight decrease in my oc until I get time to really push it.
Good lord, you had visible fire damage on your board and they replaced it?

Not long ago at all the better business bureau had ASUS graded an F.

Now they are suddenly an A.

Maybe they've made big changes?
i was definitely nervous when sending it in, not knowing what they'd say. I've read many Asus RMA horror stories and did not feel confident. I'm happy to report that it went smoothly though.