PSU wattage label


Sep 9, 2006
When a PSU is rated "750W", is that for 750W from the wall, or 750W after it has been converted into DC (~880W from the wall assuming 85% efficiency)? I'm not exactly sure how much headroom I have on my X750 which is mining with 2x7950s and pulling 500W from the wall measured by a KillAWatt. I'm not looking to max out the PSU. Thanks.
When a PSU is rated "750W", is that for 750W from the wall, or 750W after it has been converted into DC (~880W from the wall assuming 85% efficiency)? I'm not exactly sure how much headroom I have on my X750 which is mining with 2x7950s and pulling 500W from the wall measured by a KillAWatt. I'm not looking to max out the PSU. Thanks.

A good "750W" PSU will be 750W after the AC-to-DC conversion.
When a PSU is rated "750W", is that for 750W from the wall, or 750W after it has been converted into DC (~880W from the wall assuming 85% efficiency)?.

Also keep in mind that efficiency isn't a fixed number, it varies depending on the load you put on the PSU. Any decent PSU is most efficient at 50-70% load, then it drops off a bit after that. But maybe you already were aware.
You are actually perfectly within your efficiency cohort, using around 58% of your PSU's available power. And yes, 750w is 750w of DC, regulated power, with a maximum wall-draw of 850+w depending on load.