Purchasing q6600 used, what should I be concerned with?


Apr 23, 2006
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to purchase an Intel q6600 CPU from craigslist. I was wondering what I should be concerned about?

Seller has it listed at $100 and he even adds in the description that it is g0 and its VID is 1.28. He says its in mint condition and includes stock heatsink fan.

Before I purchase, what things should I be concerned about? I know I should question if he's overclocked it, what else? Also, what is the importance of VID?

Thanks for all the help.
Well if he lists all the VID and stepping etc, he's obviously overclocked the cpu, if you ask him though, you'll probably get a lie that he never overclocked it.

The only thing you need to be concerned about IMO is that it boots up and works.

G0 steppings overclocks better than B3 steppings so that's good. The VID is decently low too which is good usually for overclocking, but every chip overclocks differently.
Thanks for your response aZn_plyR.

I don't plan to overclock it, just use it at stock. If it books up and works, BUT he's overclocked it, should it sway my decision at all in purchasing it? What are the potential problems with purchasing an overclocked CPU?

What do you think about this $100 price point, should I jump on it?
Thanks for your response aZn_plyR.

I don't plan to overclock it, just use it at stock. If it books up and works, BUT he's overclocked it, should it sway my decision at all in purchasing it? What are the potential problems with purchasing an overclocked CPU?

What do you think about this $100 price point, should I jump on it?

As long as there hasn't been physical modifications (heat spreader removal or lapping) and still retains its original serial numbers/model numbers etc., it should be fine. Even if it was overclocked before there shouldn't be anything wrong with the CPU (if it works, it works). I've had CPUs overclocked for 7+ years without issue. Having it at a $100 price point isn't bad considering it was around $200 several months ago. 1.28VID isn't bad either.
If it books up and works, BUT he's overclocked it, should it sway my decision at all in purchasing it? What are the potential problems with purchasing an overclocked CPU?

Glad you guys helped him, but I honestly never thought I'd see that on [H] heh. :eek:

edit: sounds like a decent deal, I'd bite. The q6600 offer great value atm.
Seems like a good deal. Makes me wonder what my Q6600 would go for...

1.225 VID
8*400 = 3.2/1600
stock volts of 1.2V in Bios.
Should be a nice upgrade without having to go to newer 1366 socket. If you have the mobo and ddr2 setup, I'd snatch it up.
Who cares if it was OC'd or lapped? So long as it works. I've sold plenty of OC'd and lapped processors. To someone that knows what they are buying they're basically saved the trouble of finding out what the proc is capable of. Lapped is a bonus.
Yeah id also agree on this, i recently sold a lapped 1.2750 vid q6600 that was capable of 3.8ghz on air for £100.00 uk, it was snapped up within minutes of being advertised on another forum i use.
Thanks for the input everyone. So I went ahead and purchased it. He purchased it from newegg in December 08' and provided me the receipt and everything. Waiting for my case to come in to try it out, but the guy seemed trustworthy. The reason I went with the q6600 and not the newer socket processors was because I had an Nvidia 680i lying around and 4gbs of DDR2, power supply, etc. Just needed a processor.

Thanks again everyone.
I always want to know what the previous owner was capable of overclocking to with a used chip. Pretty soon here I will have a E7200 that does [email protected] for sale....any takers!?

just as long as they didn't run it massively out of spec. For example if I know it's a 45nm thats been way past 1.4v I aint touching it.