Q: OEM Vista Ultimate Installation on second SINGLE Computer ?


Apr 28, 2007
Hello [H]ard Gawds:

I really want to know and confirm that if it's possible for me to install my Vista Ultimate 32bit OS on a second computer AFTER I fully uninstalled it from my first computer ??

I know I have to call the activation centre in my country (Canada) which I had a good experience with them before. I remember a thread I've read that as long as you only install the OEM OS in a SINGLE computer at a time, you're technically OK to do re-installation and be able to pass the activation process if you CALL the Microsoft Activation Centre and they'll release another long string of keys for you to type in the boxes.

The total amount of time for me to ask for activation over the phone was no more than 15 mins, although I had a hard time trying to get every letter and numbers from a heavy French accent lady :p

One thing I can confirm is that as long as your "product key is legitimate and it's not on their black list," you shouldn't face any problems for asking a new released key from the activation centre correct?

I appreciate any help and suggestions

:) :cool:
Since it's OEM, you're technically only allowed to have it installed on the hardware it came with. Sometimes, though, you can install it on another computer and call Microsoft, schmooze them a little, and they'll let you reactivate it.

As far as activation goes, as long as only one computer is using that key, and Microsoft only detects one computer, there'll be no problems. The only issue is that it's OEM and meant for one computer only.
Since it's OEM, you're technically only allowed to have it installed on the hardware it came with. Sometimes, though, you can install it on another computer and call Microsoft, schmooze them a little, and they'll let you reactivate it.

RIGHT, but HOW will they be able to know if my OEM OS is installed with the same motherboard? :confused: ;)
In all that information your computer sends them when activating.

So does that mean I'm literally SCREWED as of now becouse I've already changed a few mobo after I activated one of my Ultimate, 32bit version on my first mobo ?!?!?!?!?!:eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused:

If this is true.......................I'm glad I've already sold my 64bit unregistered version for almost the amount of money I've paid for both 32bit/64bit Vista Ultimate bundle...
No, I think you'll be fine. They don't seem to pay that much attention. Just install it, try to activate, and if you can't, call them up.
you appear to have clicked on "yes, i agree"...without actually reading or understanding the EULA. :rolleyes:

i would imagine that even if it works for a while, eventually one will go belly up with "this activation is already in use". i hope your computer with all your important files is not the one that gets cut off. (and if it is... what then will you do?)
No, I think you'll be fine. They don't seem to pay that much attention. Just install it, try to activate, and if you can't, call them up.

I'd hope so too and I'm planning to sell the 32bit version to my friend for cheap but he's concerning if he'd ok to talk his way through for a new product key. If the other guy who mentioned about informations being sent to Microsoft after the first activation is true and the rep at the activation centre has a way to check that in the system while they're on the phone, then I'm not so sure if my friend is going to be OK. Heck, I don't think my 32bit Vista would be OK even I'm the one who personally called in..