Q1 AZ RIGG LAN, March 14th, Fab 32


Feb 28, 2005

Hosting another LAN at work. I gotta hit 50 people to make this awesome.

Where: Intel Fab 32, 4500 S. Dobson Rd. Chandler AZ 85248
When: March 14th 10 AM to 10 PM
Room OC8-102/103 (immediate left when you go in the front doors.)
Games: I have CoD4, CoD5, L4D, BF2, TF2, CSS, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and others. Just name it and we can probably play it.
Cost: FREE (please bring $5 for medium pizza, one topping from Pizza Hut)
Seats: 48 seats total
Min age: 16

Tourney: Call of Duty 5v5

Each attendee will recieve a free copy of Computer Power User Magazine.

Sounds like fun. Thanks alot for the advanced notice. I'll be sure to keep that day open.

Here is the schedule for the event. This is the first time I have went by one so I hope it works out well.

10AM: Open doors
10AM - 12PM: First game (BF2)
12PM - 12:15PM: Break
12:15PM - 2PM: Second game (CoD4)
2PM - 3PM: Food Break
3PM - 7PM: Tourney (CoD4 5v5)
3PM - 5PM: Third game (TF2)
5PM - 5:15PM: Break
5:15PM - 7PM: Fourth game (CS:S)
7PM - 7:15PM - Break
7-15PM - 10PM: Open Server requests
10PM - 12AM: Teardown

Games available:

This is flexable so comment if you really want changes.
Hi Ice,

I live near there, but have never been to a LAN before. I was actually quite excited to see that there was one near me. I don't have a ton of the games you mentioned, but I do have a few... I'd really like to come check it out, do I just bring my tower and monitor(s) and hang out?
[L]imey;1033594917 said:
Hi Ice,

I live near there, but have never been to a LAN before. I was actually quite excited to see that there was one near me. I don't have a ton of the games you mentioned, but I do have a few... I'd really like to come check it out, do I just bring my tower and monitor(s) and hang out?

Items you need to bring:
Headphones (no speakers at all!!)
Power cable (both for computer and monitor)
Power strip (recommend surge protector with at least 1000 Joules of protection)
Network cable (50 foot should be plenty, still working on shorting that run)
Game disks (incase you need to reinstall)
Windows OS disk (incase of computer failure.)
Phillips screwdriver
CoD 4. I am testing a new tourney mod for myself so that I can see if it will work for DesertBash 8 later this year.
I see the new date. What a coincidence. I had some stuff come up and was worried i wasn't going to make it. I like the new date. The new date pleases me. :)
I don't have COD5, nor do I plan on purchasing it. Do you guys think other people will be playing other games from 3-7 during the COD5 tourney?
Crap, I'm an unobservant idiot. Good call. Unfortunately (when it comes to me gaming that weekend) my gf is flying in for the weekend so I can't make the LAN :(

I did however find a deal for Left 4 Dead - it's 50% off - $24.99 this weekend! It's on the games list so I figured I'd give a heads up


Have a great time that weekend, guys
Is it ok if I bring my chair too? For some reason I need my chair with just the right armrest height to play decent.
Sure. Feel free to bring the chair. Each person should have about 3 feet of desktop space. Also on another note we have a magazine sponsor. Please see the first post with updated details.
3 feet?! That's awesome. C'mon guys, I know there's a shit ton of you in PHX. I see you all wondering the aisles @ Fry's eyeballing that new mouse pad, keyboard, or video card...wondering how much improvement it will bring to your game @ the next LAN. Well, this is it!
For those who don't have it (or haven't seen the deal posted anywhere) Team Fortress 2 is only 10 bucks on Steam until Friday.
I just installed TF2 for the first time since release. Played it @ a LAN, had a good time, then just kind of forgot about it. Considering it'll be one of the LAN games, I think it's a great time to brush up w/ hopefully what will be plenty of new players.
Added registration link. Please register if your coming and bringing friends.
25% registered. I send an email out to one more group today from work. Get your spot saved before we are full!!
1 more person and we have half full registered. I know of quite a few more that are just not registering. Get your names on the list quick! 1 week to go.
10AM is the usual time. Setup is pretty quick. I keep improving it each year to make it that much easier.
Good turn out! (pic from BB storm)

L4D rocks on the LAN!

Also, guy brought in his twin 24" 170hz capable behemoths. 100lb's a piece! But DAMN the lack of ANY input lag freaked me out! It's buttery w/ no ripping...sick. Gets me pumped about the new LCD's coming out though. :D
Fun Times!
Too bad i had to leave early. Hopefully I can hang out more for the next one.
I forgot my good camera so here are some pics from the phone.

This computer was neat the way they had all the mat material in the background. It was very quiet.


And here was everyone playing. I counted 35 total people show up.




I still need to fix the power now that I know that I don't have as many power circuits as I would like. Also hope to fix the long network runs part. Otherwise, current plans are for May 9th to be the next one. Hope to see you there!