q6600 and gigabyte 965p ds3 rev 3.3


Aug 10, 2006
anyone use this motherboard for overclocking the quad core. What kind of overclock did you get
ncixus.com .. ordered it on 26th, got it today. from vancouver to florida. not bad :)

check out the other threads regarding ncixus, there are some that are getting b3 still but majority have been getting G0's
20 miles south of Gainesville, Home Of The Fighting Gators:D

you think I will get a descent increase of performance moving to a quad core.Going to put this cpu in my family computer
boooo gators. seminoles baby lolol (even though all 3 of my sisters are UF graduates :p)

as for performance increase, it depends on what the pc will be running. with multi-tasking and having alot of things open/running, you should feel a difference. i went from a E4300 @ 2.4ghz, and i can feel a difference when opening up a program and stuff and definitely feel a big difference when running Lightroom and Photoshop CS3 at the same time.

whats suprising is, im getting better temperature with my Q6600 @ 3ghz than I did with my E4300 @ 2.4 with same heatsink.
I like the hurricanes and the seminoles..my son team..but you got to luv them gators :D . well i just got a new sony camcorder so i am going to try to do some movies and try some photos . But I mostly game. bf2 . I just pre ordered from clubit for a Go.:D