Q6600 OC question...sorry for the billionth post on this proc


Jun 12, 2004
I'd like to start by apologizing for yet another Q6600 post in this forum, but I'm am quite confused on this.

I was messing around with the clock speeds on my computer today and I managed to confuse myself a little bit. I have had my G0 Q6600 at 378x9 = 3.4ghz on my Abit IP35-e. I was a bit curious if a higher FSB would actually allow it to benchmark a bit higher. Knowing that I don't have proper cooling to run my vcore high enough to have a stable 3.6ghz I decided I would try for 400x8 = 3.2ghz and see how it benchmarks in comparison to my previous clock speed and allowing it to run a little bit cooler. This is where my confusion arises.

I went into bios and set it to 400x8 and crashed trying to load Windows. I thought possibly my ram needed more juice so I bumped it up to 2.1v and tried loosening the timings, it crashed again. I then moved on to see if my problem was with the northbridge. Long story short, sort of, I eventually increased the vcore from its previous setting, as I had always run 378x9 stable at and found the computer once again stable.

Why is it that I need increase my vcore quite substantially to run 400x8 = 3.2ghz as opposed to 378x9 = 3.4ghz? The increase was quite large, a small jump I could marginially understand due to the increase in fsb, but the overall clock is slower and I have to give it a lot more vcore for this.
have you considered the northbridge as an issue, rather than the cpu? I can do 9x400 and 8x450 with identical voltage settings for the cpu, but the ram and northbridge settings get more sensitive at 450 on my board.
also if vdroop is being an issue, in a 400fsb situation, it may be drawing more power causing the vdroop to be worse on your cpu thus requiring more voltage just to get it back to stable despite being a lower frequency.
Thank you for your suggestions, Hardforum has once again proved to be a great place for help.

I did search the forums a bit more and found my problem. Although I thought I was trying to boot at 400x8 it was actually 400x9. Apparently with ESIT enabled I am unable to switch multipliers. Although my bios was reporting an 8 it was actually 9. CPU-z verified I was trying to do 400x9 so I disabled ESIT in bios. I guess you do learn something new everyday. Thank you for the quick response though.
..if it takes more juice (Vcore) to get that xtra tiny amount of Mhz then drop back to the previous speed...... and no upping the northbridge voltage only helps in getting to higher FSBs for the mobo not the CPU.