Q6600 -> Q9550 upgrade - maybe....


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2005
I find myself needing to fix my brother's computer - he needs a new motherboard, CPU and memory because his socket 939 board croaked. I happen to have an extra ABit IP35 Pro motherboard, memory is cheap so that just leaves the CPU.

My conundrum is this: I thought about just getting him an E7200 CPU - they're relatively cheap and new/fast/etc. But of course I can't have it that simple. It dawns on me that I have a Q6600 in my current setup (that I just built btw lol) and if I pulled it out and put it in his "repair" which is amounting to a new computer, I could get myself a Q9550 for "only" a couple hundred more than if I buy him the E7200. Damnit.

So umm...talk me out of it? Oh ya this is the right place for that.
Hmm well, the Q9550 is only about 10 to 15% faster than the Q6600 IIRC. Uses a little bit less energy as well. May not OC as well as the Q6600 though.

Now what are you using your system for? Gaming? Heavy multi-tasking? Video editing and rendering? etc
Now what are you using your system for? Gaming? Heavy multi-tasking? Video editing and rendering? etc

Primary use is to brag to my friend who has an E8400 dual core that my system is faster. He keeps bringing up 45nm. Q9550 resolves that issue.

Also gaming, general purpose use w/multi-tasking, playing with some VMs as soon as I break down and buy VMWare.
Can I create VMware virtual machines using VMware Player? No. VMware virtual machines can only be created with VMware Workstation, VMware ACE, VMware Server, VMware ESX, or VMware VirtualCenter products.

VMWare server is free, too.
Unless your friend is OCed, just bump your Q6600 to 3ghz or better and do some benches. Q6600 should break even at the same clock speed. Win some games because of larger cache, lose some to 45nm, and the rest will be nearly no difference.
Unless your friend is OCed, just bump your Q6600 to 3ghz or better and do some benches. Q6600 should break even at the same clock speed. Win some games because of larger cache, lose some to 45nm, and the rest will be nearly no difference.

yep yep OP has a TRUE according to sig, not sure if he is OCing or not but 3.2GHz should be walk in the park.

You would get SSE4 instructions with the 45nm cpu which would be nice if any games in the future use it. Not sure its worth the cost delta.
Primary use is to brag to my friend who has an E8400 dual core that my system is faster. He keeps bringing up 45nm. Q9550 resolves that issue.

Also gaming, general purpose use w/multi-tasking, playing with some VMs as soon as I break down and buy VMWare.


That's not reason to go quad-core. You're just wasting your money and raising your electric bill. (If you were SERIOUS about virtual machines, it would be reason.)

However, check out Sun's VirtualBox. Free for home use and faster than VMWare and VirtualPC.
A Q9450 would fulfil the 45nm thing and cost significantly less. Thatd be my suggestion. Bump it to 400 to 420 FSB and be quite happy for a long time.
Primary use is to brag to my friend who has an E8400 dual core that my system is faster. He keeps bringing up 45nm. Q9550 resolves that issue.


Nice zombie thread, but considering the OP has q9650 in his sig I think it's quite moot.
If you do decide to plop a 45nm chip onto that IP-35 Pro board, just be sure to update the BIOS first unless it was purchased recently. IP-35 Pros are great boards, but they had issues supporting the 45nm chips when they came out. This has all been resolved through BIOS updates however.
If you get the Q9550 don't settle for anything less than an E0 stepper.


Or... you could save some money and find a sweet deal on a Q9400 which is very fast and powerful as well.
Or you could realize that you are spending money on something that has nothing to do with money?


I'd stick with the Q6600, unless you feel that you are going to gain the practical worth of what you are spending.
Considering its your repuation as a man that is at stake, I would wait a few months, get a nehalem, and ask your friend to grab his ankles. :)