Q6600 steping or batch?


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2005
Which is more important the stepping (B3 or G0) or the batch number? I have an opened B3 L725A with pack date of 9/19/07. From google, the batch seems to only for G0. The only guarantee thing with the G0 is that it will uses less power.
Generally, the stepping. Check for any ECNs to be sure.

It's more useful if you posted the sSpec (i.e. 5 character SL9xx or SLAxx code on the CPU and box).
I guess when I post the stepping I thought it was the same as sSpec. Anyways, I have a SL9UM(B3) with a batch of L725Axxx. Just wondering if I should try to get a SLACR (G0) with any batch number or keep mine because the batch seems good.
So you already have a b3 stepping? Its up to you whether if or not you want to go through the hassel of returning the b3 q6600 to get a guaranteed (not hard to get one guaranteed at this point in the game) g0 stepping.

Another thing to ask yourself is what are your ambitions for oc'ing this q6600? If its only a modest like 3.0ghz oc then I dunno if I'd really bother. But if you really really really want to take a shot at getting a quad up to 4.0ghz then you'll probably want to get the g0 just to tip the hand of fate a bit more in your favor to achieve that goal.